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USED OARS FOR SALE RILEY, Classy Sports Roadster, 42 m.p.g.; sacrifice, £75.—14 "Walton St.. Remucra. lEEY O-cylT Saloon, mechanically perfect unci in new condition.—Johnson and Son, Engineers, Parncll. RUGBY 4-door Sedan, faultless order, economical; any trial; £Bs.—Phone 24-912 OEDAN, Austin 7, £9O; Chevrolet, £135; £5 Murris-Cowley, £110: Plymouth, £IOO. — 23 Peach ltd. TANBARD Big 9, Sunshine roof, appearance like new; low price, £los.—Premier Motors, Ltd. _______ rpRIUMPH Super Seven Saloon, mechanic-. JL ally perfect, well shod; cheap.—Phone 25-714 VAUXHALL, 191)4 Sedan, 14-0 h.p.; low mileage; new condition; £250; inspection invjted.—Taylor, 175 Albert Street. OELLEKS and Buyers of Cars may obtain O Finance from the Traders' Finance Corporation, Ltd., British Chambers. Hitfh St.. A uckland. C.l. _____ '"FRAILER, strong, suitable or J- camping.—"Western and Cutler, 144 Newton Rd., next Auto Parts. ~\J\TRI2CKING Austin 7; 1931 Ford Truck; W Opel; D.A. Dodge—7A Ponsonby Rd. -\TfTHIPPET 4-Dor>r Sedan, economical. W puint and rubber good; consider Tourer. —Phone 27-711. _ TTSED Car Parts, 130 Newton Rd ; DisU mantling 1920 Rugby, Big Six, Phone 43-207. —— A NOTHER Genuine Bargain.—Chrysler 75 Roadster; on air wheels; perfect; £wi>.~ Wakfield Motors. Wakfiekl St. X'OO 10s.—Overland Tourer, good order. —Buchanan, Prospect Rd., Glen Kden. ——- Of! Beach Rd.—Chevrolet National Sedan, ZU £125; Rugby Tourers, £BO and £4a; De Sotos, £175. rrr. — rt r C— Rover 9 Tourer, splendid condition, jboo —O9 Upland Rd., Remuera. Phone •24-714. (> ~(\ 10S.—Essex 0 Sedan, splendid order, dbDt/ excellent rubber; urgent sale.—McCabe's, Newton. rr r\ —Popular Light English Sedan, I\J leather upholstery, well shod, splendid order; absolute sacrifice, Rin;; 28-191. -j QQ-J Austin 7 Saloon, very nice order IJOI throughout; £lls.—Do Luen and Haidley, Epsoiii. /~IAR BARGAINS at Edgar C. Pearce's Garage, Khyber Pass. Every car must be sold within two weeks to clear the iioor for skating;— Essex Sedan, £00; Chevrolet Roadster, £47 10s; Buir.k, £55; Overland, £25; Fords, £ls 10s, £l7 10s; Sunbeam, £ls; Buick, £10; Glide, £8 10s; Studebaker, £2O. Motor-Cycles: Harley-Davidson, £l7 10s; Douglas. £0; Francis Barnett, £l2 10s. Many others to choose from.—Pearce Garage, Khyber Pass. Phone 46-200. T HE ]_) OMLNION j^[° TOI!S ' Exceptional values in better class Used Cars. BUICK, 1930 Sedan. This car will stana thorou/h inspec- .£Ol A tion. First-clasw appearance Jb will stana thorou/h inspec- .£Ol A tion. First-clas* appearance DODGE, 1930 Senior 0 Sedan, practically new condition. Only ch/stjij ESSEX, J930 tiedans, Four to choose from ESSEX, 1931 Sedan, in new X'OIO condition S/W-Lv/ HILLMAiN WIZARD, 1932 Saloon. This car is in perfect order. Only covered 12,000 miles HUDSON 8, 1930 Coupe, small mileage, one owner. Reduced „ from £3OO to HUDSON, 1931 Sedan, fitted with air wheels. In guaranteed condition. Was £3OO, now . . Morris 10/4 Saloons, 193.3/34 models. Four to choose from . . Morris-major. 1933 saloons. -P9f»A Three in stock, from "*W*«V/v7 MORRIS-OXFORD Saloon. 1932 model. This car is in exceptional condition and excel- X* lent buying at cV—"iO RILEY, late model Saloon. Will Q~ stand any trial .. .. ROVER. 1932 Saloon. Very small -£lQ£ mileage. Practically new . . On any of the above cars we are prepared to trade your present used vehicle, and arrange terms on our private finance plan for balance. „ 100 ALBERT ST. 57 ALBERT ST. Phone 41-890. Phone 41-755. rpilE DOMTNION M otors. L td. £265 £240 £2OO BOATS, LAUNCHES. ETC, FOR SALE A LPHA Engines, Sailing. Rowing. PowerHuIIb on view—6 Nelson St. A LLELY BROS.—Marine Engines. 2 h.p. A to 40 h.p.. Benzine Crude Oil. Propellers. Shafting.—Little Queen St. BURGESS, the Original Outboard Service Station.—All makes sold, serviced: new Motors, £29 10s; Used, from £lo.—Only address, 30 Customs St. CLASS T. Zephyr, two seasons old: £3O. — No. 1 Beresford St.. Bayswater. DINGHIES, Bft.. quality, workmanship: lowest prices.—Barton. Boatbuilders. 1 Ring Terrace, Ponsonby TOHNSON Seahorses. Complete stock *J new, used Motors, 1934 models. Repairs, Overhauls, all makes.—Outboard Sales and Service, 32 Customs St. BOATS, LAUNCHES, ETC., WANTED DINGHY. 7ft.. light build; state price.— Calliope, Box 182, C.P.O. "JJSED Canoe Wanted.—Apply 90 Hobson MOTOR TYRES AND ACCESSORIES A DVANX Roadmasters give same mileage A as New Tyres at half the cost.—l 99 Hobson St. DIAMOND Retreads, lowest cost, greater mileage.—Motor Tyre Exchange. 15 Wellesley St. E. 44-127. EDGAR PEARCE, Khyber Pass.—Large Stock Us->d Tyres, all sizes, very cheap. FREE! REPAIR OUTFIT WITH EVERY 20s PURCHASE FOR EASTER WEEK ONLY. AUTO TYRE SERVICE CO., 21 Pitt St. Phone 44-440. GOOD Used Wheels. Tyres and Tubes from air-balloon conversions.—Auckland Tyre Co., Fort St. TYRE Hospital, 00 Albert St.—Phone 44-559. Good conditioned tyres and tubes, also guaranteed repairs. '"PYRES, 40 x 8, new, 24in., suit grader X or tractor.—7A Ponsonby Rd. ,r } r 7 / Ci 30 x 31; Tubes, 5s Cd; similar low m I / vi> prices other sizes.—Bill Massey'B. 1K!I Khyber Pass Phone 41-071 ELECTRO-PLATERS \ UCKLAND Electroplating Coy., Ltd., A.X. estb. 1889. New Address: 351 Queen St.. few doors above Town Hall, same side. Phonp 42-01S _ CITY Electroplating Company, Civil Square.—Consult the experts for superior Chromium Silver and Nickel.—Phone 43-570. "VTICHOLAS & WHALEY, Electroplaters. -I-* Nickel Silvering and Bronzing; work guaranteed.—oß Albert St. Phone 30-004.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 2
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1,014Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 2
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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