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ELECTORAL VRANKLIN ELECTRIC-POWER BOARD I 1 ELECTION. ELECTION OF FOUR REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CONSTITUENT DIS I'RICT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. Pursuant to the Provisions of the Elec-tric-Power Boards Act, 1925, the Local Elections and Polls Act, 1925, und any Amendments thereto respectively, I hereby give notice that an Election will bo held on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of May, 1935, for the purpose of Electing FOUR Representatives of the Constituent District of Franklin County on the FRANKLIN ELECTRIC-POWER BOARD, and I hereby appoint the Franklin County Council Ofllce. Rou'ston Street, Pukekone, as the place, and WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of April, 191)5, before Noon, as the day for the Nomination of Candidates for such Office. Dated at Pukekohc this 11th day of April. 1935. ALAN P. DAY. Returning Officer for the County of Franklin. Auckland hospital board ELECTION. Combined District of Franklin County. Pukekohe Borough, Waiuku Town District, und Tuakau 'own District. Pursuant to the Provisions of the Hospitals und Charitable Institutions Act, 192t>, Regulations made thereunder; the Local Elections and Rolls Act, 1925, and anv Amendments thereto rispectively. 1 hereby give notice that an Election will be lield on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of May. 10:55. for the purpose of Electing a Representative for the Combined District of Franklin County, Pukckohe Borough. Waiuku Town District and Tuakan Town District, on the HOSPITAL BOARD of the AUCKLAND HOSPITAL DISTRICT: and I hereby appoint the Franklin County Council Offico, Roulstou Street, Pukekohc, as the place, and WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of April, 1935, before Noon, as the day for tlio Nomination of Candidates for such Office. Dated at Pukckohe this lltli day of April, 1935. ALAN P. DAY. Returning Officer for the Combined District. JpRANKLIN COUNTY COUNCIL. TRIENNIAL ELECTION. Pursuant to the Provisions of the Counties Act. 1921), the Local Elections and Polls Act, 1925, and any Amendments thereto respectively. I hereby give notice that an Election will be held on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of May. 1935, for the purpose of Eltcting ONE COUNCILLOR for each Hiding of the COUNTY OF FRANKLIN as follows :-AWHITU RIDING. DRURY RIDING, HUNUA RIDING. KARAKA RIDING, MAUKU RIDING, MERCER RID--ING. PUKEKOHE EAST RIDING. PUKEKOHE WEST RIDING, WAIPIPI RIDING, and WAIUKU RIDING; aird I hereby appoint the County Office, Roulston Street, Pukekohe, as the place, and WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of April. 1935, before Noon, as the day for the Nomination of Candidates for such Offices. Dated at Pukekohe this 11th day of April. 1935. ALAN P. DAY. Returning Officer for the County of Franklin. AUCKLi ELECTION OF ONE MEMBER FOR THE COMBINED DISTRICT OF FRANKLIN AND MANUKAU. , Pursuant to Section 7 of the Local Elections and Polls Act. 1925, and to Regulations under Section 22 of the Harbours Act, 1923. T hereby give notice that an Election will be held on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of May, 1935, for the purpose of electing one member to represent the combined district of the Counties of Franklin and Mnnuknu on the Auckland Harbour Board: nnd I hereby anpoint the Borouch Council Chambers, Edinburgh Street. Pukekohe, as the nlaee, and Wednesday, the 24th day of April. 1935 (before noon), as the day for t*>e Nomination of Candidates for such office. (A deposit of £3 must accompany each nomination.) Dated at Pukekohe this 13th day of April, 1935. S. BISH, Returning Officer for the Combined District of Franklin and Manukau. TRIENNIAL ELECTION. Pursuant to the provisions of the Counties Act, 1920, the Local Elections and Polls Act. 1925, and Amendments thereto, notice is Irereby given that the Triennial Election of One Councillor for each of the undermentioned Ridings of the County of Raglan w.ill be held on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of May, 1935: — PORT WAIKATO RIDING. PUKEKAWA RIDING. ONEWIIERO RIDING. WHANGAPE RIDING. PUKEMIRO RIDING. , WAINGARO RIDING. TE AKAU RIDING. KARAMU RIDING. PIRONGIA RIDING. WIIAINGAROA RIDING. KARIOI RIDING. MATAKOWHAI RIDING. Nominations of Candidates must be delivered or posted to reach the undersigned, the Returning Officer, for the County of Kaplan, at the Haglan County Chambers at Ngaruawahia; before Noon on WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of April, 1935, at which hour the said Nominations will close. Nomination Forms may be obtained on application to the undersigned. G. H. SMITH, Returning Officer, County of Raglan. Ngaruawahia, April 13, 1935. 10UNTY RAGLAN. ELECTION OF ONE REPRESENTATIVE ON THE FRANKLIN ELECTRIC-POWER BOARD FOR THE CONSTITUENT DISTRICT OF PORTION OF THE COUNTY OF RAGLAN. Pursuant to the provisions of the Elec-tric-Power Boards Act, 1925, und the Local Elections and Polls Act, 1925, and Amendments thereto, and by virtue of an Order-in-Council as appearing in the New Zealand Government Gazette, No. 57, of August 11. 1927, 1 hereby give notice that an Election of One Representative of the Constituent District of Portion of the County of Raglan ou the Board of the Franklin ElectricPower District will bo held on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of Nominations of Candidates, accompanied by a deposit of £3, delivered or posted to reach the undersigned at the Raglan County Chambers ut Ngaruawahia before Noon on WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of April, 1935. at which hour the said Nominations will close. Nomination Forms may be obtained on application to the undersigned. G. H. SMITH. Returning Officer. Ngaruawahia, April 13, 1935. QOUNTY OF RAGLAN. ELECTION OF ONE REPRESENTATIVE N THE CENTRAL ELECTRIC-POWER BOARD FOR THE CONSTITUENT DISTRICT OF PORTION OF THE I OUN n OF HAGLAN. Pursuant 1o the piovisions of the Elec-tric-Power Boards Act, 1925, and the Local Elections and Polls Act, 1925, and Amendments thereto, and by virtue of an Order-in-Council dated the 3rd duy of April, 1929, ' and Gazetted on the 4th day of April. 1929, an Election of One Representative of the Constituent District of portion of the County of Raglan on the Board of the Central Electric-Power District will be held 011 WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of May. 1935. Nomination of Candidates, accompanied by a deposit of £3, must be delivered or posted to reach the undersigned at the Raglan County Chambers at Ngaruawahuv Ifrfore Noon ou WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of April, 1935, at which hour the said Nominations will close. Nomination Forms may be obtained 011 application to the undersigned. G. H. SMITH, Returning Officer. Ngaruawahia, April 13. 1935. rpilF, HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE -1 INSTITUTIONS ACT, 1926. AND REGULAT 1 ONS THEREUNDER. Pursuant to the provisions of the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act. 192!}. and the Local Elections and Polls Act, 1925. and Amendments thereto and Regulutions thereunder, notice is hereby given that an Election of Two Representatives of the Combined District of the Raglan and Knwhia Counties on the Waikato Hospital and Charitable Aid Board will be held on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of May, 1935 Nominations of Candidates, accompanied by a deposit of £3, must be delivered or posted to reach the undersigned at lie Raglan County Chambers at Ngaruawahia before Noon on WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of April, 1935, at which hour the said Nominations will close. Nomination Forms may bo obtained on application to tho undersigned. G. H. SMITH. Returning Officer. Ngaruawahia, April 13, 1935.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
Word Count
1,174Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22084, 13 April 1935, Page 7
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