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NOTICE. : .ptEOROrE HASSELL will please call at tie : VX Oilice of the undersigned regarding liis English. ; matters. I BEYERIDGE & RITCHIE, ! Solicitors, Wyndham Chambers. [ ANTED,—A Good General SERVANT.—Ap- ; I * » ply at the Red Lion Hotel, Drake-street. j \ \' ANTED —A Respectable Person to take care of 1 ' * a Baby. Must have good references.—Apply I to Mr. Gi:onr.E, Grocer, Parnell. ! > \ 7 AXTED— 500 DOZEN FRESH EGGS, 500 , i '■< LJVS. FRESiI BUTTER, weekly.— Apply at . f: Lkv-et's. Red House, Queen-street. ■ RANTED— A GENERAL SERVAXT. Good ! ' • inferences required. Apply ut the UehalD p I Olllco. i X?v r AXTED—SERVANTS.-Apply at the Regi3- ' '*' tut OrncE, opposite Hoilbs', Wakefieldstreet. ' VSTAXTED-α SERVANT GlßL,about 15 yeara li of age. Apply to Mrs. Donald, Grey-street. X7,J AXTED KNOWN—MARRION'S * v LISH ALE on DRAUGHT at the BRITISH HOTEL. Three years in the cellar. U~ AXTED—A GENERAL SERVAXT.—AppIy V v to 2VIi-Ei. Kir.ooi'K, Newmirket. AXTED—A MAX* who can drive and make «* himself useful; also a FEMALE COOK.— Apply at the Hki:ai.i> Office. \1 *"AXTED—A COACH-PAINTER. Constant ' employment for a good hand.—Apply to Cousins. Atkin <!i Co., Victoria Carriage Factory, CVok-stivet. " _ " \,- AXTED,■-A HAN or STRONG LAD ace uS " " r tonied to Farm work ; must be a good Milke r " ■-Apply at tin- 1Ii:i:ald Office. ANTED,- An Active MAN, with business ei- '* perienee, to. join another in the Manajemeut of an K-tablished C'oiintry Business of two "Stores. Satisl'aciory rcl'erein'cs lvqiiiresl.—Apply by letter to John UitKiiNKK,-Hi, Queen-street. \Z7 AXTKD— A Situation as CLERK in a ■ ■haul's or Commission Am-nt's olliee. The advert i<rr has a knowledge of the German and French languages.—Address " K.E.D." Post -office, Pariicll. U* AXTED, by the Bank of Australasia, JUNIOR * CLERKS possessed of some business experienee. A])plieations containing references, and . accompanied bv testimonials, to be made bv letterto the Manager. TO PAINTKRS. 'r-IFREE or FOUR PAINTERS WANTED.— > Applv nn board the p.s. ' Duke of Edinburgh,* Firewood \Vhavf. \\7 ANTED—FURNISHKD APARTMENTS, ** Two Bedrooms and one Sitting Room, about o or 10 minutes' valk from the Theatre. —Ap[:l» to Jlr. J. L. 11a 11, Prince of Wales Theatre. VyAXTED—Builders and others to KNOW that • I G. Holdsiiip axd Co. are prepared to supply, from the X'ewton Sash and Door Manufactory AT ( T» KINDS of SASHES, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &c, &c, at market prices. V\7 AXTKD, from C3OO to £ 100 on Freehold Pro- ' T perty recently pureUascd for iUjOO, producing an annual "rental of £SO. Title—Crown grant.— Apply, stating terms, "A. Z.," Hkeald Office. JTo application has been made to any one. TIT ANTED—To know the whereabouts of & IT GREi" POXY, branded W. B. ; back somewhat sore. Strayed from Onehunga about a month. since. T. H MA BIN. VfrANTED for the Pacific Hotel, Grahamstown, U two thorough good nOUSESIAIDS. Apply at Mr. KrssKLi.'s Boarding House, Upper Queenstreet, on Friday, between the hours of 10 and 155 o'clock.—X.B. Good wages given to competent Servants. References required. - *TrANTED—The Public to know that WATSON", V» SCAXI.AX & CO. have added largely to their Stork ~f IWPEKHANGINGS, GLASS, PAINTS, ISiIUSHKS, VARNISHES, &c, ic, es 'BaDarat , and other late arrivals. Auckland Oil, Color, and AVindow Glass Warehouse. New J'uildings, Lower Queen-street. MINING MANAGER. WANTED— By the Pri cess Royal Gold Mining Co lipany, Registered, a thoroughly competent MINING M.VNAGER. —Applications to be lodged at the oliice of the Company, 21-, Queen-street, on orbefore the :50th instan'-. C. ALEXANDER, Legal Manager. MINING MANAGER. HALF MOON GOLD JIININ"G COMPANY (TO BE REGISTERED). J- , HE Directors REQUIRE the SERVICES of an. X Experienced WORKING -MANAGER. Applications in writing to be left at my Office on. or before MONDAY, the. 27th inst. HENRY WRIGG, CE., Legal Albert-street, Grahamstown, 21st September, 18G9. .j fI>OOK-KEEPER WANTED.—A Firm n town ■: 5 require the services of a thoroughly competent Book-keeper. To a suitable person the situation would be a permanent one.—Address Box 164, P. O.j Auckland. LOST, on Friday evening, between Fre?iiian'a Bay and the junction of Union-street, a GOIiD> STUD mounted with Diamonds. The finder, on bringing the same to WILLIAM CnAPPELL, 45, Queei"-street, will be handsomel-v rewarded. jp AS i I lONS.—The CHOICEST SELECTION'of L 1 LADIES' BONNETS ever imported into Atieklan I. -"National Mart,"-. & J. R. Vaim. •' ITU reference to a notice of the sale by auction *■! of the SCOTIA HOTEL,'GrahamstowTi.-t hereb,- notice that T CLAIM si PORTION of the LAND on which th-- said lIOTKL is imilt,.an*L am to support my claim at law. A. BORNWIUJj. \\ itmv-s—A. LA3CELI.K.S, Soli.rit.jl-. ' v OVIV TO T.F.>a>. in l:.rgn or «im'l r.unis.tat ■-';. >:iod.'ra-eiiitcr.'st, on tjOODr-i" r :SI'X— FreehjUl — Bevrkiikjk ax Soirirn-rs, Wj'i'-.lluim Chambers. ..• '' r»i A LKM) on Fr.- \ S.'- vrity, ' U.' •■U- 5 at. KU-Lr. per .v:i M )ply to W. Aivkk.v. L-!ud Ag:-!it. " .'-::: 'EXckl-sioii* a.v: ot Food for InCtnf--, K;>i.' .' ' ■u.tliits *' C.eoa. Hoin'j-oi«it)iii! tt"*-'k ' , i^atff, Glc-.ul-s. Pihilis, Tinctui-os, i...-., ar ' " Medic;.; STaU, Qnr-.-n-street Juticli >i. ] . . . . _ IJKLFAST mNINO-T.!'-: .' ; -11J.5.-'" , W«']!-liiU.-.Tii Ol'ih,:: T+>.> ■ ;ii.i'ii-:Ml "e\t-L!m;V. .-.f I'-cwV .-i UE-Oi'KXKP. S. : Jelfiw;i-iu.-c. V. ■ Is.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1777, 23 September 1869, Page 1
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804Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1777, 23 September 1869, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1777, 23 September 1869, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.