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THE THAMES INVESTMENT,. COMPANY (LIMITED). '- ; ReGISTEBBD UK9ER TnH JOTST STOCK COMTAKTES Act, 1860. Capital £80,000, in £1 Shares. DinncTOns: "WIUJASf AITKEK Thomas Russeli. James Tannock Mackelvie FItEDEEICK WIIIT.VKEH WlttlAM ROWE AYILLIAM CIITSnOT.M "WILSON. Manaqee: WILLIAM ROAYE. Banketis : THE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Secretaut : CHARLES TOTHILL. COPXSEL : THOMAS BANNATYNE GILLIES. SoticiTon: JOHN RICHMOND, AUCKLAND. npiIIS COMPANY has been formed for the purpose i of investing capital in Gold Milling generally, in the Province of Auckland. It is well known that, there are a largo number of Mines on the Thames Gold Field of great promise and value that require only capital and good management to render them profitable ; and if. is believed by the Promoters of this Company that by judiciously selecting, developing, and then selling such properties, large profits may lie made for the Shareholders, opportunities of investment afforded to persons desirous of obtaining shares in pstiblished dividend-paying Mines, and the production of the Gold Field materially increased. The principal object of the Com;' -liv will be, therefore, to acquire, either by purchase or ny taking up now ground, properties holding out good proinKe of prosperity when developed by capital and by judicious and energetic management. As soon as an adequately increased value has been given to any property it is intended to sell at least, a siillieicnt'portion of the Company's interest in it lo cover the out by, and to expend the capitnl (lieu returned in oilier properties with the smile o'ojcct. The amounts thus realised beyond will, together with profits accruing fr..-ii otlii-r sources, be carried to a fund set apart for the payment of dividends. Intcre.-ts and Shares have been acquired in the following Claims and Companies, viz. :—lmperial Crown, Golden Crown, Long Drive. City of Glasgow, Golden Hill, Golden Age, Middle Star, Shooting Star, Shamrock, John O'Gnvits, Success, Hand-in-Hand. Peep o'Day. and several others. A complete list, with all particulars, may be seen at the Company's Olliccs. The nominal value of each Share will ho paid up in cash, and no future call can be made, or further iabilitr incurred bv Shareholders. Jfo paid-up shares have been nlloted, "and no expense hitherto incurred will be charsod to the Company. The promoters have taken 30.000 Shares, and piiid up in full the first and only Call of CI per Sharp in cash, 10,000 ofthe remaining Shares will be fold for t'2 each, of which L'l will form part of the Company's Capital, and .CI per Share divided among the Promoters in proportion to the liumherof Shares they have taken, in consideration of the trouble and expense thry have incurred in firming the Company, and in selecting purchasing, and managing the properties already acquired. The remaining undisposed of Shares will be divided rateably amongst the Promote s, or sold, as may be hereafter determined on by them, subject to payment on allotment of » call'of t'l on each Share to the Company. A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Asso- ■ nation, under "The Joint Slock Companies Act, ISfiO," may be scrn at the Ofliec of the Companv, Shortland-Vtreel. Auckland. Applications for Shares may be made to Mr. William Aitken. Queen-sheet, Auckland; or to lUr. William How. Griihamstown ; and Shares will he allotted according to priority of application. One pound per Share must lie paid upon each application ; the remaining sum of One pound will be payable bv two monthly instalment< of ten shillings each. TIIE NORTH ISLAND GOLD MIXING COMPANY (LIMITED) offer to the PUBLIC, "PROMOTERS' SHAPES in the following I I COMPANIES :— The Oriental Gold Mining Company (to be registered) — leasehold ground, sit'uiited en the dividin- range of Wiseman's Gully, and Tαraru Creek The Huuiboldt Gold Mining Company—leasehold ground, situate* near the President Lincoln and Lucky Hit. Karaka The lloehstet'ter Gold fining Company—leasehold ground, situated on the llape Creek The Miirehison Cold Mining Company—leasehold ground, situated at Puriri The Faraday Gold Mining Company—Leasehold
ground, situated at Murphy's Hill, on tho line of !!»• Lord Nelson Reef " The Agassi/. Gold Mining Company — leasehold ground, situated at Tararn, on the line of tho Wild Missouri Reef The ITuiiFi Miller Gold Mining Companv—leasehold ground, situated next l<. the Goidcu Crown, Puriri The Lyell Gold Mining Company — leasehold ground, situated lit the llape Promoters' Shares of £5 of each of the abovementioned Companies, the liability of which is limited to £20, payable in calls over a period of two years, hi ease of non-success of Ihe Company. The £5 to be considered paid-up capital. Promoters' Shares of £10, giving an interest, in four of the above-mentioned Companies, the whole Liability of which is limited h> I'lo, payable in calls over a period of two years, in case of non-success of the Companies. The .CIO to be considered paid-up capital. Promoters' Shares of £20, giving an interest in all of the above-mentioned Companies, the whole Liability of which is limited to £SO, pavable ir calls over a period of two years, in case of"non-suc-cess of all the Companion. The £20 to be considered paid up capital. Applic.ition for s-.ares to he made at the Oflice of Ihe Company, Exchange, Fort-st reel. .L V. J)U MOL'LIX .Secretary anil Treasurer,
I Til 1C Undersigned, ICiuvaiid, heivhv muko , application to Register "THE .M ICSBKNU KIl'S JIILL GOLD MINING COMPANY (REorsTKHi:i))," under the provisions of tho Mining Companies Limited Liability Act, ISfio, anil 1 do solemnly mid sincerely declare thai, the following statement is, to the best of my belief and knowledge, true in every particular, namely :—• 1. The mime ur:d style of the Company is "The Messenger's J J ill Gold Mining Conipuny (Registered)." L>. The place of operations is ut the range dividing Wiiiotiihi and Moaimtaiari, i>l, the Thames. Goldliekl, in the Province of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand. 3. Tho nominal capital of the Company is Six thousand (IIUOO) pounds, in Six thousand (COOO) shares, of One pound each. 4. The amount, already paid up in cash is Nil, ami in partly paid up shares is the sum of Kour thousand live hundred pounds, being the rstimated value of the mine. 5. The name of the Manager is Edward IToniss. (!. 'Ihe Oflire of the Company is at Albert-street, Qnihnmslowu. 7. The names and several residences of the shareholders, and the number of shares held bT each ut this date arc as follows, namely:— Shares. John Fischer, Auckland... ... ... ;t52 Daniel Orme, Short land ... ... GIH Michael llannafor;!, Auckland ... ... 1150 David Reader, Grabamstown ... <]50 Kcrr .t Diicre, Auckland ... '" 550 John McKeggie, Shortland ... ... 500 l'\ Jf. Lewisson, Auckland ... ... 500 W. H. Messenger, Auckland ... ... 550 Jrseph Klatt, Gralmmstown ... ... 550 Robert Phillips, Matakana ... ... 225 Alexander Walker, Matakana ... ... 225 C.OOO Dated this eighteenth day of September, IN(J9. EDWARD IIONFSS, Manager. Witness to signature— (Signed) Jno. Ij. Tolk, a Justice of the I'eaec.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 6
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1,124Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 6
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