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TENDERS W AITEMATA COUNTY COUNCIL. TENDERS. Marked tenders will be received up till noon on THURSDAY, 18th mst.. for the following work : CONTRACT NO. 1008. ALBANY BRIDGE APPROACHES • Formation of 33 chains of Main Highway at the Albany Bridge. Plans and specifications may he seen at tho County Office, corner Shortland and Princes Streets. Auckland. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. L. F. FARAM. Assoc. M. Inst., C.E.. County Engineer. 8/4/35. rjpo CONTRACTORS. Alterations and Additions to Premises, Queen St., Auckland, for MESSRS. R. HANNAH AND CO., LTD Footwear Retailers. Tenders for above will be received till NOON' OF FRIDAY, APRIL 2(1. Plans and Specifications to be seen at my Office, 30-31 National Bank Chnmbevs, Fort Street. NORMAN WADE, F.N.Z.1.A.. Architect. rpENDERS, CLOSING TUESDAY, APRIL JL 23. 1935, at. Noon, are invited for the Erection of TWO-STOREY DWELLING, of Brick and Wood, in Pnrnell. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MARTIN HUTCHISON, A .N.Z.1.A., A.R.1.8.A. (Lond.). Registered Architect, 10 High Street, Auckland. Phone 40-21J3. Residence, gladwin rd.. Epsom, in wood. Tenders close WEDNESDAY, April 17, at Noon. . Plans and specifications at my Office. P. C. GARRETT, A.N.Z.1.A., Reg. Architect, Campbell's Bldgs,. High St. A LTERATIONS TO HOUSE. A DEEP CREEK. Tenders Close at my Office. 12 Noon WEDNESDAY. April 17. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. FREDERICK A. BROWNE. F.N.Z.1.A., York Chambers, Victoria Street Eaßt. Phone 44-959. JfJXPERT WORK IN ANY METAL. COPPER. STAYBRITE STEEL. BKASS. MONEL METAL. GUNMETAL. ALUMINIUM. Architects Builders Manufacturers! Take advantage of our up-to-date plant and precision methods of workmanship. Prompt quotations given. D. HENRY AND CO., LTD., Brassfounders, Coppersmiths, Sheetmetal-workers. Nelson Street. Auckland. Phones: 42-384, 4G-313. TJRK'E wanted Carting 60.000 ft. Pine Logs. X —Particulars. Telephone 2G-4G7. wanted for Hauling Firewood -1- from bush.—Apply J. Handy. Papakura. SPENDERS are invited for erection of 1 Motor Garage of stone and concrete.— Apply llkhald. _______ - R]CE wanted to sow 100 tons lime on 400 acres easy country.—H. Hall, le Kauwhata. gAVE QN gRICKWORK QOSTS. JMPROVED pjRICKS jgETTER pRICES. NO AGENTS BUY DIRECT FROM THE QRUM jgRICK. rpILE & JJOTTERY COMPANY. LIMITED. GREAT NORTH ROAD. NEW LYNN. Phone 47-640. r PAUPO TOTARA TIMBER CO.. LTD., 1 SAWMILLERS AND TIMBER MERCHANTS. PUTARURU AND NEWMARKET. FOR ALL HIGH-GRADE TIMBER AND FENCING REQUIREMENTS. PDTARURU, PHONE 2. NEWMARKET, 41-960. rpO HOME BUILDERS. Our Sawmills. Joinery Factory. Planing Mills and Drying Kilns are the most up-to-date in the Dominion. Write for our latest price lists. We Specialise in Seasoned Timber. ELLIS AND BURNAND. LTD., Wholesale Timber Merchants. HAMILTON. jjITUMASTIC. (Registered Trade Mark.) Made in England by WAILES DOVE BITUMASTIC, LTD. In 14 colours, including Light and Dark Green. The GREEN which keeps ITS COLOUR. Made from Pure Trinidad Bitumen. Try it for your roof. J. WILDRIDGE AND SINCLAIR (N.Z.), LTD., Fanshawe Street. Auckland. QOAL gIJPPLIES. Contracts for the above, for periods up to 12 months, will be made with commercial users, dealers, hotels, etc. J. H. M. C ARPESTI!R - L m (Established 1879), COAL AND BUILDING MATERIAL MERCHANTS, GENERAL CARRIERS, FURNITURE REMOVAL EXPERTS. Telephone 30-066 (3 lineu). SASHES, heart totara, glazed, open, all sizes; satisfaction guaranteed.—Crookes, Onehunga Joinery. Queen St.. Onehunga. rpiMBER.—AII classes builders*, farmers' JL lines; Quotes, prices on application,— Eric Randell. Mt. Albert. Phone 46-696. rpO Builders.—Open Fireplaces, Kitchen, or Double Chimneyn, Reinforced. Write Catalogue. Firth Concrete Co.. Rangiriri. m fOR SALE BY TENDER DEPARTMENT. I FARM FOR SALE. Written Tenders for the Purchase of tho undermentioned Farm will bo received at this Office up to 4 p.m. on MONDAY, May i (1, 1935: ! PARTS OF A SUBDVII3ION OF HUAWAI I AND PUKAPUKA BLOCKS IN BLOCK I XV.. MAHURANGI SURVEY DISTRICT, containing 106 ac. 2r. 35per. more or less, i Situated on the Mahurangi Heads West ! Road, about 4 miles from Puhoi and half-a----i mile from Mahurangi Heads West School. Land is undulating to hilly, in grase with i some patches of manuka—the larger and I better part has a northerly aspect. Well ! watered by running streams and subdivided ! into S paddocks. Could carry 20 dairy cows J in present condition. BUILDINGS comprise: 4-Roomed Kauri ' House. 6-bailed cowbyre. with concrete floor and metalled yard, and woolshed. 30ft s 12ft. TERMS: Cash, or by a deposit of not le9S than 10 per cent with balance secured by mortgage over a reriod of 34J years. Interest and Sinking Fund at the rate of GJ per cent per annum. Further particulars obtainable at the Office of the Commissioner of Crown Lands. W. D. ARMIT. Commissioner of Crown Lands. North Auckland Land District, Customs Buildings. Auckland, C.l. BUILDING MATERIALS CEILINGS, Waltboards, Decorative Fibrous Plaster.—Hunter's Fibrous Plaster Works, Green Lane, Auckland. Phone 24-751 all hours. I'/RESH Water Sand. Shingle, clean ; quality, any quantity supplied.—Roose Q QSBO RN E, PLUMBER. GAS AND ELECTmC HOT WATER 15 KINGSTON STREET, Off Albert Street. Phone 40-208. Shipping Company. Phone 8, Mercer, i W. W 1 L s ° N * L T DBLACKSMITHS AND ENGINEERS. ELECTRIC AND ACETONE WELDERS, LAWN ROLLERS OF ALL SIZES IN STOCK. 51 FEDERAL STREET. Phone 45-541. SUBURBAN SHOPPING '• HERNE BAY PORK Butcher. For the best Bacon, Ham and Small Goods. Debney'*, always. Phono 19-848
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
Word Count
850Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.