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MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE BABY Morris Van, 1931; £BS; acc'ept Cheaper Car or Van. Terms, 196, Hkkald. BARKATT, PHILLIPS. 04 High St.-Cov-ered Vans, Chevrolet, £6B 10s: Ford. 1930; Rugby, 1927, £3B 10s. Terms. BABY Austin Milk Van, flat tops; Chevs., Fords, Fugeol, Trucks, from £lO. —Winstone's, Symonds St. I?ZEL Brake Tester, complete, as new, cheap; Truck Parts, various makes; scrap prices.—Winstone's, Symonds St. INTERNATIONALS (2). 20-30cwt„ dual X rear wheels, good order; 1 1-Ton International Horse Float, very nicely built.—F. J. Farrell, Ltd., Hamilton. RUGBY, j-ton, good tyres, performs well; £•27 10s; terms; trade. —Phone 12-072. _£• Q C—Bargain—Model A Ford, 30cwt., Covered Van.---76 Federal St. JQODGE Ton ; good cab and body .. £l4O INTERNATIONAL, 6-speed, new tyres, cab and body . . . . £145 CHEVROLET 6, cream carrier body, singles . . . . . . . ■ • • £125 G.M.C., 6, 4-speed, cream carrier body, duals . . . . • . • • £145 REO 6, short wheelbase, tip body . . £BS BEDFORD, 1934, 12,000 miles, L.W.B. new tyres, duals . . . . . - £285 MORRIS C, cab and new body, all new tyres, L.W.8., duals .. . . £275 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, Fargo Agents, 75 Beach Road. TRUCKS, i- RUCKS. Beauty ford Van. Real i? 97 good .. - COWLEY Van. £OS gTANDARD Van" £55 "fi" Truck. Hyd. brakes Jo^qs Justin -v Van. 1929 .. Whippet ••<?" 30Cwt. Truck. i?iQ]r * * All new rubber wIOJ Easy Terms. Liberal Trade-in Allowances. JOHN & J^TD. COMMERCIAL DIVISION, 142 NEW NORTH ROAD. AUCKLAND, C.3. PHONE 40-145. Good OOD USED SED CKTAKING RUCKS. For purposss of Stocktaking we are appreciably reducing the prices of MANY 0" OUR USP)D TRUCKS. COME ROUND AND INSPECT. EASY REPAYMENT TERMS. SOUND VEHICLES. QpAPPENDEN 'jyj-OTORS, Jj TDgEDFORD J^ISTRIBUTORS, BEACH ROAD. CITY. JQOMINION jy"OTORS, J^TD. JJSED AND yANS. The Stock mentioned below trill bear any mechanical inspection. For Quick Sale are at Gift Prices. JUSTIN 7 1928 Van ~ .. £fr() JUSTIN 7 1931 Van .. .. CHEVROLET 1929 1-Ton Flat Pin A Top. Perfect order . . c&JLUU pHEVROLET 1929 Tip Truck, Pi OA complete with hand tip . . cS'J-wU QHEVROLET 1928 Van £6O DOVER 1929 Van. Thoroughly -f overhauled. Perfect condition INTERNATIONAL 1929 2-Yard POAA Tip Truck. Well shod. Per- 'UU feet mechanical condition. TNTERNATIONAL 1930. Dual i?99A Rear Wheels. Practically new tyres, guaranteed mechanical condition. Also cheap for quick clearance: 'Chevrolet £ls, Ford 1-ton £2O. Leylnnd. minus motor balance of truck, to be sold for spare parts, offer wanted. Where pood Used Trucks are Bought. Terms arranged on our own Finance Plan. 166 Albert Street. 57 Albert Street. Phone 44-890. Phone 41-755. T HE D ( Iy^OTORJ Both Showrooms Onen Daily from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. NEW CARS FOR SALE DEXTER MOTORS. 51 Albert St., Leading Riley Distributors.—Full Supply Spare Parts Stocked; expert service. Morris cars, s.s. sports cars, 1935 Models, at R. M. GRIERSON, LTD.. 15 Wyndhnm Street, Auckland. Phone 41-256. "y A U X H A L L. TAPPENDEN MOTORS. LTD.. City Master Distributors, 39 Beach Road. Auckland. YAUXHALL AGENT. ARTHUR TAYLOR. " 175 Albert Street, Cook Street End. Phone 41-690 for Demonstration. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT.—Try the new VAUXHALL 14 before deciding on the purchase of a new car See DAVID H. GRANT. 406 Queen Street. ALLOW us to Demonstrate the new Vauxhall, 14 h.p.—David H'. Grant, Ltd., 406 Queen St. BICYCLES FOR SALE /CYCLES at Wholesale Prices.—British. VV from £5 10s cash.—Warburton. Forester's Bldrs.. New Lynn. J ACKSON Special Racers. £l2 10s; Sports models, £8 10s; Roadsters, £6 cash; terms to suit. Large stocks of Lamps just landed; prices from 2s 9d.—Jackson's Reliable Cycle Works. 99 Karangahape Rd., between Queen and Liverpool Sts. lEADER Racing Cycles Best by test. -J Yours is ready now. Easiest terms.— Clarke's Cycles, Newmarket. REBUILT Cycles, from £2 19s; Racing Models, £1 10s; Ladies', £'4 10s; as new. —Balmoral Cycles, 666 Dominion Rd. RECONDITIONED, complete, thoroughly overhauled, £2 10s, £3 ss, £3 15s; Repairs, Accessories.—Roy Belchamber, 485 Dominion Rd. 29-SB2. RECONDITIONED Cycles, from £2; New Cycles, easy terms, from 2s 6d weekly.Goodman's Cycles. 267 Newton. ALL British "Royal Hunter" Cycles are the best. Five years' guarantee; 12 months' free service.—Dominion Cycles, .239 Eden Terrace. SPLENDID New Cycles, from 2s . 6d weekly; old Cycles taken deposit.— Goodman's Cycle Store, 267 Newton. O/(I Weekly. New Cycles, from £5 15s. O Exceptional value.—Clarke's Cycles. Ltd.. Cyole Specialists. Newmarket —Cash, c.o. Herald Agent, Glen Eden. ENGLISH Quality Cycles, from £5 15s cash; easy terms arranged. Generator Lamps, comp. from 15s, Carbide from 9s; Battery Lamps from 4s 6d ; Oil Lamps from 2s 9d. Full Stocks of Accessories at Keenest Prices.—F. R. Hutchinson, opp. Geo. Court's, Newton. Est. 1894.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 2
Word Count
733Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 2
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.