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Insurances. r IVtRPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBB i_ INSURANCE COMPANY. T__ Larsist Company vx thi Wobid. Infested Funds ... ... £7,072,140 Hetlncom « H_?4!_ Claims Paid 21,586,102 Every description of fire risks accepted at lowest rates. T. BRODRICK, __^ Agent npHE MARINE INSURANCE COY., -li> X " OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1836. CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED ... £1,000,000. Capital paid up £180,000 Reserve Fund 460,000 Premium Funds 870,000 Total funds in hand £1,000,000 Marine risks at Lowest Current Rates. Wool Insured from shed door to London. MITCHELL, WHITE _ CO,, al6 Agents, Tnvercsreill Watchmakers ITIBITOSS TO THE NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS EXHIBITION. Will miss one of tha most interesting sights in the Southern Hemisphere, should they fail to visit tha NEW ZEALAND WATOH EMPORIUM, 84 PftllTO-S STBX-T, DmiHDIH. The depot from which BTBWABT DAWBON AND 00, The weU known ENGLISH L_V_R WATOH Manufacturers, of Liverpool and London, offer t* a discriminating colonial pablie. WATCHES WATCHES WATCHBS Perfect as Timekeepers, Matchless in Quality, Finish and Workmanship, at prices ABSOLUTELY DEFYING COMPETITION. Direct from the Factory to the People, thus abolishing all intermediate profits. IF YOU WANT To secure one of those invaluable timekeepers, and to learn beforehand all particulars concerning them, a splendidly illustrated Pamphlet will be delivered free to anybody calling for it, or sent for 8d stamp to anybody who writes f er it, to BTEWART, DAWSON * 00. Ef YOU WANT A first class, highly finished Lady s or Gent's Hunting Lever Watch, with gold balance and all latest improvements, worth seven guineas, for £8 10s, write to STEWART, DAWSON _ 00. IP YOU WANT A compensation balance, full jewelled Gentleman's Lever Hunting Watch well worth 8 guineas, for £4 10s write to STEWART, DAWSON * CO. IF YOU WANT An English Chronograph Lever Watch i plate, with centre seconds and stop action, hunting case, of value unequalled at nine guineas, for £6 10s, write to STEWART, DAWSON 4 CO. a YOU WANT A real English Keyless Railway _ever for excellence, convenience, and accurate performance never equalled, plate glass front, defying any risk of breakage, worth ten guineas, for £6 10s, write to STEWABT, DAWBON * CO. Ef YOU WANT The Stand aid of Appeal for the Sport* ing world, an English Double Chronograph with independent start, stop, and fly back eecond hand, crystal front, £9 10s ; and hunting case £10 10 a, Geld cases, crystal front £25,Hu-ters£37 10s Watches pronounced by all wearers to be the " Acme of Perfection," and undoubt edly worth those sold elsewhere at double thoee prices, write to STEWABT, DAWBON 4 CO, IF YOU WANT A horizontal movement, Sterling 811 ver Lady's and Gent's "Defiance watch, worth fifty Bhtllinga but sol at £1 7e 6d, Huaters £1 16 s write t BTEWART, DAWSON 4 00. Besides^theee and many other grades, too numerous io mention, but all fully illustrated in their pamphlet. STEWART. DaUsON AND CO., Have on exhibition a splendid assortmewt of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Jewel* lery of all de-criptiona, at pricea hitherto unknown In the colony. NEW ZEALAND WATCH EMPORIUM, 84 Pribcm Stbjs-T, Duhkdih, And at Auckland, Sydney, and Melbourne. 62 Public Notices WHISKEY. STIBLING BONDING COMPANY* Stirling Sootlahd N3. PUBS OLD HIGHLAND WHISKYB. Old Gaelio, *' Smuggler brand ; " bilk and case. Highland Special Reserve, " Bobert Burns brand ■/' bulk and case. This celebrated whisky is guaranteed twelve yews old before being Bhipped. Sola agents for Otago and Sowthland, WHITTINGHAM BROS, ahd INSTONE [A CARD.] "TV H. J E*N NIN GB, HOUSE AGENT _ COLLECTOR. Addbbbb : Australian Mutual Provident Offices, Up stairs, No. 2, Esk Strjikt, Ikvbroabqill. cc A DULTERATED PEPPEB /* — *— * Adulterated Pepper is being offered to Grocers throughout Otago and Southland, as pure pepper, by a loquacious individual, such pepper being a disgrace to the Trade. BEWARE OF SUCH RUBBISH AND INSIST UPON HAYING Strand's Absolutely Pure Pepper Every tin or package guaranteed pure. Ask for Strang'a Renowned MAORI BRAND COFFEE, a blend of the fineet Mocha, Ceylon and other choice coffees. Ask for Strang's Patent SOLUBLE COFFEE POWDER, made simply with boiling water, much superior to essences and cheaper to uas. DAVID liTRANG, BTBAM OOFFEB _ SPICE MILLS, JfIYKBOAIV&U* N.Z.
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Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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676Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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