Photographers. CLARKE BROTHERS (Late Cromeie's). ROYAL FINE ART PHOTOGRA.PHIC GALLERIES. Queen-street, Auckland, Opposite the Union Bank. First-class Portraits from C. D. V. to Life Size, at Moderate Prices. Children's Portraits taken instantaneously. J3HOTOGRAPHS OF ROTOMAHANA (LAKE DISTRICT). TO TOURISTS. HEMUS & HANNA Have a Splendid Collection of the above for Sale, at their Studio, Queen-street. Auckland. S3T N.B.—The Best in New Zealand. j Nurserymen. | jyj ASO NS' JJ- URSERIES, PARNELL. We would call the attention of intending Planters to our LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF NURSERY STOCK, Now in good condition forTransplinting. The Stock Comprises— ABIES. PICEAB, PINES, CYPRESSES MAGNOLIAS CAMELLIAS, l, 2 and 3 years' old AZALEA-*, KHODOIJE.NDRONS, ROSES, AT C. , jbCi APPLES, l, 2, and 3 years, on Blight-proof Stocks PEARS, PLUMS. PEACFIE-, and nil kinds of FRUIT. FOREST, and oUELTER TREKS, H&DG-: PLANTS, ORNAMENTAL and FLOWERING SHRUBS BULBS, FLORISTS' FLOWER-, Ac., &o. As we are the Largest Growt-rs of the above in the Colony, wo are enabled to nt a low late to persons planting expensively. Communications by letter to be addressed to 'Pa met I Nurseries by telegram, to " .Newmarket." Descriptive Catalogues os Applio ktios. Town Agent Mr. R. Brewis, Seed Merchant' Queen-street. Auckland, May 9, 1 j F j rnishing. rjYHE CfaEAPESr HOUSE IN NEW ZEALAND FOR REALLY GOOD FURS'ITURE, CONSISTING or DRA WI N G-R 00 M, DIXIXG-UOOM, BED-ROOM, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ENGLISH, AMERICAN, & COLONIAL MADE FURNITURE. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN AUCKLAND FOE CARPETS! BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY, KirDEF.MIXSTEE, DUTCH & FELT CARPETS. I The Largest Stock of Plain and Fancy FLOORCLOTHS EVER EXHIBITED IN AUCKLAND! All the Newest Patterns of LINOLEUM (The New Cork Carpet'. MANILLA, COIR FLAX, and CHINA MATTINGS (Plain and Fanci). 1 SILK AND WORSTED DAMASK, REPS, B ROCHES, AND COTTATISES, PLAIN* AND FANCY PIMITTE*, CHINTZES, CRETONNES. BLANKETS AND COUNTERPANES i ~~ ~~" i ; A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 01" GILT CHIMNEY GLASSES. BRASS CORNICES & WINDOW POLES. OF THE pERIOD ! 1 ! This Blind is manufactured from Mctil of the thickness of note pap'-r : it is light, durable, and i-lMgant: it wili n--! lilist>*r or ' warp with the sun, and is 1 ss in p ice than ! thu wood vea-tiaii. I ! WINDOW CURTAINS, ' IN | LACE, NETT, MUSLIN, AND LENO. |\V i N D O W HOLLANDS, i IN WHITE, BUFF, AND GREEN. ] ALL SCRTS OF UPHOLSTERER'S TRIMMINGS. ! WINKS & HALL, ! WHOLESALE & RETAIL CABINETMAKERS, ! UPHOLSTERERS, AND CARPET WAREHOUSEMEN, SHORTLAND - STREET, AUCKLAND. j Sole-Acents for the OROVER & BAKER SEWING-MACHINES, WALNUT DRAWINGROOM SUITES in SILK, Walnut Tables. GILT CHIMNE\ • GLASSES in Handsome Frames, Walnut and Mapli Chimney Glasses, 1 On sale at , T. & H. COOKE'S FURNISHING WAREHOUSE i j 67, Queen-street. I 1 RON BEDSTEADS-20 different pat terns. Bedding of all kinds. Marble-to] j Washstands. Mahogany Toilet Glasses in grea I variety. On sale at T. & H. COOKE'S BF.D*TFAT> AND BEDDING WAREHOUSE, 67, Qceex-steeet. CIANE-SEATED CHAIRS, upwards o J 14 different patterns Children's Chairs, i Mahotrany and Oak. French Wicker BASS I NETT and Babies' Baskets, Cn sale at » ! T. &B. COOKE'S GENERVL FURNISHING • i WAREHOUSE, > . | 67, Queen-street.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5178, 21 June 1878, Page 1
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