rTKE undersigned, Wieliam Jesses Coohe, , hereby make application to register "THE CALIFORNIA ROUTE GOLD MINING COMPANY (Registered)," under the provisions of "The Ifining Companies Limited Liability Act, 1865," and " The Mining Companies Limited Liability Act Amendment Act, 1869;" and I do solemnly and sincerely declaro that the following statement is, to the best of my bolief and knowledge, tru.o in every particular, namely:— 1. That the name and style of the Company is " The California Route Gold Mining Company (Registered.)" 2. Tho place of operations ie at Tinker's Gully, Tararu Creek, at the Thames Goldfleld, in the Province of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand. 3. The nominal capital of the Company ie Two thousand pounds, in Two thousand shares of One pound each. ■I. The mnount already paid up is Nil. 5. The name of the manager is William .Tcssor Coope. 6. The Office of the Company is at Albert-street, Grahams town. 7. The «ames and several residences of the shareholders, and the number of shares held by each at this date, are as follows, namely:— 6JIAEE9. Dennis McGirr, Tnriiru ... ... ... 100 S. Robertson, Auckland (in dispute) ... 50 Charles Dnvison, Grahauistown ... ... 50 'G. E. Jackson, Gruhiimstown ... ... 100 t Arthur Linnelt, Shortland 100 William Josser Coope, Grahanistown ... 100 Thomas White, Auckland 50 William Coblov, Auckland 50 F. Armstrong,"Auckland 100 George Clavksoii, Auckland 100 J. SievewnVlil, Auckland 200 .Jeremiah Dore, Tararu ... ... ... 50 Rowland Hill, Auckland 50 Kdward Liardptt, H.M.S. ' Virago , 100 ,T. R. Cooper, Shortland 105 B. D. Darners Tararu 05 F. E. Stewart, Grahamslown 250 T. Morrin, Auckland, (in dispute) ... ... 50 D. O'Snllivan, Grahauistown 200 C. F. Quint, Grsilmmatown, (in dispute) ... 100 Total of Shares 2000 Dated this twentieth day of September, ISC9. WILLIAM JE3SKR COOPE, Manager. 'Wilaess to signature— (Signed) W. Saxdkks, A Justice of the Peace. ROBERT COOLET, WHOLESALE IRONMONGKR, DU-RHAM-STIIEET WEST (Next no on to Jin. Eoieeiqx's), HAS NOW ON HAND, "CURE AN'D THIEF-PROOF SAFES Best Crown Horse Shoes Best Quartz Hammers, assorted, from 4 to 12 Ih. Best Steel Wedges and Maul Rings Best Bright-faced Smiths' Sledge Hand Hammers Be*t Hummers for Carpenters, Riveting, Macadamising, and Engineers Ber-t Anglo-American Pickaxes Best Anglo-American Grubbing Mattocks Best Anglo-American Miners' Picks Best Carpenters' Axes and Adzes Best C.S. Hatchets and Trowels Best C.S. Cold Chisels Hooks ami Hinges Spades and Shovels Wrought Iron Wheelbarrows Iron Wire, Nos. 6, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12 Block Tin' Tea and Coffee Pots Plate Glass'Lanthorn Milk Pans, IS, 20, 22, 21 inch Cut Flooring Nails Tinned Round Frying Pans Carpenters' Rim Locks, 5, 6, 7, 8 inch Tinned Japan Wares, of all kinds. C3T AGENT FOR, THE WIRE TRAMWAY COMPANY". NOTICE ! GLANVILLE & ELLTETT J"; EG to inform their numerous friends and tho « * pnblic generally tint they havo opened their NEW STORE, 144, Queen-street, next to Hardington's Horse Bazaar, immediately opposite the Union Bonk, as TEA DISALEIS, GROCERS AISU PROVISION MKKCHANTS, And they trust by strict attention to business and supplying good articles at reasonable rates, to merit a s'«ire*f public patronage and support. 14 4, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, man street. MEN'S SUPERIOR WATERTIGHTS, 16s. Cd Men's Stroug Lacc-up, 12s. Youths' Nailed Lace-up, Gs. Od. Bora' Bluchers, 4s. Cd. Women's Su-ong Leather Boots, 6a. Gd. Children's of every class. J. ROUT.
Page 6 Advertisements Column 4
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 6
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