LONDON, August 28. A Reuter's telegram states that Chang Vi, Commissioner of Mines in the province of Chihli, in Eastern Mongolia, has chosen M. Destring, a Russian official, as hi? foreign adviser. August 30. For some time there has been a correspondence proceeding between the British and the Russian Governments in regard to a long-standing claim made by Jardine, Matheson, and Co., Hongkong, merchants, to a portion of the land included in a concession granted at Hankow by China to Russia. The two Governments have now ! agreed to refer the matter to arbitration.
The statement of Victor Maurice Braund, journalist, Wellington, shows a deficiency on the estate of £1209 18a ,6d. Sir William Zeal estimate? that capital to the amount of one, million hhr"a r " been withdrawn from Victoria on account ol the incoma tax. ' ■ ■ Boat the bi(? drum and shout hurrah. A' discovery! The best thing this aide of the line; licks everything of the*kind into a cocked hat. No more sleepless nights. A boon to parents ; an everlasting blessing. Wtat? Why, Woods's Great Peppermint Cure for coughs and colds, of course. Sold. | everywhere at Is 6d and 2e '6d ; the large bus • ia the cheaper in the lone rum.
Otago Witness, Issue 2375, 7 September 1899, Page 13
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