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Distributed <>j post, town.aiui.fcrain ruaaers, and agents at all inland townships
Properties For Sale. PiftAHoiAii.— Several sums of money to fiend on first olaaa saourity. C. W. BROWN, Certificated Accountant, Licensed Land Broker, Share Broker, Auditor, Valuer, and General Commission Agent. Offices: Eek street, Invercargill. Postal Address: 80x 77. AGENCIES Mutual Life Association of Australasia Southland Bacon Factory Southland Grain and Produce Agency W Properties for sale or to let can be entered upon my register and advertised in this column «poo very reasonable terms Tenders OLEABING, PLOUGHING & HARROWING "TIENDERS wanted for about 550 acrea on I South Block adjoining Mr Preston's boundary. Also about 250 acres on the Glenham Education Reserve. Separate tenders received up to 10th May. W. H. MEIN, a 23 Woodslee, Wyndham. TO BUILDERS. ' riENDEBS are invited for additions in brick I or iron, to N. Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co's Store, at Goro. Plans and specification can be aeon at the Co's office at Gore, and at my office, Invercargill, at which latter place tenders can be lodged until noon on Saturday, April 26th. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . WILLIAM SHARP, A.M.T.0.E., a! 9 Architect. O OUTHLAND COUNTY 1302— Fernbill Tillage Roadß, forming and gravelling 1803— Edendale to Wyndham Boad, gravel supply WRITTEN TEBDEBB for the above works will be received at this office until eleven o'clock on Tneeday, the 29th April, 1890. They must be addressed to the Chairman, and marked outside " Tender for Contract. No.—- (and name of work,)" Specifications and drawings can' be seen at this office. Also, for No, 1802, at Mr Shand'a house, Centre Bush ; for No. 1803, at the School honse, Edendale. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. N.B.— A deposit in cash or marked cheque must accompany each tender, amounting to 5 per cent on same. B. P. MacGOUN, County Clerk and Treasurer. County Council Office, Invercargill, 19th April, 1890. a2l For Sale and To Let fTIO LET— Brick residence in Don street. For M. particulars apply L. Rodgers, care of Wesney Brothers, Dee street. m3l Tji O B BALE Section 16, Block VI, East Winton, containing 6 acres 0 roods 3 poles, with four-roomed Cottage and hut thereon. Good garden. Apply to R. ALEXANDER, er at T. MoWilliam r s Store. Winton, 21st April, 1890, a 22 FOB SALE CHEAP — Two second-hand . Double Buggies, Hawker's Covered Express, Spring Cart with Cover. Also a large number of all kinds of new Vehicles and Harness. Apply American Carriage Factory. al6 XT Z. AGBIOULTUBAL COMPANY AM • Limited - HAVE A SPLENDID SELECTION o AGRICULTURAL FABMS PASTOBAL FABMS, MIXED FABMS AS WELL AS HOMESTEADS AND TOWNSHIP SECTIONS. Open for selection on deferred payments, on their Estate, extending from Gore to Athol and Dipton, Southland. For plans of the Estate, Township, &c, and other information, apply at the OFFICES OF THE COMPANY, Biversdale, Gore. — — i— — —— —— — l Money. MONEY TO LBND on FroehoU Security Apply MAODONALD ft BUSSBLL, Esk street, InvercargiUj Public Notices rjlH E SOUTHLAND TIMES Persons in the Country desirous of becoming subscribers, can have their papers thrown oil at tke Railway Stations or Siding along the line PRIOB-lD; OB 6«~PKR QTJABTIB. TOHOMAB HODGKXNSOH MAKABEWA BRIOK akd PIPS WORKS, Has Fob Bali— r^S Common Bricks, \^L Preened Bricks, i^l^i^^^^^^^MßMftk Farmers Pipes, ~ Wi r* ■'■ lM m ~*-' Pipes, Bends, Zflt Knees, "and Juno- - <(W tiona, ALL at Lowest Current Bates. Postal address— lnvar* cargil P.O. Trusting by prompt attention to business to merit the same liberal support that has been accorded to the late firm of Hi Bros. 27 THOS. HODGKINSON. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THI AGB NEITHER DOOTOBS NOB QUACKS have ever discovered a treatment equal to SLESINGER'S RHKSJMATIC BAL9AII For the cure, and almost instant refief, of Bheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Tiodoloreuz, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sprains or Pains of any kind from muscular or nervous affection. Thousands have testified to that effect. See pamphlets I Mr Slesinger having practised his profession as Veterinary Surgeon in different parts of the world, and the last 86 years in Victoria and New Zealai d, is a sufficient proof of the good qualities of his HOBSE, OATTLH and DOG MEDICINES The price of each in very low, and he wonld recommend every owner of animals : especially of horses, to keep some by them, especially his colic, or gripe, drink. Embrocation, Condition and Worm Powders, Hoof Oil, Blister ani Grease Ointment : tho latter ie a Cbbtaiv Ou&l for Cows Sorb Tbatb— see circulars ; also hit infallible Distemper Powders and Mange Ointmeot for Dogs. Every article has full diroctionshow to nse it. Beware of imitations, as some unprincipled uoundrels are trying to pass off the r nbbisb or the gensine. Son that my name and SJ9. TRADE — HABK V.B. Ib attached to oaoh article. £100 reward will be paid to proof leading to the conviction of any ono coanterfeitinc mv Trade Hark. " Wholesale Agents for Southland— Merari Walter Gathri* and Ooi s. slbsingbX Vetv. Sorffttttt. PBINTING of Every Description, executed* with neatness and despatch, done nt th* Squthi,a*i> timmi Opnqg, . .
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Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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838Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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