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.Dick's P^entßelting. i CRICKET MATERIAL,— New Season's Stock Just in. Recommended by all Consult- S I £ ! h*fc»^ 2 ff 1 W W • BATS.— Duke's, Wisden's, and Aquila, Clapshaw, and Salmon's. Practice Bats, 15s each— a good service- "- iDg Engineers, Dredge-mas- g <f|\Vl ffiilV 111 1 f , syj i/Hb 8 V V P * able Bat ' ter B> andßWiowners. p I LEG GUARDS ' BALLS, STUMPS, WICKET-KEEPING.and BATTING GLOVES fiVERY BELT STAMPED ® W BeW " e ° f German Imitationß I SCORING BOOKS, with Analysis and Rules as approved by M.C.C. WITH REGISTERED £ O &_ W as so-called Balata : " COUNTRY CLUBS TREATED ON SPECIALLY LIBERAL TERMS. * TRADE MARK. O «^ Sf M S ' I - w every belt 1 £l «§§![33s3ss^g! S > • Smith's Galvanised Flexible Crucible Steel Wire Ropes. GUARANTEED. « %*tL£^V^J^ g I The ° nly R ° pe that bM st °° d the test of timeon the Molyneu * and elsawherei Mr John Edmoito. Dunedin, March 21, 1898. "'• -rt i t ja • i-» i -^-Z ~ " Dear Sir,— Oar experience in the use of Dick's Patent Belting is tbat it possesses all the essential qualities of • .kngllSJl 9/HQ AmeriCtill Bart) ViTire. a perfect belt in a higher degree than any other we have used — viz., great strength, smooth running, keeps perfectly o T>l «-. ,«1*- «-»■*-» A /"*«! *-« * *3 -an *• -r-r-r* straight, and does not stretch. Our main belt ran for years without being taken up. We can with confidence recom- ♦ SDLGiGK. aiICL UTaiValllSeOL JP eilClll^ Wire mend it to all belt users.-We are, dear fl ir, yours faithfully, COSSET & BLACK. \ FeilCillg Standards Cut aild Punched tOpj^Y^ GHESNESRAXji IRONMONaBR J&.JSTT} 12 .A. KIB MERCHANT.
ANDREW LEES, 48 GEORGE STREET, DXJNEDIN, Agent for BON ACCORD SANITARY PAINT,- , The Latest Wonderful Invention in Paints. [TT is a perfect Paint of great durability and uL- beautiful appearance. Ready for immediate application, and easily applied. Produces' a hard, enamel-lifce surface, which, after several years, looks as fresh as ever by being merely washed down, and resists the weather to a remarkable degree. It is suitable for all purposes, but especially valuable for outside • work. The cost of Bon Accord Painting does not exceed j-o per cent, over that of ordinary paint work, but it pays to use it, 75 per cent, being saved in the long run, as it protects the woodwork, etc., of a house more thoroughly and for a longer period than white lead paint. Put up in 5-gallon drums, l-gailon, lon, and tins ; also in small tins (two Bizea), in sixty beautiful colours. All the LATEST NOVELTIES in PIC-TURE-FRAME MOULDINGS and FANCY GLASS. Largest Stock of ARTISTIC PAPERHANGINGS in New Zealand. See Our Patterns before goina; elsewhere. ANDREW LEES, 48 George street, Dunedin. 23f CHEAP MONEY! CHEAP MONEY! IN SUMS OF iIOO TO £10,000 ON COUNTRY, CITY, and SUBURBAN i FBEEROLDS At 44 per cent to 5 per cent Apply at any Agency of the GOVERNMENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. J. H. RICHARDSON. i " Government Insurance Commissioner. A I.— PROOFS BUDLT ON PROOFS. NO JUGGLING FOR THE SAKE OF ■ ' BUSINESS. E.NOWLEDQE IS POWER. A knowledge of how to blend herbs is necessary to cope with the diseases of this life. The cures effected by VITADATIO are proof that this knowledge has been attained. It has •wrought great cure 3 where the sufferers were said to be " incurable." All chemists sell it. Thousands are drawn to look at the Angelus by Millet. Such pictures are invaluable moral teachers. They send the lessons down into the ihearfc more effectually than the choicest words of eloquence. Our Great Herbal Remedy, VITADATIO sends a>hrill of joy through the ■whole system by giving great bodily strength, great nerve strength, great mental strength, and great digestive strength. JTHE DOCTORS WERE CALLED IN FOR TWENTY-TWO YEARS. Launceston. Dear Sirs, — I feel it a duty which I owe to the public to say" a few words in favour of your VITADATIO, which has done me much good. About 25 years ago I had a severe attack of Inflammation of the Liver, which left that organ in a very weak condition ; in fact, so much so that three or four times every year I required the doctor to " patch me up." It is aiow about three and a-half years since I was recommended to try VITADATIO. The effect •was most wonderful. After taking five bottles tt did not feel I had a liver, so thoroughly had /that organ been put right, and so easy did it do its work. Prom the first day I began the Use of VITADATIO to the present hour, I have mot required the services of a doctor for what ■was to me for so many years a most distressing (Liver Complaint. It gives me great pleasure to (recommend VITADATIO to the public, and, on <fch'at ground alone, you may make any use you please oi this. Yours faithfully, • JOHN GOODGER. ■Witness— l. L. Forbes. S. A PALMER, Agent-general for Australa;Bia. Head Office for New Zealand, 39 Manners street, Wellington. IPrice of VITADATIO, 5» 6d and 3s 6d, Chemists and Grocers*
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Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 13
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829Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 13
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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 13
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