MULTL'iI IX I'AIiVUC.OLIJ MINING COMPANY. .'. GENERAL MEETING orSHAREHOLDERS " q . in tlic above Company will be lu-Id in Mr. SceatV British Hot pi. Queen-street, THIS HAY (Thursday), n( 2 oVlwk p.m. A full meeting is desired. I HENRY CHAPMAN. ; Legal Manager. MESSENGER'S HILL GOLD MINING COMI'ANV V KEGISTERED). \ MKETIXG of tin- SHAREHOLDERS in the \. above Company "ill be lu-1.1 at (lie Company's Olliec. Albert-street." Gmhamstown, THIS D.iV (Thursday , ), at (! o'clock p.m.. to adopt Rules for management of the Company, anil appoint Diiivlors, it i , . A full attendance U requested, cither personally or by provy. KDWD. HONISS. Legal Manager. VENUS GuLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED. ♦ N EXTRAORDINARY MEETING o( tin; - l - Shareholders i>!" the above Company will be held at the George Jlotel, Grahimstown. THIS DAY (,Tlinr«l:iv>.at 7 o'clock p.m. Business : To ninliriii the election of Directors, and other important business. AY. i>. LYKLL. DEEP LEAD GOI.H MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED}. • MEKTINCi o( l>l HECTORS will he hel.l al the Olliee of Messrs. Snllv an.l!. Queen-.-lreel, Anekland. on J'Klll.VV, S,-nt. 21th, at ■.i ]i.m. ' I Business of importance. I waltek sully, I Legal .Manage:-. PROSPECTORS' HOLD MINING COMPANY v UEGLSTEREIn. I'UKIRI. 4 N EXTRAORDINARY MEETING ol' Share- ■\ holder- of the above Company will bo held at Mr. lieethamV olliee. Pollen-street". Shortlanil, on TUESDAY. L'Sih in-lant. at :i oVU-k p.m. Business To consider an amalgamation with the Allianee Gold Mining Coni].any. P. E. CHEAL, Manager. Shortland, September '.1. ISi!:>. GOLDEN CROWN EXTENDED GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). NOTICE is hereby given that the ordinary QUARTERLY - MEETING of Slum-holders in (he above-mentioned Company will he held at Copland's Thainei Hotel, Quren-street. An -klaml, on THURSDAY, tlie :50th day of September, at 7 p.m. Bv order of the Directors. EDWARD Pit ATT, Manager. ■10 Queen-street. Aiiekland, September l>l. ls(i!». GLEN TILT GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). I A N EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEET- "• ING efthp SHAREHOLDERS of the Company will be held ut the Ofliee. 21- Queen-street, Auckland, on FRIDAY, Is! Oct.. at .1 o'eloek. Business: To appoint Directors and Legal Maimger, and to sign Ride* and Regulations of the Company. A majority of number* and value must be ', prrs'eiit. ' " i C. ALEXANDER, j Legal Manager pro teni. I LITTLE RKPUP.LIC GOIJ) MININi'i COMPANY (I! EG IST EKED). », N EXTRAORDINARY General MEETING "■• of the Shareholders will b.- held at the Ollice of the Company. 2 IQuecn-strcet. Auckland, on FRIDAY, l>l Oet.iber. at half-pa-t I ~- , -loek. l!usiiie«< : To sign rules and ivgulat ions of the j Company, and other important matters. A majority in number and value i;<\\<\ be present. C. ALEX \NDER. J Legal Manager. I AUSTRALASIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY I (REGISTKKKD.) 4 N Extraordinary Genenl MEETING of ShareJ\ liohlers will he held at Ihe olliee of Mr. .I. I?. Rivski.t.. Shortland Cre-cent, Auckland, on SATI'K- , DAY, 2nd Orlober prox , at 11 o'clock a.m., to consider the advisability of amalgamating with the Australasian Quartz Crushing ami Gold Mining Company. 15 v onler. N. \Y. MASSEY. Legal Manager. , WISEMAN'S GULLY 001,1) MINING COM- i PA NY. \ N EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEET--1 ■ ING of .Shareholders will he held at the Olliee of the Company, on MONDAY, the llh October, at 7 p.m., to pass Rules, elect, Directors, and other business. JOSEPH I.YLE, Legal Manager. I Grahahamslown, September IS, 1SG!I. ' ROYAL .STANDARD GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED), KANAKA. A N EXTRAORDINARY MEETING of Share- ' J\. holders in the above Company will he- held on TUESDAY, the sth .lav of Odober, IMfiD, al 2 o'clock p.m., lit the Olliee of MY. 11. S. Meyers" Queen-street, Auckland. Business To appoint Directors, adopt Rules and confirm the appointment, of Legal Manager. THOMAS ItrNTER, _ Manager. ALL NATIONS GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED.) fc N r EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEET- ••* IXO of Shareholders in th o above-named Company will he held at, the Company's Olliee, Shortland-Mreel, on Tuesday morning tin- 51 li day of Oclohcr, ])vo\in!o, al Eleven o'clock. H.i-inos. J",, Inerca>e the Capital oHhe. Company by the issue of \,. w Shares for Hit- purpose t ',f purchasing iidjoining "round. CHARLES TOTII ILL, , ~ Legal Malinger. September 22nd, ISO!). CALIFORNIA ROUTE GOLD MINING CO?r PANY (TO 15E REGISTECKD). t> X Extraordinary Geu'-ral MEETING of the - Shareholders of the above- Company will he ! »'•*»« «l>e Governor Bovren Ifolel, Omliumslown, on Til L I!SDA Y, the 7th Oetnlur. j Bus-ness : To appoint Direet,,™ mid Auditors, ' adopt rules, ano -..isaet any „(],,.,. business which ! may he li.-oiight. In fore it. A full mccti'i" is iV(|ie~'cl WILLIAM .1 •SER COOPE, Iv-gal *
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1777, 23 September 1869, Page 1
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