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ELECTORAL OROUGH OF NEW LYNN. I ELECTION OF MAYOR, SIX COUNCILI LORS AND ONE MEMBER OF THE WAITEMATA POWER BOARD. Pursuant to tlie Locul Elections and Polls Act, 1925. nnd Amendments thereof, ond Electric Power Bourd« Act. 1925, I hereby jrive notice that uu Election will be hold on WEDNESDAY, May 8. 1935, for (ho purposo of electing a Mayor, Six Councillors and One Member of the Wnitemata ElectricPowor Board. And I hereby appoint the Town Clerk's Office, Great North Road, New Lynn, ns the place, and WEDNESDAY, the '24 th day of April. 1935 (before noon), as the day of Nominations of Candidates for such Offices. A cash deposit nuist, accompany each nomination—for Mayor £lO, and JC3 for all others. N. R. CATHIE. Returning Officer. New Lynn, April 12, 1935. r KAIPARA RIVER BOARD. NOTICE FOR NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES AT ELECTION OF KAIPARA RIVER BOARD MEMBERS. Pursuant to the provisions of "The Local Elections and Polls Act, 1925," I hereby that an Election will be held oil WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of May, 19, Vi, for the purpose of electing Five Members for the haipara River Bonrd. I hereby appoint the Rewiti Post Office, Rewiti, as the place, and FRIDAY, the 20th day of April, 1936 (before noon), as the day and time for the nomination of candidates for such office. Dated this 10th day of April, 1935. R. w. Mcdonald. Returning Officer for the Kaipara River Board. r AKAU NORTH BABBIT BOARD. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. Pursuant, to Section 7 of " The Local Elections and Polls Act. 1925," and Amendments thereto, and " The Rabbit Nuisance I act, 1928," 1 hereby (five notice that an i Election will be held on WEDNESDAY. I the Bth day of May, 1935, for the purpose of electing Fiv*e Members of the Te Akau I North Rabbit Board; and 1 hereby appoint ; 4 i,ane, Auckland, as the 1 place, and WEDNESDAY the 21th day of ! April, 1935, before noon, as the day for the j Nomination of Candidates for such offices. Dated at Auckland this 13th day of April 1 1935. T. BAKER INSOLL, j Returning Officer, i N.B.—Postal address is P.O. Box 350, Auckland. PUPILS WANTED ASHLEIGH Coaching College, N.Z. Insurance Bldgs. Established 1918.—Matriculation, General Education; moderate fees. —Ed. Ashby (Principal). ATTEND Mihs Greenwood's •Commercial School, Newmarket (entrance Remucra Rd.), where pupils receive expert individual instruction. A UCKLAND Business College specialises XV in teaching Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keeping. English. \ RTISTIC Brass, Pewter and Copper--fX work taught at Belstone Craft Studio, 1(3 Fairview Rd., Mt. Eden. "OEAUTY Culture and Hairdressing.—'Elite Hairdressing College, Ist Floor, Brunswick Bldgs., Queen St. Phone 42-029. /"IUTTING. Designing, Dressmaking, Xaiioring Taught Thoroughly. AngloParisian College, H.B. Bldgs., Queen St. Phone 30-977. DRESSMAKING, Dresscutting, Designing, Pattern-making; complete Course in three months. Miss AsLiton, Sel-Phit School, Princess Bldgs. DRESSMAKING. Patternmaking, Day and Evening Classes. Special Correspondence Course.—Selwyn College, Civic House. Auckland. HAIRDRESSING.-N.Z. College, established o years; 95 p.c. pupils in positions.—Upstairs. 228 Queen St. HAIRDRESSING. Vacancy 2 smart Girls, learn trade. 2nd Floor, Civic 'House. Queen St. HAIRDRESSING the Career! Be Specialist—trained by Cora Everett, Brunswick Bldgs l; 174 Queen St. 42-359. HOLLYWOOD Hairdressing. Congenial conditions; moderate fees.— Upstairs, King's Cross Bldgs.. 82 Karangahape Rd. MOTOR Driving Taught, cheaply, quickly, efficiently; licence guaranteed.—For reduced fees and particulars. Phone 23-042. SHOWCARD Writing by Correspondence; 20 personally supervised lessons, 30s. — Write for prospectus, Sadler, Pacific Bldgs. BPEED8 PEED.—Shorthand groups, day or night; Gregg, Pitman's. Typing, Book-keeping, etc.—Harston College. Phone 42-142. QWIMMING. —Learn latest eosy methods, O six lessons; 21s.—Professor D. B. Anderson. Tepid Baths. fPHE Correspondence Coaching College (T. J- U. Wells, M.A.. Principal). Specialist Tutors in Law, Accountancy, Survey, Engineering and Pharmacy.—Prospectus. Box 1114. Auckland. WARWICK TUTORIAL COLLEGE. »» British Chambers. Matriculation, Accountancy; Day and Evening Classes.— W. .Tess. M.A., Principal. Stories and Articles which sell. VV Remunerative hobby. Expert tuition; guarantees satisfaction. Journalist, Box educational ACCOUNTANCY J7JXA Ml NATIONS. Every year Hemingway's successea have tar out-numbered those of any other institution. These outstanding results have been achieved hecause, during over 37 years specialised experience in Accountancy tuition. Hemingway's have kept in the forefront of progress and development. The ever-increasing number of successful Hemingway's students is proof positive of the SUPERIORITY OF HEMINGWAY'S HOME-STUDY SYSTEM. 1 Results art what count. That is why already this year the number of ambitious young men who are entrusting their countancy tuition to Hemingway's is well ahead of the number for the corresponding period of last year Don't risk failure. Don t delay your chances of promotion. Send to-day tor Free Rook— "ACCOUN I ANCY. TTEMINGWAY'B CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. P.O. BOX 516. AUCKLAND. A" SHCROFT. 17 Ladies' Mile, Remuera.Coaching, Matriculation, Book-keeping, General Education; full time or part; moderate ——— A SIILEICiH Couching College. N.Z InA alliance Bldgs. Established 1918.—Matriculation. General Education; moderate fees -Ed. Ashby (Principal). ?IORR ESPOXD F.NCE Coaching College KJ (Principal, T U. Wells. M.A.). —All Examinations. Prospectus —Box 1414, Auckland. CROYDON House School. Shelly Beach Rd.—ldeal Girls' Boarding, Day School. —Principal, Mrs. Ward. Phone 26-928.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
Word Count
827Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.