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W. J. YOUNG Has for sale THE EMPIRE HOTEL . Shortlaad. 20,000 acres of Land in Waikato, in lots from 200 to 6000 acres Also, SCRIP and SHARES in most of the leading Companies and Claims. September 17, 1869. PARNELL. FOR SALS, * GENTEEL and COMFORTABLE RESIr\. DENCE, situated at the upper end of St. George's Bay Road, unsurpassed for convenience, beauty, and healthiness of situation. For particulars apply to Ms. Fkaskb, at the Office of Messrs. Whitakcr and Russell, Wyndhamstreet. FOR SALE OR TO LET, \ COTTAGE at Glenburn, and Large Garden, r\ beautifully situated, a short distance from Auckland.—Apply to MR. W. S. HARNET, Queen-street, Auckland. FOR SALE, OR TO LET., \ SIX-ROOMED HOUSE and about Two XJL Acres of Land, delightfully situated, with a splendid water frontage, Coach House and Stables, &c, about one and a-half miles from town. For particulars apply to Mk. Taxxjsb, Hepburn Street, opposite. Mr. R. Arthurs. FOR SALE, A GROCERY BUSINESS, doing a good trade, and capable of great extension. Situation unsurpassed. For particulars apply to MR. G. W. OWEN, 3, Queen-street. FOR PRIVATE SALE, " A FIRST-RATE BUGGY HORSE. -Ti.. Apply to 11. lIARDINGTON, Bazaar Yauls, Queen-street. GRAIIAMSTOWX, THAMES GOLDFIELDS. For Sale or Exchange for City, Suburban, or Country Property, A VALUABLE CORNER ALLOTMENT in the centre of Grahamstown, comprising four Shops, Olfices etc., which mar be easily converted into a large Hotel. Applr to T. B. HILL, Victoria-street, Auckland. TO BE LET. WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, {HE PREMISES at the back of Messrs • Sliarliuul ami Coope's Offices, adjoining the Bank of New Zealand, suited for Offices or Workshop. Apply to MESSRS. 3IIARLAND & COOPE'S. FOR SALE, A COTTAGE in Pitt-street, containing Eight Rooms. Good Cellarage; also, Washouse detached. Apply to Mrs. GORRIE, Pitt-street. SHAREBROKER AND LAND AGENT. JOSEPH NEWMAN, Queen-street, offers his tj services to his friend? and the public as SHAREBROKER aad LAND AGENT, and trusts by strict integrity and persevering industry to merit their support. ggg° Agent at the Thames, R. Bkeazard, Grahamstown. SHARES FOR SALE CipHE Undersigned has upon his Hist Scrip and L Shares in most of the dividend-paying Claims on tke Thames. JOSEPH NEWMAN, Sharebroker and Land Agent. Office— Nettuax & Even's, Queen-street. FARMS FOR SALE. T7IARMS for Sale at Panmure, Otahuhu, Mangarei, JL. Drury, Waiuku, Waikato, Wan^arei. —Applv to JOSEPH NEWMAN," Land Agent and Sharebroker. I Office—Neytma>- it EiVES's, Queen-street. SUBURBAN LAND. QUBURBAN LAND for Sale, suitable for build--0 ing purposes, at Epsom, Remuera, Mount Eden, North .Shore, and other places around Auckland. JOSEPH NEWMAN, Land Agent and Sharobreker. Office —Newman- & Ewek's, Queen-street. FOR SALE, a LARGK TWO-STOREY HOUSE in nobson- • \ street, with a fine view of the Harbour, and a neat Verandah Cottage adjoining. Applv to JOSEPH NEWMAN. Land Agent. FOR SALE. A GOOD NEW 110 USE of Six Rooms and Verandah, with five acres of land, on the New North Road, having also a frontage to the Cabbage Tree Swamp Koad. Terms easy, and price low. Applv to JOSEPH NEWMAN, Land Agent. FARM to be SOLD or LET or. LEASE, about 10 miles from Auckland, with three-quarters of a mile of river (Wniteniata) frontage, S3 acres, with newly-built Residence, containing seven lofty rooms aiul out-buililinus ; also, Laborer's Cottage of four rooms, at a convenient distance from the house About :J0 ;iciv-i fein\\l ami in cultivation, with Garden, Orcliml, &<:, etc.—Apply to X. Fohgham, Stiehbury's Buildings, Queen-streVt, Aucklancl. rnllE Undersigned has the following PROPERJL TIES for Sale in the Sl'Bl'Rß of Remuera,— A Family Residence with land, beautifully situated near the .Sea, and within three-quarters of an hour's walk from town 10 Acres of Lmcl, with 10-roouied house. Cottage, Garden. Ac. Hi Acres, with House. Garden, Orchard, &c, all in eras?, well watered. G. W. WILLIAMS. Davis's Buildings Qi:oe.n-strect,'Auekland. mO HOTEL-KEEI'ERS AND OTHERS.—For 1 Sale, a bargain, a GOOD HOUSE at TARARU. The proprietor e:in give satisfactory reasons for disposing of same. None but principals treated with.— Apply A. Z., Post. Ollire, Grahamstown. "bath freestone?" THIS'STOKE, from its durability, tho'laure or Mocks obtainable (the rook very so-.K'd). i-.n<l the moderate cost at which it c:,u l,e worked, is noiv Icing lavjrdy n?«l in Aus:::i: -.'■■ Now ZiMluuii. and otii.r Ilriush Colonies. IT HAS ALSO EEEW ADOPTED at Ilio .le Jai .iro, for i'uhlic Buiiilings, Bridges, and other works coniiecKd with tlie liio improvements ; also for tlio Ucverninent OtKces at Auckland, New Zealand. THE COST OF lABOR on it in London js n*> luidor: l'ur foot super.. sawiug, ljd. ; plain work, ■M.; plnin circular. I'd.; struiplit moulded, M. ; circular moutilfl. Is.; plain Mink, Cd.; circular Kiink. «d. : straight moulded sunk, Is. ; circular moulded sunk, Is. -l'l. TKE MODERATE COST tit which it can 1 o Kiipi'lii'd, iis dcsirnlilo color, regular ipiality, finc::oss «- te.M-.irc. »• d the small expense m which it is worked, renler it an cil'tctivo axid ccoi-.omie:ll IhrildiugiiiiKerial. . TESTII4OKIALS relative to the quality of tho Stone, from the- uioit. cuiicont Architects, Luildcrs, and (•Miircctors, and tho prices at which it cim U delivered alongside at any Ton, will be furnished on application to Messrs. RANDELL & SAUNDERS, STONE QUARRIES, BATH.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 6
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838Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 6
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