CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. Hare to arrive per ' Red Rover,' QA TONS MARLEY HILL COKE Ov 25 tanks Malt 25 pocketo now East Kent Hop§ 10 bales Woolpacks 3 bales Canvass 125 cusks Bottled Ale 220 casks Stout, Maclien'e 20 qr.-casks Port 200 cases Bernard's Old Tom 100 cases Bernard's Whiskey 100 eases Bernard's Ginscr Wiuo 20 cases Cumberland Ilams 200 boxes Price's Candles 50 tons Coarse Salt 50 tons Fine Salt ICO drums l'uint 100 drums Oil, boiled and raw 2 crates Water Filters 3 cottage Pianofortes, in walnut. CRUICKSHANK, SMWRT, & CO. Oiler for Sale CONGOU TKAS of SUPKRTOR QUALITY, in Chests, Half-chests and Boxes Su-rnr, Java Cotl'ee Pepper, white and black Rice, China Tea Oil, &o.
NATIONAL MART, PREVIOUS to the T-anditiL' or a Large Shipmem of SEASON GOODS, just, arrived, per Ship'EXCELSIOR.' S. & .T. R. Vaii.f. invite the immediate attention of tlieir numerous customers to the PRESENT SALE, as a large quantity of Goods embracing every article required in GENERAL FAMILY DRAPERY, CLOTHING, FANCY GOODS, &c, WILL IJE CLEARED OUT AT ENGLISH COST. S. & J. R-. YATLE, NATIONAL MAR T, COBNKR OF QHEEN AND WYNDItAMSTUEETS.
BROAD, HAUGHTON, A KKDDKLL, T EGAL MANAGERS, INVESTMENT AND J _j MINING AGENTS, "Wysdhasi-stkekt, ArrKL\N», axi> Gsaiiamstow.v. Transfers may be lodged for transmission and Calls paid :it the Auckland OHiee in Compaincs uudor llio in:m:i}jfiiii-iit. of til.- l'inil, whose Registered OlHco is ut. Gralminslown. ,T. S. McKI-XTiAR, Munnger of the Auckland llnincli. B. GITT OS, 3 AVYNDirAMSTREKT, AUCKLAND, rrANNKR CURRTICR, IMPORTER of SADI DLKRY SADDLERS' IRONMONGERY, SUOE GRINDERY, BOOT UPPERS, and FOREIGN LEATHERS.
CHARLES PETSCHLER, r\ OMMIS SI O N MERCHANT, {j SIIAREBROKER, LAND AND GENERAL AGENT, STicniiritY's Buildings, Qcken-street, ArCKI-ANI). ' CHARLES ALEXANDER, o-l QUEEN-STKEET, AUCKLAND, TS now prepared to UNDERTAKE the LEGAL 1 MANAGEMENT of Companies, and will endeavour, bv strict, attention to business to merit the confidence-of any who may inlr«st him with bnaihcbs August IC, ISGD. jTmTmer rington, qiiare broker, mining, land and b COMMISSION AGENT, High-street, (four doors from Short laud-street.)
KICHAKD KATON & Co., fITKTXG CUSTOMS-HOUSK, andGENEKAL and ACCOUNTANTS. Oflicc, '1!>, Q.ueen-strect, AucklaßtL MR. PLUM LEY, OURGEON DENTIST, REMOVED to HOBSONO slrcuU NOW OPENED, \AB. TAYLOR'S ROYAL HAIR DKESSIN? iVI ROOMS, Shortland-strcct, near St. Taul s Church. Under the patronage and appointment ot Ilia Royal Highness the Pule of Edinburgh and His Excellency Sir George Bowen. irnirdrcssing in all its branches. Hair brushed by machinery. „ D K - C A K K , T>IIRENOLOGIST, MKSM* RI3T, HYPPONOTIST-, 13 COMING! D'ARCY LEIGH, I Secretary.