FOR SALE. V HE undersigned I»d\ for Sale Shares in. the ' following Companies at low prices:— Long Drive Prido of the Karaka ShotoTcr Alburnia Thames Una Moanatairi Junction City Of Glasgow Grand Trunk Inverness Mac Isaac s Jolim O'Groats Shamrock Middle Star Kelly's TmperiiJ Crown Pride of Erin Diion's No. 1 Deep Lead Eureka Star of Fermanagh Wnau Hazelbank Berklev Castle El Dorado Shooting Star Poverty & Charleston. JOSEPH NEWMAN, Sharebroker.
FOR SALE, OHARES IN THE FOLLOWING CLAIMS :— Golden Crown Long Drire All Nations Eureka Deep Lead Magenta El Dorado TluMiics GrtU Miiiinar Coiv.pnny Success Grand Trunk Miotover Atlas Dixon's No. 1 Fear Naught Auckland^okl Mining Company Caledonian Ashley Twcodside Jokn O'Groat's Carpenter's Great Kepublic, Tapu Greenstone President Lincoln Vride of tho West Redan Star of Fermanagh (Vest Coast Lone Star Dread Naught Shaw's Rivf Hidden Treasure ' Digger's Friend HazelbankKenni'dv's Ked Jacket Great RepuMic, Shorlland Cosmopolitan Prince of Wales. \V. AITKiCX. SIIAREBROKER AND LAND AGENT, QjJEEN STREET, AI'CKtASD.
C. PETSCHLEIt OU'ers for Sale, OH \RES in the following CLAIMS and COMO PANIES :— Long Drive Kockhnmpton Junction Prince of Wales All Nations Dixon's No. 1 Moauatairi Cure Manukau Exte ided Providence Berkely Castle Goldeu Head American Golden Turret Inverness Golden Calf Greatßritainandßruns- Castle and Galatea viek .lohn O'Groats ExtendLon? Star ed Imperial Crown Thames Tliaines Otago Ohio Redan City of Glasgow Dixon's No. 3 Metropolitan .Tohn O'Groats Barry's No. 2 Belfast Red "Queen Dawn of Hope Grand Trunk Tride of the West "Wliau - half-equal Shares in Fourth of July the Evening Star. .idLittle Nell ' joining Harp of Erin Murphy's Hill and Sweeney's Pride of Erin 1 Half-equal Share in Nisifara ' he City of Melbourne United Kingdom above 'the Great ~RcRoucli Diamond public Stichbury's Buildings, Queeu-street.
SHARES FOR SALE. r\ A L E l> O N I A N \ / Long Drive Shotover Moanatuiri Thames Gold Mining Company Deep Lead Young American, And in all the dividend-paying Claims at tlm READER WOOD, Slum-broker. Sliortland-street, Auckland.
-ritE Und.-rci-'iHtl Ims SHARES for SALE in * th«- following COMPANIES :— Lone Drive riggers' Frioiul All Nations Diq) Lead City of Glasgow CiVFOcnt, Dixon's No. 3 I'ni MWire Tlianics Mount Eden Ini])cTi:il Crown Moanatiiiris Inverness Givst Britain Eureka Mount Alexander Magenta New Zealand Trnr Briton (Wuiotahi) Golden Crown Extended G. W. WILLIAMS, Davis' Buildings, Queen-street.
COKOMANDKL. SHARES FOR SALE in the following CLAIMS :— Quarter-equal Tort Phillip, adjoining McLeod's, on samo line of reef Quarter-equal William Tell, on same reef as Morgan's Old Kentucky, half-equal Quarter-equal Mclsaac's Quarter-equal Day Dawn Half-equal Mermaid, adjoining Mclsaoc'e. BRETON &. HULL. CIIA3. ALEXANDEB, 24, QUKKX-STKEET, TTAS the FOLLOWING SHARES for SALE :-
Long Drive Castle and Galatea All Nations Young Reefers John O'Groate Fiiiigli-a-lsullugh JCureka Burra Hurra. Mount Aiinini Red Queen Lone Star Pride of Kanika Star and Garter Pride of Erin Junrliun Tlio Little unci Good Erronianga Star of I'Vriiianngh Fourth of .Tilly Flying Eagle liti]H rial Crown " Great. Republic, ShortC'ohrnhia land May Queen Allmrnia Pay Spring Oiieliunga l'ride of t.lio AVc«t Vi-nus and Royal George Digger's Friend Atlantic Kelly's fim'uve Cnetlo Shot'over Middle Star Metropolitan ]>ord Clyde PukcliiiKKi Great Anstnilian Gulden Turret And in various otlier Claims. TO THE LADIES OF AUCKLAND AND SUBURBS. T HAVE OPENED, THIS DAT, a CASE 01 1 ENGLISH VELVEL" BONNETS. The season being advanced, they will bo Bold at prices that will command on immediate clearance. An early call is invited. J. M. McLACHIiAN, 214 Queen-siieei.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 3
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