Shipping. g s - 'TRA Ns I T.' a : time table Leave Auckland : LeiveWairoa: Friday,9am. Siturday, 10 a. m. Weather and other circumstances permitting. WASTES. A K ent. ~ 1 '"v-L ©TEAM TO RIVER. ! head twice duly. .9 n , •'ter May 6. steamers ' will leave as under :— ' From Auckland : From P.ivcrliead • , Li1y,'12.30 p.m. • Lily," 9 a.m. ' Oemini,' 3 pm. ' Gemini' — - ( J- CASEY & SON'. -s j ~ — j." ! LONDON DIRECT. s . I The regular trader } mEa&Mm 'SPIRIT OF THE DAWN,' if 1 , A .. AI at Lloyd's. €92 tons Register, Captain Jamrs I « ard, having the greater part of her cargo engaged will have quick despatch. For particulars apply to THE NEW ZEALAND SKIPPING COMPANY (LIMITKD), Agent?. JplOR LONDON DIRECT. 1 MnSEaisaia TO FOLI «ow the ' cui^.f.' The magnificent clipper barque 'SCHIEH A L L I 0 N,' AAI at Lloyd's, 602 tons register, Capt. J. lavack, due here about the middle of June. lt CRUICKSHANK & C \, 10, Qucec-street, Agents, n Auckland, May 30,1575. "OASSENGERS' LINE ok LI D PACKETS TO Vi ' %V ZEA " RY JirWR 1 ?. SHAW, >r-A\ ILL a CO., Si, LKADKvnAi.L-sTa«xT, Lo:<uon. " Th» aboro line of ships are regrc'.at trader* to all the principal pirtj of New y'talaDri. 'i hey are clipper at ps, classed A 1 at Lloyd's, f.nd io::irnaadt'd by I ■;ip-"'n''nced masters. The bill of '*»■« is .i ost «ub- I Jiactial, aid of the best quality, and tfco Krcc.mir.oda- I H 1- n and conveuiect. | Tl:e ur-Jersigucd are empowered to grant pasaares from Lnndcs to New Zoaland, payment frrvihirh h«,s I l- t'.'pc In tl\R colony. Bctur>- siiij.s to I t, j also lr>.«»T!» at a!a>o-tt regular iuteiTalc. | i* J particulars oa application tr. i L. P. NATHAN .% CO.. OWKN <% GRAHAM. - Aeer.U. , j CRT ICKdHANK & CO. \ v | HOB ART TOWN j Jj DIRKCT. | 'BELLA MARY,' . (. >.ptain .T. Fisher, will sail as above in a few.d*TS i on discharge cf inward cargo. j STONE BROTHERS. j JT 0R rRIVATE SALE. T'.e ; addle steamer J'Uiy leybon, Giahamstown, has r<"C°ive 1 in-trur-tions Irrm Mr. 81 - bmim;h*m to sell the \v>>ilknown Steamer, which ia W"li adapted for river or c-~.ast trade. i. Full particulars, with inventory, cm be had on applic ition to E. & 11. I*.A AC-, | _ F'ort-street : Or, JOHN LEY:>on, Auctiomer, Thames. ' Building Material, Fuel, &c. j . | ■' C 0 A L 1 C 0 A L! OF 1 , ou ! FROM TIIE j i, n j i -! >. j N O T I C K. ! ! i : r ; rs | F G. CLAY TON has for Sale best fli. '' --FIIOLD ■ C i ■ '- v ! C 'AL, from the Tanpiri Mine, in • to sun purchasers. ! Nrwmarket, May 23, 1i73. ' c ck CHEAP COAL, I D j ; FROM liUI.LI MINES (NEAR ? YDS FY , )F j j I Es ' IVIILIKOTOS.' : j r | A splendid household, smith's, or steam Coal, retailed I at from 5s to 7s per ton less than they cm b: imj by the, cargo. j 10 tons and upwards .. 20s per ton (ship's si ie) ■Single Load .. .. 23s ~ ~ This Coal a strong heat, is very c>an, leaves F • I j little or no cinder, burns a very long time. and will be p• | found very economical to burn with AVaikato. ; i I W. & G. WIN6TONE. I STEAM SANITARY PIPE ; AND FIRE-CLAY WORK 3. | GEO. BOYD ly, Dssires to inform his Customers and the PnbFc in r} general that, owing to the dangerous state of his or premises in Fort-street, he has been obliged to Remote tithe Works ; therefore, all orders, letters, and telegrams for him should be addressed to the Newton Pottery. As Mr. Quick's 'Luses pass near to the Pottery every twenty minutes, it offers an opportunity to persons who may desire to inspect the Largest Stock of Sanitary and Fire-Clay Goods in the Colony. Jjl RE S H SHIPMENTS. 20 000 ENGLISH slates (*SO CASKS CEMENT, . Ex ' City of Auckland' and ' Famenoth.' JAS. BLAIKIE, I. Viotobia-street {4 doors from Union Dank). N SALE: t a J 400 casks Cement 1,11 100 casks Plaster (Auerican) „ , fclates, Fire Bricks (Stourbridge) Fire Clay, Lime, Sand. &c. »nd Serew Jacks and Scaffolding on hire. Experienced Workmen in all Branches sent to all * a paits of Town or Country. KEANE & JENKINSON, ov - Buildehs, Victoiiia-strket East. ma, feC ' "WAIKATO COAL COMPANY (LIMITED) are now delivering BEST it a HOUSEHOLD COAL from their Mines at Ruawaro, Huntly Station, as follows; — 5 tons &nd under 25 tons .. .. 17s 6d per ton L 25 tons and under 50 tona .. .. 16s 6d per ton 60 tons and upwards 16> Od per ton JfD Slack .J> 12s Oil per ton iner Delivered at Auckland or Oneliunga Railway ter, Station. Steamers and Manufactories subject te laif special arrangement Orders may be sent to Mr. 'as- i James ROJ.Ai.D3ON, Manager, Huntly. Waikato; or to cial ' W. 8. LAURIE, Agent, j 7, Wyndham-street Auckland.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 2
New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5178, 21 June 1878, Page 1
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