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USED OARS FOR SALE COWLEY Roadsters (2). £BO-£GS: Rugby 6 Tourer. £65: American 6 Tourer, £25; Grey, £25; Oakland, £45.—9G Albert St. 41-520. DE SOTO 4-Door Sedan, 1930, leather, small mileage; sailing England; £175 cash, offer.—Owner. 290, Hekai.l). DURANT 4-DOOR SEDAN, 1930, new duco. 5 new tyres, splendid engine; verv neat and smart apl>earunce; £125; car, cycle derosit; terms. PHONE 27-047. ASTEIt Bargains.—Oldsmobile, 1929 Sedan £135; Chevrolet National Sedan. £115; Chrysler "70" Tourer, .£BS; MorrisCowley Tourer, £45; Chevrolet, 1926 lourer, £42; Beauty Ford Sedan, £21».—405 Mnnukau Road, Epsom. 13-3°7. ENGLISH Tourers.— Wolseley, 14 h.p., good tyres, £27 10s; Talbot, 14 li.p., reliable, £22 ina 1.-IQUITAULE LOAN AND FINANCE CO _llj will Finance Car Sales. —You find the buyer, we v ill pay you cash and illwl-h° buyer to repay ub on terms. —303-5 Cooke s Bldgs., Queen St. Phone 41-729. 1 "7*l AT Tourer, beautiful car; cost over ■ £1100;. our price, £-18,—150 Albert Stu_ ITiORD A Roadster, condition perfect; any . £77 105—289 Gt. South lid. IfiORD Beauty Tourer, owner no further use: £25, offer. —352 Queen St. ITORD Tourer, £115; Singer Sports, £130; 1 Chev. Tourer. £28.-138 Kliyber Puss. Coupe, Model A, good order, well Jl shod; good value, £95; terms. —95 Albert St. "fpORD NEW BEAUTY . TOURER, excellent all-round condition. Any Offer Considered. PAINE BROS., Oliiliuhu. Phone 25-295. GLIDE, £8 10s; Buick, £10; Fords. £ls. £l4 10s; Truck, £25, £ls; bargains.— i Pearce, Garage, lvhyber Pass. JUNIOR Singer, 35 m.p.g., perfect order, low mileage.—Queen's Head Hotel. MORRIS-Oxford Tourer, good order, f.w.b.; £55; rigid curtains; terms.— Phone 40-021. MORRIS-Cowley, 4-door Sedan, private city use only; superbly kept; £Bs. Auckland Motor Co. M, ORRIS Minor, 1932. Saloon, excellent condition throughout. Baby, 397, Herald. Phone 22-070. MORRIS-Oxford. Ccyl. Saloon, new condition, small mileage, late model; only £205; cost £SOO. —Independent Motors. Ltd.. 37 Albeit St. "j\,rORRIS-CO WLEY 19-29 Saloon. 1 private IVX owner; convertible camping seats.— Civic Motors, Grey's Ave. "jl/TORRIS MINOR, genuine 1934 model. -"'JL small mileage, condition as new, real leather upholstery, luggage carrier, etc.; bargain, £l5B. cash or terms.—CURTIS BROS., Shortland Parking Station. YTASH Sedan, beautiful order, mileage -L* 23,000; a real snip, £l3s.—Bert Shorter, 57 Shortland St. OAKLAND Tourer, perfect, f.w.b.; any trial.—Apply 37 Sutherland Rd., Pt. Chevalier, evenings. 1 QQH AUSTIN SEVEN SALOON. J-t/OvNewly Painted. One Owner. PAINE BROS., Otahuhu. Phone 25-296. IQOQ CHEVROLET SEDAN. luwO Runs Like a New Car. PAINE BROS., Otahuhu. Phone 25-296. DEPENDABLE TTSED riARS. REAL EASTER BARGAINS. YOUR OLD CAR TAKEN IN PART PAYMENT AND TERMS IF DESIRED. DOD&E Straight 8 Sports Sedan, 6 wire wheels. Good tyres. Plush upholstery. Appearance and mechani- -C'yftZ cally as new .. O HILLMAN 8 Saloon. Maroon duco. Servo brakes. Leather upholstery. A high-grade -£'~| 7 car at a bargain price . . <**-«- ' DODGE Victory G Sedan v perfect running order. Newly painted. Good tyres. Thoroughly dependable . . «-*• ROVER 10/25 Saloon. One owner. Maroon duco finish. Wire wheels. Economical, i? 1 fy-A smart and reliable AUSTIN 12 Saloon. First-class order. Newly painted. Complete in every way. Real X 1 A Z Good Buying , ■ ■ , • ■ STANDARD Little Nine Saloon. late model. Leather uphol- r stery Sunshine top. Good tyres. Real Value . • Also a Wide Range of other Cars and Trucks fiom £2o. VTORTHERN J^TD.. 156 ALBERT ST. AND CIVIC SQUARE. PHONE 44-975. RECONDITIONED "QSED AT QAR JgUYERS & gELLERS, USED CAR SPECIALISTS, 43G-438 UPPER QUEEN STREET, Be Convinced. See and Compare Values! CHEVROLET Sedan. 4-wheel £OB brakes .. • • • • ■ jjURANT "G" Coupe. A beauty BUICK Sedan, Light "6." J?1 OA chea p • • PLYMOUTH 1930 Coupe. £1 Hydraulic . . . • • ■ *" Challenger Sedan. Per- £^3o Tudor Sedan, 1931. Vaiuo £l5O pLYMOUTH Sedan, 1931. £155 gINGER Junior Saloon, 1931 - OXFORD Saloon. QiTANDARD "9"' Saloon, 1932. £175 THORD V 8 Tudor Sedan, 1934 £245 MANY CHEAP / TOURERS.—Here Are a Few: Maxwell, wire wheels, £23; Oakland Sedan, £25; Studebaker, 4-cyl., £27; Hupmobile, £3O; Rugby, £4O. Morris-Cowley. £55, Chrysler-Maxwell Roadster, £55; Chrysler. 4-cyl., model "o8." £75. INSPECT TO-DAY. EASIEST OF TERMS. OPEN EVERY EVENING. From 7 Until 9. Saturday, 5 p.m. Phone 43-052. Week-end, 12-816. WAIKATO AND 1 V V aikato Ivtng COUNTRY BUYERS! BIGGEST SELECTION BETTER VALUES, DEPENDABILITY AND EASIER TERMS At EBBETT MOTORS, I TD„ BBETT J-UOTORS. -L'TD., USED CARS SALES, HOOD AND ALEXANDRA STREETS, HAMILTON. Are just a few of the Good Reasons Why we Sold during 1934 over 400 USED CARS AND TRUCKS. 400 USED CARS AND TRUCKS. YES! FULL VALUE ALLOWED ON YOUR PRESENT CAR AS PART PAYMENT. BUT HURRY! EBBETT I\fOTC BBETT J>J-OT( K ING IVTva Ct ALL, T3ING OR 'ALL. JLtING OR WRITE rpO-DAY. RITE J-O-DAY. IjX>RD, 1932, Tudor Sedan, in next to nsw condition; a X'l/lu really good car and only .. /"CHEVROLET, 1929, G. Sedan, -£1 9 K new duco, splendid order . . VAUXHALL, 14 h.p., Light Six, 1934 model; only done 3000; new car guarantee . . /CHEVROLET, 1934. Master G Sedan, hardly used. Greatly reduced ROVER, 1931, Saloon, new duco, J?1 A E wire wheels. Sound buying . . OTHER SEDANSCHEVROLET, 1929 . . . . L' jOA "SSL £9B J- CHEVROLET, 1928. £75 *£Bs TOBD. Model A. £rjQ & £35 OLDSMOBILE, PQA FORD, J?1 £ OOADSTERS— ±J XI CHEVROLET, 1928 .. £BO MORRIS, '1928 £75 fCOUPESESSEX. PLYMOUTH, f»1 OC £65. PLYMOUTH, £125 ESSEX CHALLENGER .. £1 35 WRITE FOR FULL USED CAR LISTS AND PARTICULARS OF OUR EASIER EASY TERMS. EBBETT "jIfOTORS. T I'D., BBETT -"-1-OTORS, USED CAR SALES. HOOD AND ALEXANDRA STREETS, HAMILTON. PHONE 1877.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 2
Word Count
881Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22087, 17 April 1935, Page 2
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