FINEST QUALITIES ONLY : BASS'S CHAMPAGNE ALE Guinness's Extra Stout. Largest Contents on the Market. Agent ... JAMES RATTRAY & SON. TO THOSE ABOUT TO MARRY. FURNISH THROUGHOUT F. A. HOOFER & GO.'S., OCTAGON, DUNEDIN". FOUR ; ROOMED COTTAGE FURNISHED THROUGHOUT FOR £35. SITTING ROOM.— Art Carpet Square, 1 Fender, 1 Hearthrug, 1 Set Fireirons, Suite Upholstered in Leather (1 Couch, 2 Easy j Chairs, 4 small Chairs, 1 Oval or Round Table).— The Room for £14. BEDROOM.— -1 Art Carpet Square, 1 Duchesse Toilet Chest with bevelled mirror, 2 j jewel drawers and brass handles, 1 Set , Toilet Ware, 1 Washstand with Towel Raits, 1 Double Bedstead, 1 Spring Mat- ' tress, 1 Bolster, 2 Kapok Pillows, 2 Cane I Chairs. — The Room for JEIO 10s. SPARE BEDROOM.— Art Square, 1" Single J Bedstead and Spring Mattress, 1 Bolster | and Pillow, 1 Washstand and Ware, 1 ! Toilet Table and Glass.— The Room for £4 10s. DINING ROOM, Etc.— Floorcloth (12 x 10), 1 Table, 3 Chairs, 1 Dinner Set of 25 pieces, 1 Tea Set of 21 pieces, 1 Set Jugs (3 sizes), 6 Tumblers, 1 American Broom, 1 Sot Shoe Brushes, 2 Black Lead Brushes, 1 Tin Dipper, 1 Knife Board, 3 Saucepans (in sizes), 1 Kettle, 1 Fryingpan, 2 Galvanised Washtubs, 1 Wood Washboard, 1 Galvanised Bucket, 1 Teapot, 1 Japanned Coal-hod, 1 Hair Broom, 1 Wash-up Basin, Half-dozen Teaspoons, Half-dozen Dessert Spoons, Half-dozen Tablespoons, Halfdozen Dessert Forks, Half-dozen Table Forks, Half-dozen Dessert Knives, Halfdozen Table Knives. — The Room for £7 10s. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED GOOD QUALITY. THE FOUR ROOMS FOR £35, PACKED FREE OF COST. F. A. HOOPER A CO y OCTAGON, DUNEDIN. STOP WATCH GIVEN AWAY. TO CYCLISTS, ATHLETES, RACING, BOAT. . ING-MEN AND OTBOSBS. CAN YOU BEAD THIS. A 1 V«»Y 1 U»EF«L \ W»T»H 1 I | Q»»N"~ »F 1 1 1 GU«SS 1 B«G«T |& 1 B«Y |A ) CH«»iT In order to introduce our Business into every Household in Aurtralia, wo undertake and jfiar. ftntee to GIVE AWAY one of o\ir ■World-famed £3 10s. SOLID SILVEB CENTBE SECOND STOP WATCHES, or a Ladies' or G«nts* BoUa Silver KEYLESS HUNTER to every Beader who aends the Correct Beading of the above Puzzle. CONDITIONS. — That your antwer to th« Puzzle it correct, and that you further undertake, if correct, to purchase one of our SOLID SILVEB (Single or Double) CHAINS. Send stamped addressed envelope for reply. Apdresb — THE MANAGES, THE GLOBE , WATCH COMPANY, LTD., 105 Pitt-itreefc. j fiidnej-
Page 13 Advertisements Column 2
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 13
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