I UNIVERSITY CLUB'S SEASON A successful year of Activities is shown in the report to be presented at the annual meeting of the University College Harrier Club this evening. The report states that in spite of the loss of several of the club's best runners at the beginning of the season, a large number of promising new members joined and they should form the nucleus of a strong combination for future years. Great keennesß was displayed throughout the season and many members attended practically every run. Innovations durinff the season were the New Zealand University cross-country championship, which is to be held annually, and week-end camps, of which it is hoped to hold at least one this season. Winners of trophies were:—Club championship, R C. Haszard; runner-up. A. Ball; Kohn Cup and novice championship, H. Maxwell; sealed handicaps, TV. S. Cowperthwaite and K, X. McCallum.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 17
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22085, 15 April 1935, Page 17
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