[B? TKLKSBAFH.—OWN CORRESPONDENTS.] Thames, Saturday; Victoria.—There is very little change to record from this mine, bub the various productive works in progress continue to yield the usual quantity of payable ore. Very fair prospects are attending the development of bhe new intermediate block that is being opened up on the reef between its Nos. 2 and 3 levels. Ab that point driving east and wesb is in progress, and stoping over the eastern drive has also been commenced l , with the result that gold id seen freely in the quartz coming to hand. The prospecting crosscut ae No. 4 level is being continued a:> usual, bub no new developments have recently occurred, Kurandi Caledosun.— Excellent progress i 3 being made with the erection of the surface tramway which is to connect the company's quartz hoppers ab the mine with the battery, and it is anticipated that another fortnight will see the structure completed and quartz being conveyed along it. In fact, the manager (Mr. Paul) hopes to have the battery in full oDeration at the time stated; but in the meantime the plant is receiving a thorough overhaul and its efficiency increased by the addition of new gold-saving appliances. Operations in the mine upon the Darby leader and the cros3 lode are resulting in a fair supply of payable ore, of which there are now about 100 loads bo hand. The extension of Kelly's crosscut at No. 1 level has again been resump.d, with the view of facilitating other discoveries. Driving westward upon Ko. 9 reef i? also in progress. This latter body is about two feeb in thickness, and carries a little mineral, bub no gold has yet been seen in it. The cleaning out and repair of the main 6hafb has been completed down to the back of No 4 level, bub ab this point- a large amount of sedimenb and water has been met with, and it is probiible that before the chamber can be got ab, ib will be necessary to clean ou*; a crosscut about 800 feeb in length leading in from the Big Pump shaft, in order that an outlet may be formed for carrying ;iw\y the water. Occidental.—The extension of the North Star crosscut, which hus tor its purpose the intersecting of the Loyalty reef, is being vigorously pushed ahead, and the country entered upon is of a firm description. In addition to this work etopinjr upon No. 1 leader is also in steady operation, the country encasing tho lode being all that could be desired.
Big Reef (Puru).—Operations in thi« mine are at the present principally directed to the advancement of the crosscut through the large reef at, the creek level. So far a distance of 33 feet has been driven through solid quartz, and after driving a further distance of ten feet, Che manager is hopeful of meeting the downward continuation of the gold opened up on the surface level. At that point oro of an exceptional high class is obtainable in the Big Reef section. Driving upon the course of the reef is being actively carried on.
[FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Coromandel, Saturday. Bonker's Hill.—The reef which was intersected in the main crosscut on the 270-foeb level is about one foot in width, and of a loose, puggy nature, with really good-looking stono in it. The reef is about 300 feeb in from the shaft. No work has been done on it, In driving through no gold was visible. Ib is pretty certain that this reef is identical with the famous No. 3 reef in the Hauraki Special, which in that mine has been and still is ab times a great gold producer. Some of the finest; of specimens have been taken from it. The class of country is identical, the formation ot the reef ill defined and loose hangingwall, and, in fact, all the dominant features obtaining in the Hauraki No. 3 are noticeable, except thab ab the point of intersection no gold was visible, and that driving musb bo resorted to, This will no doubt be done in duo course, possibly soon, a? the main crosscut is now in about 30 30 foot beyond this reef, so that plenty of room is now available for the men to work. It will require to be timbered, bub set this against thooasy nature of the ground to be worked ib is nob altogether a disadvantage, The water still continues to come in the face of the main croscut; in fact nearly all bhe water in the mino comes from that direction. Thin is considered a likely sign for another resf ahead. Stoping still continues on No. I. reof. Very little quartz has been broken down from the main lode since mr lust inspection, as a good deal of preliminary work had to be done, and the staff of men is so limited. In the winze good progress is being made, bub now thiil; a much lower level has been-reached than the well of the shaft, naturally the water is more troublesome, and may be expected to continue so, especially until the Hauraki lower levels have been drained. The last breaking down shows the reef to: be a litttlo smaller, bub there are indications: that ib will again widen out. After a few feeb more sinking, in fact) as soon as a suitable well-hole is provided, it is intended to;' drive from the bottom of the winze preparatory to stoping oub the block. This is a wise measure both economically and experimentally. Wibh a well holo the water can be kept down and stuff hauled up by handpower to {the 270-foeb, so that driving and stoping can be gone on with uninterruptedly. As colours and blotches of gold were met with in the stono so frequently in the course of the winze, it is only reasonable that bright hopes should bo raised ab the prospect of the early stoping out of the reef in its immediate vicinity.
KOMATA REEFS. Paeroa, Saturday. THE MINE, Mr. Cecil Hartridge, Captain Argall, Mr. J. A. Pond, Mr. Peneveyre, Mr. Ingall, and Mr. Kibble, yesterday paid a visit of inspection to the Kninatti Reefs Gold Mining Company's property, and after all the works had been investigated, the party, one and all,; expressed themwlves highly sntish'ed withi the manner in which the works have been. carried out, and more than delightrd with the excellent prospects of the mine. The Komata Beets property is undoubtedly going to take a front position in the ranks of Ohinemuri bullion producers, if present indications can be taken as criterion. A new development has lately occurred, which oertainly merits speoial mention. I refer to the intersection of a small vein of ore which strikes off from the footwall of Argyll's lode, and traverses • course about north east by east, or in direot strike for Layington's lode. This lead was first.of all noticed when the No. 2 winze was commenced, and as it looked to be of a promising nature, the manager, Mr. Benney, followed its course, with the result that it has now been driven on for a length of about 30 feet. The vein is only about six inches in thickness, but though small its value is certainly great, as some phenomenallyrich assays have been obtained, some of them, reaching ;is high as £150 per ton. Of course, the management; do not place much value on such a high assay and it was immediately placed to one side and not counted upon. Wine assays were then takeu from different portions, and discarding the very rich returns the average value of the mine was £77 per ton, while about 25 more assays were made aud gave an average value of over £50 per ton. Such brilliant results certainly gave some indication as to the worth of the quartz in the face. From thp pocket where the richest quartz was obtained the quartz showed free gold, which is a most unusual occurrence. What effect this development will have upon future remains to be seen, but if the loSui; continues its present course it must inevitSr bly junction with the Lavington's lode at a point about 150 feet further ahead, and of course beneficial results muse necessarily follow from such an association, provided the vein maintains its present gold-producing qualities, In the meantime driving will he continued on the course of the leader, while the rises in hand are being pushed ahead with expedition. The No. 1 rise has now attained a height of about 50 feet,' while the No, 2 is up about % 'is feet, thus leaving something like' 160 or 170 feet to go to conuect with the surface. These workings are all producing good ore, in fact to-day samples of ore were taken by Mr. Hartridge and party from the bottom or" the rise at the junction of the new leader and Argall's lode, and also from the faceof the drive on the leader, and wheu the surface was reached the dirt was subjected to pestle and mortar test with splendid'results, fine tails of gold having been obtainable iu each case. With a view to ascertaining an idea of the quality of the ore in the paddock, it was then agreed by those present that the representative of the Herald should take a bag aud.get a sample from' any portion of the paddock he liked. Ho took a general sample, that is, from various parts, and to the intense delight of all concerned a really good prospect was secured, thus proving beyond doubt that there is, gold in payable quantities to bu found in the ore, and also that the gold is well distributed through the quartz. The particles of gold in the dish were taken possession of by Mr. HiUtridge
as a memento, while in honour of his visit I it was decided by the management to christen ; the new leader" the Hartridge leader." The Komata Queen' , and Komata,' Reefs battery site were also inspected, after-which the party left for the Thames. Mr. Benney, the manager, is undoubtedly to becommended for the admirable way in which he is working the mine. THE BATTEBY PLANT. At the battery site the excavations are being pushed ahead with expedition, and it is estimated that the plant will be ready for crushing in about six months' time. The contractors have also commenced the new tramline, and when this work is completed ib is considered that it will alone involve the company in an expenditure of about £4000. The ore, it may be mentioned, will first of all pass over an aerial tram, which will be something like half a mile in length, and then it will be tipped into a large receiving hopper whence it will be conveyed to the battery, and in order to facilitate the transit of ore a powerful locomotive engine is to be used. The battery is to comprise twenty head of stampers (to commence with), and the treatment will be dry crushing with cyanide application. According to the plan all arrangements are to be most complete and automatic. The ore when it is brought down by locomotive will be passed through into a revolviug roaster for drying purposes. vStaniping will be the next process of operation, after which the ore will be elevated into a large hopper, at the foot of which will be six percolation tanks, each capable of holding 50 tons. The rest of the battery will also be complete for the dealing of the ores with solutions by vacuum and extraction by zinc towers. The erection of the battery Is under the able supervision of Mr. H. H. Adams, who furnished the plan for its construction.
Komata Qceek.—This property was also visited by Air. Cecil Hartridge, Captain Hodge, Mr. J. A. Pond and party, who found that the continuity of Argail's and Lavington's lodes had been established southward of the Komata Reefs area of ground. In addition to the operations upon the Lavington's and Argall s lodes a crosscut is being driven about 400 feet further south, and about 50 feet lower than the other workings, the object being to pick _ up the juuetion of the two ore bodies driven upon in the upper levels. At present a splendid channel of country is being penetrated, and at the time of my visit quartz was beginning to show throughout the country, thus proving that a reef-hearing stratum was being passed through. I may mention that in addition to the permauence of tho Argail's and Lavington's lodes having been proved in the Queen section of the Komata district, five other lodes have been unearthed eastward of Uavington, so that it will be seen the Komata Queen Compauy will have already a quantity of stone to operate upon, especially as the lodes are all of good working size.
Important developments are reported in connection with the operations of this company. For the Aroha Gold Mines (Limited) a 10-foot Pelton water wheel hue just been landed on the wharf ex the s.s. Monowai, shipped by the Pelton Water Wheel Company, in San Francisco, to the New Zealand Exploration Company (Limited). This wheel is a singlenozzle wheel, and is intended to drive tho air compressor now on its way from England, and will be erected at the mouth of the huge tunnel which is being put in at the company's property, close to the south end of the main lode. It will be remembered that the previous Ban Francisco mail steamer brought a similar 10-foot wheel from the same water wheel company for the New Zealand Crown Mines Company (Limited), of which also the New Zealand Exploration Company (Limited) are managers in Ne\tr Zealand. This wheel was a three-nozzle water wheel.
SOUTHERN MINIMG. [by telegraph.—press association. 1 Greysiouth, Sunday. The Reefton gold returns for the week are; —Bullcr Dredge, 25Joz of gold for 130 hours; Dark, 5760zs of amalgam from 85 tons clean up; Hercules, 107oz amalgam from 58 tons clean-up. ■ AUCKLAND SHARBMARKET. Not a great amount of business was done on Saturday on tho Auckland Sharemarket. There.werestilla good number of buyers of investment stock. , ;. New Alburuias were done at ss, and Nonpareils at 9j|d and 10il. There were transactions in lonas at 3d. Leading stocks were about the same. ASSOCIATED STOCK AND MINING BROKERS. The following sales were recorded on Saturday by the above :—Golden Horn, 8d: Kaiser, O.Jf'l; Conquering Hero, 4Jd ; Hauraki No. 2, Is 7d. GENERAL MINING ITEMS. The half-yearly meeting of the Three Star Gold Mining Company will be held to-day. A sale of forfeited shares in the Coromaudel Queen Gold Mining Company is advertised for March 12. A report having been circulated that an alleged encroachment had been made in reference to the Tararu Extended, Mr. W. Cussen has made a complete survey and report, a thorough examination being made. This plan and report has been lodged at Mr. W. R. Waters'.
Several half-yearly meetings of gold mining companies to have been held on Saturday lapsed for want of a quorum. The balance in hand of the Karaka Queen was £54 4s lid; of the Queen Victoria, £588 Iβ 6d ; and tho Lorna Doone, £313 Is 2d.
MINE MANAGER'S REPORTS. NELLIE (Whangamata, February 25),— Crosscut No. 2; total ilUtani-e driven 111 feet; tho country I am passing through now is a hard blue sandstone very heavily mineralised, with oeasinnal pitches of small quarta intermixed with the country; mineral veins are also met with every few feet; water has commenced to allow in the face the last two days, so there is every indication of cutting a ruuf before long. Crosscut No. 1; total distance driven 67} feet; the country here is a brown sandstone, and very firm; several quartz boulders have been met with in thin drive.
MoulOH-PURU.- (Furu, February 20).—Drive to intersect the No. 2 reef in now in a distance of 150 feet. The country continues very hitil. ' The drive to intersect the Eiruii Iteof is in a distance of '23 feat. Tile country here was also very hard at Hist but, lately it has Improved In both drives sevorsl mineral bearing stringers have been mot with during the past week. In another portion of the mine we have opened up a reef one foot wide, which yields very good dish prospects. lIAUIUKI ASSOCUTKD GOLD BEEFS (Coromandol, February 23).—Tho atope on the south lead is along 13 feet in good looking sandstone country. The lead has not been broken down this week. F..ntwall lend: The third stopo is along 50 feet. The loul is still small, and shone colours of gold when broken down. The intermediate level on the above lead is ulong 42 feet in good mineralised country, but still very hard. The lead lias not been broken down this week. The low level n in 140 feet: The lead is still large, anil in soft country requiring timbering. The lead is all betas paddooked. Mata ttEEVS (Thames, February 24),-Attention is now bring p.iid to a promising lod« in the Nikau Valley section, 14 inches wide, running north anil souih, dipping sliirlitly to the «ast. The ore is of a fair quality, and the country favourable sandstone. lona (Qreat Barrier).—Heve driven total distance into the reef of 'Kl feet with no signs yet of tho hanging wall. Silver showing in the reef for the last six feet. The atone seems to be of a flinty nature with veins and bunches of silver ore running through it. Kino of Omaiiu (Puriri).— Started men to drive on two foot reef in the Harp section. The. stone look< well and gives good disli urospects. It is encased in good class of sandstone interlaced with ironstone veins, and is the best reef yet discovered on the property. It is trending north and south and underlying to the east and will give plenty of backs, YoiiK (Whang imata).—Am still driving on No. 1 reef, which continues about the same width. Am also ci osscutting another reef, and have now gone through about eight feet. It is apparently good goldbearing stone, with splendid sandstone formation around it. Zone (Whangannta).—Still working on No. 1 reef, which is a little over two feet wide; atono heavily mineralised. The country is very encouraging, with blue mineral veins running through same. DEVON OYlianiiamatn),—The crosscut U now in a distance of 91 feet. The country is still hard, consequently progress is slow. There is no material change in the face. Wai i'EKiURI UEBFs (\Yaitekauri).-No. 2 level is in a distance of 160 feet. Have cut a six inch leader, from which a ?ooil prospect of gold can be obt lined by pounding. The country passed through is a I,'onit class of s-indstoiie, with an Inflow of water in the face. In prospecting the lower end of the property, have cut a number of stringers, from win h gold was got. HAURAKI No. 2 (Coromanilol, February 20),—A roof formation of about two feet in thickness has been cue in the crosscut, thus explaining .the cause of water shoeing in the face for the last few feet back.. The reef is running at n«arly right angles to the drive, and dipping towards the shaft, The reef is composed nf quartz, pug, and mullock, on the footwall and liangingwall of the reef, there is four and six inches, respectively, of quarts, of promising appearance. As far as can be seen, the country on the footwall of the reef, shows a very decided change for the better, being a whiter and softer sandstone. So far, no gold his. been seen in the quart/, broken.. British Empire (Waitokauri, February 24),-No, 1 tunnel i The country still continues to look well. Have trenched and driven a distance of 3B feet and am finding loose gold-bearing quartz, There is a blow of quartz on the surface about 20 feet abend of us, and I shall continue the prospecting-till we cut it. . . , ■.-'-. INCA (WliangamaU! February 27).-No change to report except that the main reef is opening out wider, being now 5 feet.' GOLDBiV Caledonia (Ooromandel. February 25), —Have been steadily pushing in the drive to the Black "W"; al-so the drive on No. 1 reef. The drive to cut the Black reef: A further distance of 20 feet will cut the roof;. After going through the big reef or No, 1 in this drive, several small leaders have besn cut. and there is a reef in the face at present that looks very well for gold. Although this drive is only in 19 feet there is over 50 feet of backs at' ■ tliie distance, but the country is very hard. |
Waitekauri PrikcE; o Va > tet:anri i February 24).—Wβ have struck a very good looking reef in the low level, and hate passed through it. It proved to Kβ a nice body of stone two feet wide. SCEWiIE (Whareklrauponga, Februiry 22Jl— Crosscut" The country is much easier, and interlaced with quartz leaders. During the last β-eek a considerable quantity of water has been coming from the face, which I believe is from a body of stone not far away. The drive: The country still continues soft. Parnassus (Wbarekirauponga, February 22).— The men have been trenching the spur where the loose quartz was discovered, but so far have not found an- permanent body of stone. I have novf started them driving a crosscut to teat the spur wel under the surface. QUEEX An.vie (Waitekauri). — Main crosscut: The country remains hard, consequently driving is slow, and is mixed with quartz veins highly mineraiised. The drive to intersect No. 1 reef is now in 56 feet. 1 expect to cut tbe reef with 20 feet more driving. Hkrald OVhangamata).-The tunnel is now in 189 feet, and I am pleased to say we passed two Iβ iders—one three inches and the other six inches broad, -s» I expect to cut the reef within five or six feet of driving. King of VVHASGAStATA (Whangamata).—The crosscut is now in 135 feet.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10378, 1 March 1897, Page 6
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3,670THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10378, 1 March 1897, Page 6
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