! ODD FELLOWS' HALL. DUEE OP EDINBURGH THEATRE. LAST NIGHT BUT THREE of the Celebrated GrOTJJtLAY FAMILY. AYho will posit ively close ou MOX DAY, Septembei-27. ■'<■' HIS (TIID RSD AY) EVEN IN G, « September 2;i, The performance will commence at eight with the Drawing-rcom Diorama, a TOUR FROJE ENGLAND TO IIS T DIA, Nine o'elo.-k, Ml< S. MrG RKG-O K' R LE YE K, Introducing the principal Characters. Quarter-past ten, The Great" I.NDTAN HASKKT ILLUSION Half prietf to Circle at nine. Doors open at half-past seven. Commence at Eight. Dress Circle, ."is. Slalls. 2s. (id. PIT- ON K SHILLING! Children uniler Twelve, lialf-priee to Cir.-le and Stalls. N.l , ..—Children in arms not admitted. Tickets can be had of the principal Musj\-scl!..ts: aud seals secured at Theatre from 12 till ;{. IMJIXCK OF WALES THEATRE. Lessee and Jfanager Mr. J. L. Hall. Secretary Mr. It. B. Wiseman. Under the Distinguished Patronage of L A D Y Jj O W E N. BENEITT OF M I!. J. L. HALL. First time in Auckland of the Sparkling Comedy of GOING TO THE BAD. Mr. J. L. Hvi.i.as - - - Mr. Pktei: Potts. rn II I S (THURSDAY) EVEXDf G, A September 2:!. The performance will commence with the Sparkling Comedy, entitled GOING TO THE BAD. To conclude with the Screaming Farce entitled UKOTKKR BILL AND ME. Isi:v.iAMi?: WiiiOii.KS - - - Mr. J. L. ITai.l Admission :-Dress Circle, ss; Stalls, 2s. Gd. ; Pit. Is. Seats may he reserved ut Messrs. Upton's, Queen-street. DUKE OP EDINBURGH THEATRE. WILL SHORTLY APPEAR, for a short season only, BACHELDEirs GRAND HISTORIC MIRROR AND DIORAMAS OF THE AMEit IC A N WA R, As exhibited in Sv.hiev iiiul i[elbounie over 2SO nights. The Oni.vCiiuit.ite Woi:k «>k Tin: kind tx i:xist-KSi-r, entirely n. w, and on a scale of magnificence lierer liefori- attempted. The thunder of the eaunon and the din of the battle lipid fall upon the ear of the audience; the lire and smoke oflhc advancing hosts, anil their d speiato charge- ae si:t:v. ami (he fearful work of CAUNAii:: and Di: \tii i< p:v=ented with a distinctness and mocking reality, >.. that the audience ,-an readily imagine themselves aetual spe,.(ators of the sublime and .■.tirringseenes rcpiv^eiifed The beholder lias before him KAiTilffl. 10 Lrn: IN' i:vi:i:v i'.M:ri«'ii.Ait ail the principal Battles, Sieges, and Naval Engagements of both the Norl tiern and Southern iirmii.> during the gigantic rebellion in the United Stales. In order to make thi< the most thrilling, exciting, and iu.-lruclivc Exhibition ever olfered to the public, the proprietor lias added, at great expense, two new and intricate mechanical Di-miamas of moving ligurc-, illustrating Ihe groat naval engagement between the KKI£i:SAC,E AND ALABAMA, Introducing- Actual Ships, Ac, And the most ehiborati! jiieee of mechanism ever exhibited in the world, carrying out in minute detail every incident of the Funeral Procession of the late lamented PJt E SIDE S T r, INC OL N In the City of Washington. Full particulars in future advertisement a.s to date of opening, ive. R. G. BACH ELDER, Proprietor, 11. EASTWOOD. Agent. TII E WAN WO R 1C S * RE NOW OPENED at the Old Court House, ,\ Queen-street, from ten in the morning till ten in the evening. For particulars see programme. * ,;- Admission one shilling. TO THE ELECTORS OF NEWTON. 4 PUBLIC MEETING of the ELECTORS of A Newton, will be held in the Newton Ila'l. THIS (TIILII-DAV) EVENING, at half-past. 7 o'clock, to lake into consideration the Representation of the District iu the Provincial Council. T. 1!. Hill K. 11. Haynes .1. Graham D. Eroude O. Bovd O. Testa Dr. lVirce G. Hoise .1. Pugb J. Hnrkis .1. Slater E. lioitcher N.I!. -Electors are respectfully requested not, to he j too premature in pledging their votes. ST. ANDREW'S MANSE GIFT AUCTION. ♦ COMMITTEE has been formed for the ntir- : \ pose of raising funds ly a " GTFT A UCTION,' , to make some necessary reiiairs, and, if possible, an addition to the manse and property of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. The auction will be held cirly in the month of October, and due notice will he given of time and pine.;. Col'ee ors "ill wait upon the publio for eontr :l>utions during the ensuing orlnight, and paries, either in town or country, who m:iv not be wr.i'e.l „;:,„,, ;,nd who niv wishful to assist, will be kind enough to send their contributions to the care o»' Messrs. Wh tson and Co. ; Messrs. Samson, Frasrr ■ and Co.; Mr. W. Grahame ; or to Messrs. Ogilvk, Cainiibell it Co., Shortland-street. HUGH CAMPBELL, Hon. See. September 20, ISG9.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1777, 23 September 1869, Page 1
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