Ol'lllli GOLD MINING COMPANY (liEGISTERED). VfOTTCK.—An EXTRAORDINAR.Y l> of SIIARKHOTJJEKS i» c-nlled for THUItSDAY, the 7th day of October, ISOO, at. 2 p.m., a-t the Registered Ollice'of the Coinjinny. Business: To pass Rules imd 'elect Directors. C. E. HArGHTON, Legal Munagev. N.B.—Two M'eetings having lapsed through the nou-a(tendance of (lie ivquisile number and value, it is earnestly requested thai the Hi-ireholflers will altend to this Notice. Sept. lSth. lSti'.l. CHALLENGER GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). ,4 N EXTRAORDINARY G ENERAL -TV of the SHAHKUXM.DKRS iii the above Ccmpany will be held at my olliee. in Urown-stivet. Grahamslown. on MONDAY, October the lib, lSli'.l, ill '.i p.m. sharp. Husiuess : To increase the capital of (he Company. A full attendance is specially requested. ■\YM - . F. CLIFTON. Legal Manager. Grahamst, ,»>>,Sept. 15. 1S(!!>. ALIHRNIAN AND PRIDE OF THE WEST GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED.) T N consequence of there not being a majority prei sent al (he meeting ailvrrt i>ed f..r the 21st September, an EXIRAOUDINARY MEEEING of Shareli,.hler< in the above Company is now convened for FKIDAY. the Nth October, ISfi.l, al :i p.m., to be held at the otllee of the Comiiaiiv, Pollen-street, Shorlland. l!ii-iu>>- : To adopt and -ign Di'cil of Association, ele.'t ]>erinanenl Direetors and Auditor, conjinn the I appoiii'menl of Legal .Manager, and general husiuess. I All Shareholder- are specially reque.-teil to be preI sent is pi-:i:.-<-n on the oeea-ion', otherwise a furtli-r dcl.iv will he unavoidable. R. LAISHLEY. Legal Manager. Auckland. September 22, ISII'.t. "NEW ZEALAND MINING JOURNAL," OrP.LISIIED ••very SATURDAY at Graham--5 town and Auckland, all'ords an excellent medium for Adverlisemeiit-i connecteil wit i the I'liamo Gold Field. Agent in Auckland—Mr. Ei>w\ni> Waytk, • 'CUE Onice of the PUKEIIINAU GOLD I MINING COMPANY is REMOVED t« Stichihuv's Bfii.DlNi'.s, Queen-street. W. C. HILL, Legal Manager. BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. \:OTICE is hrrelir given thai the HALFi> YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the Proprietors of ibis U-nk will be held in the Banking H.-.u-e. in Auckland, on WEDNESDAY, the 1:71 ii day of Oclohcr next, at nooi,. for the purpose of recci'viiig Ihe Report of the Direetors lor Ihe Hair Year ending ."UHh inst., the election of two Directors, and aiiv forotker that niav be brought before tke m'ceting. I!t order of the Hoard of Direetors. D. L. MURDOCH, j Inspector. i %- Candidates for the Olliee of Directors must give notice in writing to the Board of Directors, sneli ..(.tier to be left at the Banking Him-e, Auekliind. thirty davs at lea.-l before the dav of election. Auckland, 21st Septcmhwr, lsfill. N O T 1 C K . /■jiIIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Ratepayers 1 of the Papakm-a District will he held iiTthe School-room, Papukur.i Vallev, at 12 o'eloek imiv, on Tuesday, sth of October. j:. buttkrworth, Chairman. WAIROA.--NOTICE. rI" HI-: ANNUAL MEETING of Ihe Electors of < the Wairoa Highway District will bo held in the Wairoa School-hoii-e. on Tuesday, the Fifth day of October proximo, at One o'clock p.m.. for the j purp.'ve ol'ele.-liug Trulecs and li.xiiig a ra'c for the j 1 curie:.l year. j ' A. IiREMNER, | ; Secretary. I ' \Yairoii, 2!l|b Sept., 1 Still. ' I ' MANGEKK HIGHWAY DISTRICF. . .'VHE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of S. Ratepayers of I'ie Maii"ei'e lli.'hwav District will he held' iu the Criterion II .:-l,' Olaiiuhu, at :5 j . o'clock ii.m. on TUESDAY, ("Mob.-r .">. isii!i. J ,). VEKCOE. , N O T I C E. \LL parties indchled to (lie late Firm ol' BrI'll.VNAN'ix StkwwiT are respectfully requi'steil to i>av their respue ive accounts to Ihe undersigned, at his Olliee, 2:t <}iieen— 'ive', within fourteen days ' from this dale, after which all accounts oulslanding l will be handed over to his solicitor (or rec.verv. JOHN UUCIIANAN. September 21, 1S(!!). N OTIC IC. \ PUBLIC MEETING will he held al the Wade c 1\ Township ou TUESDAY, 2Slh Sept., for Ihe purpose of forming a Political Association tj act with the Mahurangi Association. liv rciiUHSl. 11. LLOYD. Wade, 17th Sept.., 1-S(»!>. NC'TICR! XOTIC;-:! NOTECE ! ' ills .[,(.) iM>.s II IP'S liAliDi'K, "WIIALF, IS NO W O P 1C N E D £ witli ALL THE DELICACIES OF , HIE SEASON. | COFFEE AS IN PARIS. SINGLE BEDROOMS, l< , . \V 11 ITL 0 C IC, Manager. I HAY OF ISLANDS COAL. POR. SALE, at (he COMP.-V3fi"S YARDS, L ~ CU.Si'OMIIOUSE-STREET EAST: \\ Host Screened 2bs. por ton ' Unscreened 20s. per ton , Slack Coal for .steam engines, ,vc.. 20s. per ton ', Apply to \ : HENKY GILEILLAN, )\ Agent. ' 1 Queen-street, September, 18G0.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1777, 23 September 1869, Page 1
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