Sales by Auction, THIS DAY. At 2 o'Clocl. AT THE JUNCTION SALE YAEDS. CAREY & GULES Will eell by Public Auction :— O/\ HEAD FAT WANGANUI CATTLE «jy 30 H eatl Fat Napier Catllo. 15 Head Fat Provincial Cattlo Store Cattle Colts, Calves Ac., 600 prime Fat Waiiganui Sheep 500 Store Sliecp Pigs &c, &c.
THUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. H A B D W A « K, XAILS, &c, &c., &c. E. & H. ISAACS Will ecllbv auction, on Thursday, the 23rd September, at 11 o'clock, '>' O CLOSE CONSIGNMENTS:— 1 H, 12, and Lathe & Hooping Nails 2 and 21 in. Wire Unils Measuring Tapes, Gimlets Cork Screws, Spirit Levels Sorby A Sons cross-cut Snv Sets Cast'steel Chisels, j to IV inch 26-inch Hand Saws 2 rases Elect ro-plat.-d Tea and ColTpp Services, Tea and Table Spoons &c, A:e., *c-
M.KSSKS. McGINLKY & CO., 5, Queen-street, Auckland, and Grahamstown, haro for Sale in the following Companies — r on g r>RiT3B lj Moauatairis Kurekas Kellys A" Nations Dixou's No. 1 Barry's No. 2 Wild Missouri Waiteuiatas Cosmopolitan Herald Ballarat ami Kohinoor Marquis of Hustings Auckland Magentas Grtlnd Trr-iks Jm.ctiors Alburnias Also in other well known Claims.
BKETOX & HULL (Late A. Walker & Co.) UAVE FOR SALE OHARES in the following Claims and Complies O Nations City of Glasgow Junctions Eurekas Mount Edens Shamrock Deep Lead Ballarat and Rising Sun Fourth of July Pride of Erin Beehive SiWer Cloud Black Angel Italian Shotover And most of the best paying Claims and; Companies at the Thames.
FO It SALE, THE UNDERMENTIONED SHARES — Thames Shooting Star Colicn Bawji Red Queen Star of 1-Vrinunagh Golden Point Digger.-;' Friend V idden Treasure Bee Hive Silver Cloud Burra Burni Birk.-ly Castle Half-equal Share ftlaek Ea»le, Hape, adjoins Aladdin's Lamp, Golden Anchor, and Pretty Nelly. c. it. oi'WAY.
SHARES FOB SALE. rO>rGD R I V K t 1 Shotover jS'o. 1 Jlo:inatuiri Shamrock Inv.-rncss Kelly's Younj; American L'it v of Glasgow "Whau Dipficrs' Friend Jliilille Star Golden Tun-ett Thames And in most of the dividend-paying Claims. VICK.ERS & ORCHARD, Sharebrokera. 72 Queen-i>treot, Auckland.
BALLACHEY &. CO., SHAREBROKERS, LEGAL MANAGERS, &c, FOUT-STKEBT, Have for Sale — TJSTRALIA AJS'D Ifazlebank X%. I'EXRIFF HokitikiL Albumia Little and Good British Crown Xfelbournc Band of Hope Marquis of Hastings Colleen Bawn Ki-w Zealand Diggers' Friend Xil Despenindunt Eureka Red Queen Golden Citj- Rose of England Great Ausi:iil;u-i:in Tarrai)f;ower Golden Head Tidal Wave Golden Point United Kingdom Golden Bar Young American &c, &c, &c. And Shares iu various paying Claims. FOR SALE,
SHARES in the following Dividend-paying Companies : —- 100 Shotover No. 1 (Hunt's), £10 shares 7(1 Dixon's No. 1, £10 shares 120 Kelly's SO Success 24 Tlnmcs Gold Mining 200 El Dorado 35 City of Glasgow 185 AUNations 70 Eurekas MARTIN SHOLL, Queen-street, Auckland. FOR SALE, (J HAKES in the following GOLD MINING O COMPANIES: - All Nations Thames G. M. Company Moanatuiri Imperial Crown Shotover No. 1 Berkely Castle Inverness Excelsior Eureka Diggers' Friend Fourth of July Hazelbank , Pukehinau Pride of the Karaka And in most of the best paying Claims at the Thames. F. L. PRIME, Eharcbroker. 8C Qoeen-Btreet, Auckland.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 3
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