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Houses and Land. IMPROVED FARM AT RAZOKBACK, FOR- SALE. 1 155 Acres, adjoining the farms oT Messrs. FTngb Mackie and Hancock, partly fenced and under cultivation, with Cottage, Ac., thereon. For further particulars, apply to JOF/N BUCHANAN, Shorttand-street ; Or to SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Fort-street. GREAT BARRIER —For Sale, Price £40—120 acres, Parish of Aoto*. SAMUEL COCHRANE fc SON, Auctioneers. JJUILDING ALLC TMENTS FOR SALJfi. NELSON-STREET — Allotment, 22 fee* frontage, near Victoria-street NEWMARK ET—Allotment, 28 feet by »®feet, adjoining Mr. Morgan's, for sale or to be leased for 21 years MORNINGSIDE—Lot 3, Section 3, corner of New North Road and Argyle-street °WJ||nTNOA— Hardlngtom'a Paddock, Lata (9 so S*, ; T1 to 75 NAPIER-STREET— Allotmeat, 26 feet 11 inches to Brunswick-street I BROOKVILLE—Lots 72, 73, 60, and «l, fronting [ j William and George-streets WAKEFIELD-STREET -Allotment, SS feet frontage, near its junction with Queen-street BANK-STREET—Off Shortlaod-street, Allotment behind Mr. Vaasallo's premises BERESKORD-STREET —Allotnwnt, 200 feet front- i nse ; PONSONBY—Sheehan's Paddock, Lot 95, 33 feet to Prospeot Terrace, Lot 117. 40 feet to Sheehaastreet Lot 103. 40 feet to Dlgnan-steeet Lot 27 . 28, and 29, corner of PompaHer Terrace and King-street SPRINGBANK—Lot 181, fronting Brown-street JO H N-STFET— (Ponsonby)—Lot 72, 40 teet frontage C LEV BURN—Seven Lots on Shelly Beach Road, 2 ! Lots adjoining Mr. Bucholx's property j LINCOLN-STREET—Let 29, 47 feet ran age, one ! from Richmond Boat! j SPRINGBANK— Lots 9S to 99, 42 feet each to Rich- ' moad Road j GLENBURN—Lot 33, 70 foei 6 inches Hackett- | street I I SPRINGBANK—Lot 51, 40 eet to Brown-street j CHELTF.NH AM--(North Shore)— Lots 31 and 32, on i the flat, near the Cricket Ground I Fonr allotments, fronting the React> j SYBER PASS ROAD (Edendetry)—Lot I, 66 feet ! frontago to the Kyber Pass: Lot 3, 33 foet to 1 Auburn-street j MT. ST. JOriN—Str Allotment!! on the Oneungha ' Road | NEWMARKET- Lot 10, section 2, 41 feet to Mann- I sau Road, adjoining Mr. Clayton's residence j NEWMARKET—Six Allotments. Dart of the Hob- i son's Bridge property j LINCOLN AND NORFCLK-STRSKTS -Lots 55 and ! 66, each 66 feet frontage j CLARENCE-STREET—Lots 60 and 61, each 40 feet i frobt>t ' SPRINGWOOD (Ponsouby)—Lots 64, 67, near Mrs. I Addey'a Seminary BROOK VILLE Allotments, fenced and planted REMUERA—Five acres, near St. John's College SAMUEL COCHRANE fc SON, Land Agents, Fort-street. JJQUSEHGLD PROPERTIES FOR SALE. PONSONRY—House of six rooms, near Masons ircr* 1 —" • - L -~ —» - - - MOUNT ST. JOHN -Large House of 10 rooms, and 4 allotments. WELLESLEY AND Crl A PEL-STREETS — Comfortable two-storey House, and four-roomed Cottage., erected on an allotment corner of Wellesley and Chapel-Btreets gOUTH NEWTON. A few Allotments for Sale, fronting Stanley, Hotn>, Keppei, Codriugton, and Bend-streets. rians and prices can be obtained at the ofilce of SAMUEL COCHRANE A SON, Land Agents, Fort-street. Farms and country properties FOR SALE. WAIKATO—3OOO acres, Lake Waugape, adjoins Sinclair's, one side bounded by a creek, one-'Jiird ploughable, remainder bash WEITT RIVER—SS acres, allotment 9, Parish of Gkura, large water frontage, known as Gallagher's Farm MAHURANGI—(Tawhna Bloekl-95 acres, mostly bush, on the main road, near the iloteo Bridge PUKKATU A — Farm of 120 acres, 20 acres in gr:is2, orchard, four roomed house, and out-bui!dings situated 14 miles irora Stokes' Point 1 The coach passes the property | FARM c.f 40 acres on the Mount Roskill Road, about one mile from the New North Road Toll-gata, fenced and subdivided into paddocks fcy substantial stone walla, with dwelling-house and outbuildinss MANGAWAI —110 acies, part bush, within two miles of the Landing-place TE RAPA (Waikato) Lot OS, .10 acres, adjoining Messrs. Hammond and l)e Quincey's properties \VAI 41'- of Allotment 03, 00 acres, deep water | frontage to Karaka River • ' OT A HUH U—Lots 23 and SO. Foley's Township | KOMOKORAV (Waikato) -Lot 63, 50 acres, midway ' between Ngaruawaliia and ilan. dton BALMSIX ( Sl.orc)—ls AUotmont.s PIRONGIA (Waikato)—Lot 277, 50 acres ALEX ANDRA WEST—Lot 167, 1 acre TAURAROA (Marsden)—Part of Lot 91, 40 acres. RUARANGI—Part of Lot 96, 110 KOMOKORAU (Waikato)—Allotment 95, 50 acres KERIKERI—Lot 13 of the settlemert, 10 acres PAPAKURA—Lot 71. section 11, 1 rood near Railway Matiou ' KARAKA—IGO acres on the Waiuku and Papatoitcf WADE—4O acres within half a-tnile of Mr. Hayes property , TA U PIRI (V '.ikato) —Lots 383 and 884. 190 acres HUNUA—Allotment 107, 60 acres BIG MUDDY CREEK—IIO acres <!ATAKO!IE— Allotment 177, 76 aCTes | MONGONU1 —101 acres good heavy bush land j "APAKURA—Farm of 241 acres, partly fenced and laid down in grass, with now House and Stable I thereon. Has a large deeu-water frontage. PAREMOREMO —220 acres good heavy bush land PAN Mr RE--" Wellington Park," 10 acres volcanic soil, ill pasture, securely tenced with a stone wail, '• and House ol 6 rooms and out-buildings thereon Dwelling-house, eoscli-house, stable, garden, orchard, and about 16 acres of land PITKEATUA--79 acres and five-roomed House, about 26 acres good kauri bush, the rest partly cultivated. 3. WaIRAU— 300 acres, about half a mile's sail from _ Onehunga „ WYNYARDTOWN—B Allotments, in the centre of the township WH AI T - 21 acres near the Whau Bridge KAPANGA--Number of Central Allotmemti Also, a large numbeT of Farms, varying from 50 to 600 acres, in the Parishes of Takepuna. Waikato, E Kaipara, Mareretu, Mangapai, ohuroa, Ruarangi, Waitara, Waiuku, Waital.erei, Puhoi. Kaiwaka, Opotiki, MarAetai, Raglan, Maungakaramea, Kourawhero, Manukau, Knatangata, Pakuranga, Pirongia, Tanpiri, Omaha, Kerikeri, Ngaroto, t- Te Arai, Waiwera, Maangataniwha, Tauraroa, >P Matakohe, Kaukapakapa, Hikurangi, Mahuat rangi, Mangawai, Waiplpi, Ohiwa, Uunahi, Waik'ekie Pokeno, &c. i SUNDRY ALLOTMENTS. Kyber-Pass Estate, Brookville, Dedwood, Polnl Chevalier Hardington's Paddock, Onehunga Kapanga; Townships of Raglan, Newcastle: Opotiki, &c. of Full particulars of any of the above properties cai in be obtained at the Land Mart, Fort-street, and when fS practicable, intending purchase will have an oppor funity afforded them of personally viewi_g each pro perty. SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, j HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, I FORT STREET.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5178, 21 June 1878, Page 1
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961Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5178, 21 June 1878, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XV, Issue 5178, 21 June 1878, Page 1
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