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CLOSE OF THE SEASON COMBINED EVENTS DECIDED CRUISING AND HARBOUR RACES The yachting season in Auckland was officially closed on Saturday afternoon, when cruising and harbour races were held under the control of the Auckland Yacht and Motor-Boat Association. The weather was ideal for the occasion, a fresh breeze from the south prevailing throughout the afternoon. The clubs taking part were:—Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, Akarana, Ponsonbv, Victoria, Devon port, Richmond, Takapuna and Tamaki. Over 100 boats took" part and all events were keenly contested. Yachting enthusiasts assembled in very largo numbers on King's Wharf ami were able to follow fhe progress of the harbour races from start to finish. 1' our boats, the H-footers Treasure and Aloha, the 18-footer Martha S., and the 12ft. Gin. Z class bout Tauhau capsized, all the crews being rescued. With the exception of the Royal Isew Zealand Yacht Squadron, which held a general handicap for keel yachts to Oneron Buy, Waiheke, and a harbour race for class M, all the clubs held combined class events. The launches and 20ft. yachts and over raced to Islington Bay, and the smaller classes competed over harbour courses. For the first time class letters were displayed prior to the start of each race, the innovation proving a success. All events were started from the tower on the end of King's Wharf. The naval service whalers were sent away first at 1.45 p.m. and the squadron keel yachts at 2.15 p.m.; then followed the combined races, the first event starting at 2.30 p.m. and the remainder of the fleet at eight-minute intervals. A large number of the competitors entered in four or five clubs and thus had an opportunity of winning more than one prize. In the smaller classes the most successful boats were the 18-footer Surprise, the 16-footer Sirona, and the 14-footer Swiftsure. Surprise and Sirona each secured five wins and Swiftsure four. In the larger classes, the 22ft. L class boat K6muri also accounted for five first prizes. CRUISING RACES The keel yachts of the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron were sent away first to Oneroa. The start was a good one, the boats making a pretty sight in the fresh breeze. Several had a reef down, but the majority carried full sail, while Rawene and Ilex hoisted topsails. The direction of the wind gave the boats a broad lead to North Head and then a spinnaker run to their destination. Little Jim was first away and close on her stern followed Altair, Ladye Wilma, Ngatoa, _ Rawene, Janet, Kotiri, Mahaki, Waitangi, Ilex, Kotuku and Thelma. Ariki was 3m late. Ngatoa kept on the southern shore, the rest of the fleet working the middle of the harbour. Little Jim continued her lead until well below Devonport Wharf, where Ngatoa joined the other boats and, at North Head, was in charge. A good finish was fought out between Ngatoa, Thelma and Ariki. The race started at 2.15 P.m. The finishing times were:—Ngatoa (6Jm), 3h 43m ss; Thelma (ecr 1 . 3h 43m 275; Ariki (scr), 3h 43m 355 ; Waitangi C7m), 3h 44m 495; Ilex (10m), 3U 45m 30s: Rawene (11m), 3h 47m 3s: Little Jim (135 m). 3h 49m 50s; Kotiri (18m). 3h 50m 6s; Ladye Wilrn# (17m), 3h 50m 14s: Mahaki (231 m), 3h 52m 40s; Altair (22m). 3h 58m 375: Kotuku (2Gm), 4h lm 41s; Janet (28m). 4h lm 425. The competitors in the combined race for keel yachts were led over the line by Maybelle. lona was second boat away, and | then followed Speedwell. Pandora. Valdora, Alexa and Rarere The race started at 2.30 p.m. The finj ishing times were:—Maybelle, 3h 59m 17s; Speedwell, 4h lm 255; Rarere, 4h 3m ss; Pandora, 4h 7m 17s; Alexa, 4h 9m 28s; Valdora. 4h 11m IPs. Omatere got the best of the start in the race for class H Calypso was next away and then followed Kia Ora, Spray, Cslox and Marere. Starlight was five minutes late. Shortly after the start Celox struck a squall while the forward hand was endeavouring to set the, and she was thrown on to her beam ends. For almost a minute she lay over at a dangerous angle, but ultimately righted herself and continued in the race. The race started at 2.38 P.m. The finishing times were:—Omatere, 4h 8m 21s; Spray, 4h 10m 6s; Calypso, 4h 10m 12s; Celox. 4h 11m 525: Kia Ora. 4h 11m 555; Starlight. 4h 12m 31s: Marere, 4h 19m 20s. Classes L and N were sent away to a pood start and at gunfire Komuri crossed the line just ahead of Marika and- Wniapu. fThen followed Tamnriki. Waialae. Tvohnra. Rnkoa, Varuna and Marie. Komuri set her spinnaker very smartlv and. making good progress down the harbour, was first home. The race started at 2.46 p.m. The finishing times were:—Komuri, 4h 14m 55sj Tamariki. 4h 15m 455: Marika. 4h 17m 475: Rnkoa. 4h 22m 17s: Waiapu, 4h 22m 13s; Waialae, 4h 25m 58s: Marie. 4h 27m 58s. Only Narrioi and Morrpn started in the race for_ motor-boats nt 2.54 p.m. The finishing times wore:—Namoi, ,3h 50m: Morven, 3h 51m 5s THE HARBOUR RACES " The first of the boats to be sent away in the harbour races were those of the T and X classes. Valet crossed the line at gunfire and was closely followed by Meteor, Sybila., Kismet, Treasure, Mnile, Swiftsure and Shalimar. Treasure soon overhauled the leaders and at the conclusion of the first round was lm 14s ahead of Meteor, which was 47s in f:ront of Kismet. Then followed Valet, Sybila. Shalimar. Mailo and Swiftsure. In the second round Treasure capsized and Sybila took charge. The race started at 3.2 p.m. The finishing times were:—Sybila, 4h 44m 355; Shalimar. 4h 44m 395; Valet, 4h 45m Gs; Meteor, 4h 45m 18s; Kismet, 4h 46m 235; Maile, 4h 47m 41s; Swiftsure, 4h 49m 445. Twelve boats started in the race for class Y and when the last flag fell Vailua crossed the line a length in front of Raider, Cupid, Muimai, Aloha, Wakarnna, Eclipse, Karoro and Opah, with the rest near at hand. Muimai gradually worked her way info the lead and on completion of the first round was lm 23s ahead of Raider, which led Karoro by lm 10s. Muimai continued her I lead in the second round and was first home. Raider was doiiig well in second place when one of her crew met with a painful accident whi«h caused the boat to withdraw. Meanwhile Karoro ran into second place. Aloha capsized near the finishing line and Rogue retired. The race started at 3.10 p.m. The finishing times were:—Muimai, 4h 39m 28s; Karoro, 4h 41m ss; Eclipse. 4h 47m 555; Koala, 4h 49m 15s; Vailua, 4h 52m Is; Cupid, 4h 54m 4s; Stormy, 4h 54m 16s; Wakarana, 4h 57m 465; Opah, 5h lm 4s. The start of the race for class V was the best of the day, 14 out of the 15 starters ; crossing the line within 30 seconds of one i another. Martha S. was first away and was closely followed by Atalanta, Mimic. Jewel, Doris, Surprise. Paroro, Avian, Arline and Marianne, with the others handy, except Memutu, which was 2$ minutes late. Surprise and Atalanta went into the lead and a close race was fought out round the course between these two boats. On the completion of the first round Surprise led Atalanta by 15 seconds. Marianne occupied third position at this stage, Arline fourth and Drone fifth. Surprise continued her lead in the second round, but Marianne had to give place to Arline. The race started at 3.18 p.m. The finishing times were:—Surprise, 4h 37m 18s; Atalanta, 4h 37m 50s: Arline, 4h 44m 21s; Marianne, 4h 44m 295; Paroro, 4h 44m 555; Mischief, 4h 47m 51s; Avian, 4h 48m 50s; Doris, 4h 53m 335: Memutu, 4h 53m 555; Daphne, 4h 55m 15s; Manutere, 4h 57m 325. Martha S., Mimic. Jewel and Drone did not finish. When the gun fired for the start of the race for class S Marlene and Leone were over the line and were ordered to recross. Of the actual start Seymour was first away and was closely _ followed by Kittiwake, Sirona, Irene, Clio, Leone and Marlene. Sirona went into the lend soon after the start, but she was later overhauled by Marlene. The race started at 3.26 p m The finishing times were:—Marlene, 4h.57m 475; Sirona. 4h 59m 38s: Leone, 5b 6m 545; Seymour, 5h 14m 475; Kittiwake, 5h 19m 375; Irene, 5h 21m 6s. Clio did not finish. The four M clasß boats. Mawhiti. Manene. Manu and Maroro, crossed the line in the order named when the last flag fell. Mawhiti experienced spinnaker trouble soon after the start and was passed by Manene, and later by Manu. Just before reaching 1 the mark oft King's Wharf on the completion of the first round, the order was Manu. Manene. Mawhiti, Maroro. Manu was first round, but on arrival at the mark Mawhiti out Manene out and ran into second place. After clearing the buoy Mawhiti's spinnaker got out of hand nnd she was again passed by Manene. The latter met with spinnaker trouble later and Mawhiti ran into second place. „ • , . The race started at 3.34 p.m. The finishing times were:—Mnnu, 4h 53m 31s; Mawhiti, 4h' 54m 12s; Manene, 4h 54m 16s; Maroro, 4h 54m 295. There were 14 starterß in the race for cla-ss Z, and, rather than take the risk of being over the line at gunfire, all the boats were a few seconds late in crossing when the signal to start was given. Toroa was first away, and then followed Jolanthe. Water Beetle, Tere, Benny, Nio. Te Utu. Rio, Tamaki, Trevic, Betty and Tainui. Te Utu gradually overhauled the leaders and was first home. The race started at 3.42 p.m. The finishing times were:—Te Utu, 4h 35m 15s; Trevic, 4h 36m 41s; Benny, 4h 36m 475: Water Beetle. 4h 3Rin 225; Nio. 4h 40m 435; lolantiie, 4h 42m 255; Rio, 4h 42m 14s; Tainui, 4h 43m 48s; Toroa, 4h 45m 355. Tamaki, Tawhau, Betty and Tere did not finish. Four naval service whalers started nt 1.45 p.m. in the race for their class, the finishing timeß being:—R.N.V.R. No. 1 whaler.
2h 37m 495; R.N.V.R. No. 2 whaler. 2h 38m 15a; Philomel 28K2 whaler, 2h 40m 41b; Philomel 93K1 whaler, 2h 50 m 435. The winner was R.N.V.R. No. 1 whaler. Following were the club results:— ROYAL YACHT SQUADRON Keel Yachts.—Mahaki, 23m 30s, 1; Kotiri, 18m, 2: Ladye "Wilma, 17m, 3. M Class.—Manu, scr, 1; Mawhiti, Bcr, 3; Mo none, scr, 3. AKARANA YACHT CLUB Keel Yachts.—Mnybelle. 2m, 1; Pandora, 7m, 2: T?niere, 2m, 3. II Class.—Calypso, 4m, 1; Kia Ora, sm, 2; Omatere, Bcr. 3. L and N ClnsseH.—lvomuri, 2m, 1; Marika, 2m 30s, 2; Tamariki, ecr, 3. Y Clnßs.—Surprise, 2m, 1; Paroro, sm, 2; ,Avian, sm, 3. S Class.—Sirona, sm. 1; Mailene. ecr, 2. Y Class.—Karoro, 3m, 1; Muimai, scr,,2; Cupid. 9m, 3. T Class.—Shalimar, 55m, 1; Maile, Bm, 2; Sybila, 4m, 3 PONSONBY CRUISING CLUB Keel Yachts.—Alexa, Cm, 1; Pandora, scr, 2. H Class.—Marere, 15m, k Spray, 3m, 2; Oinatere, scr. 3. . L and N Classes, —Komuri, 2m, 1; Pamal'iki, scr. 2. . Y Class. —Surprise, 2m, 1; Marianne, Bm, 2- Mischief, 11m, 3; Atalanta, im, 4. S Class.—Sirona, 4m, 1; Marlene, scr, 2; Irene, 18ra, 3. T and X Classes.—Swiftsure, 22m, 1; Meteor, 10m, 2; Kismet, 10m, 3. Y Class.—Muimai, scr, 1; Karoro, 15m, 2; Eclipse, 7m, 3. - . Z Class.—Te Utu, scr, 1; Trevic, lm, 2; Benny, lm, 3. VICTORIA CRUISING CLUB H Class.—Omaiere. scr, 1; Starlight, lm, 2; Celox. scr, 3. . L Class.—Tamnriki, scr. 1; Waiapu, sm, 2; Waialae, 4m, 3. „ Motor-boats.—Morven, 145 m, 1; JSamoi, 10m, 3. ... Y Class.—Atalanta, ecr, 1; Mischief, 10m, 2; Arline, scr, 3. „ ~ , n S Class.—Sirona. 3m, 1: Marlene, scr, 2; Irene, 22m. 3. T and X Classes.—Swiftsure, 23m, 1. Shalimar, Gm, 2; Valet, 51m, 3. Y Class.—Karoro, 45m, 1; Vailua, 15m, 2; Muimai, scr. 3. Z Class. —Te Utu, ger, 1; Benny, lim, 2; Nio, sm, 3. RICHMOND CRUISING CLUB L Class.—Komuri, 2m 30s, 1; Marika, 2m 30s, 2; Tamariki, scr, 3. Y Class. —Surprise, lira, 1; Atalanta, lim, 2- Marianne. sm. 3; Mischief. Bm, 4. 'S Class.—Sirona, 3}m, 1; Marlene, scr, 2; Irene, 18m, 3. . , „ I^,o. Y Class.—Muimai, ecr, 1; Karoro, lm, 2, Koala. 9m. 3; Eclipse, 7m, 4. T Class. —Swiftsure, 21m, 1; Meteor, I.lm. 2: Kismet, 12m, 3. DEVONPORT YACHT CLUB H Class.— Calypso. sm, 1; Kia Ora, 4m, 2: Omatere, ecr, 3. . L and N Classes.—Komun, 2m, 1. Waiapu, Bm. 2; Tamariki, scr, 3 Y Class. —Surprise, 2m, 1; Atalanta, ecr, 2; Mischief, Bm, 3. S Class.—Marlene. scr. 1; Seymour. 12m, 2; Leone, lm. 3. Y Class.—Muimai, scr.,l; Karoro, ljm, 2, Wakarana, Bm, 3. TAMAKI YACHT CLUB L Class.—Komuri. 3m, 1; Marika. 3m. 2; Tamariki, ecr, 3. _ Y Class.—Surprise, 2m, 1; Mischief, 11m, 2- Atalanta, ecr, 3: Paroro, 6m, 4. S Class.—Sirona, sm, 1; Marlene, scr, 2; Seymour, 3. „ , r T and X Classes.—Swiftsure, 16m, 1; bnaiimar, 7m, 2; Kismet, Bm, 3. . Y Class.—Karoro, 2m, 1; Muimai, scr, 2; Vailua, 7m, 3. - Z Class.—Benny, 2m, 1; Te Utu, scr, 2; Water Beetle, 2m, 3. TAKAPUNA BOATING, CLUB T and X. Classes.— Sybila, 6m, 1; Shalimar, 6Sm, 2: Meteor. 6m, 3. Y Class.—Koala, 7m, 1; Eclipse, 2|m. 2; Vailua, 65m, 3. _ Z Class.—Nio. 7Jm, 1; Benny, 2}m, 2; Te Utu, scr, 3; Water Beetle, 2m, 4. HERNE BAY SAILING CLUB The Herne Bay Sailing Club held a race for its one-design midget class on Saturday afternoon. The race started at 2.31 p.m. aod was sailed over the club's iißual course. The finishing times were:—Silver Fern Cm), C. Denneß, 3h 42m lis, 1; Valerie (3m). 1). Hurley, 3h 49m 595, 2. Flying Cloud (8m) retired and Kandy Kid (scr) did not. start. Captain W. Percy and Mr. I. Denncs were | in charge of the racing. POINT CHEVALIER CLUB The Point Chevalier Sailing Club held a race yesterday for 18ft. boats for Mrs. H. Schmidt's trophies and also n general handicap for a club trophy. Both events were 6;*ilcd together. Manutere was first away and was closely followed by Drone. Jewel passed Manutere at the first mark and led for the remainder of the course. The race started at 2.45 p.m. The finishing times in the general handicap were:— Jewel (per), 4h 17in lis; Manutere (ljm), 4h 10m 245; Marlene (2Jni), 4h 19m 51e; Waima (25m), 4h 25m 555; Karoro (8m). <lh 31m; Ngaro (12ml. 4h 32m 25«; Sea Horse (14m). 4h 39m 435: Gannet (17m), 4h 43m; Charm (19m), 4h 47m 58s; Rewa j (17{m), 5h 5m 50s. I The result on covreeted times was:—Jewel 1; Marlene, 2; Manutere, 3: Ngnto, 4. The special race for Mrs. Schmidt's trophies resulted in a win for Drone (45m) with Jewel (ecr), and Manutere dim), third. SHOAL BAY CLUB The fourth of the series of weekly races by the Shoal Bay Yacht Club was sailed in a steady southerly breeze, this event closing the club's season. The 13 boats which competed started and finished in Little Shoal Bay. Swiftsure was first away, and was followed closely by Sirona and Opah. After a good race, Sirona took the lead, and beat Myra by a minute over the finishing line, with the scratch boat. Avian, close up. The race started at 3 p.m. The finishing times were:—Sirona (2}m), 4h 6m Us; Myra (4{m), 4h 7m 13s; Avian (scr), 4h 7m 37e; Meteor (10m), 4h 12m 545; Opah (11m), 4h 13m 19s; Swiftsure (17m). 41©23 m 31s: Sallv (18m), 4h 23m 525; Starina (28m), *4h 29m 275; Betty (22m). 4h 29m 425: Avon (25m), 4h 31m 465; Waiwhetu (28m). 4h 35m Us; Merry Fortune (sm), 4h 39m 51s. The result on corrected times woe:— Starina. 1; Opah. 2; Myra, 3. • The officials were Messrs. F. G. Fullbrook. N. K. Robson and C. Watson. MANUKAU YACHT CLUB The Manukau Yacht and Motor-boat Club held a race for yachts to Cornwallis on Saturday afternoon. Five boats started, but onlv two completed the course. The result wasßeremai, 10m, 1; Ranui, 35m, 2.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 18
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2,689YACHTING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 18
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YACHTING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 18
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