ODD FELLOWS' HALL. DUKE OF EDINBURGH THEATRE. LAST NIGHT BUT FOUR of the Celebrated 60UELAT FAMILY. Who wilJ positively close on MON DAY, September 27. VUIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, ' September 22, The performance will commence at eight with the Drnwing-reom Dioramn, a TOUR PROM ENGLAND TO INDIA, Nine o'clock, MRS. McGUEGOK'S LEVEED Introducing the principal Characters. Quarcer-past ten, The Great INDIAN BASKET ILLUSION I Half price to Circle at nine. FRIDAY EVENING. I COMI'I,'. MENT AR Y 13 ENE FI T I ! MRS. ROURLAT, ! UNDER, DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE. I __ : Doors open at half-past sevrn. Commence at Eight. Dress Circle, ss. Stalls, 2s. Oil. i PIT-ONE SHILLING! i i - I Children under Twelve, half-price to Circle anil Stalls. N.l?.—Children in urine not admitted. j Tickets can be. had of the principal Musi.-sellers: and i scats secured at Theatre from 12 till :i. j PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Lessee and Manager Mr. J. L. Hall. Secretary Mr. K.B. Wiseman. Under the Distinguished Patronage of LADY BOWEJN". BENEFIT OF M I?. J. L. HAL L. First time in Auckland of the Sparkling Comedy of GOING TO THE BAD. Mr. J. L. Hαi.i. as - Mr. I'kter Pons. nnillS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, J X September 22. The performance will commence with the Sparkling j Comedy, entitled GOING TO THE BAD. To conclude with the Screaming Farce entitled BKOTHKR BILL, AND ME. Benjamin WiCGit.ss - - - Mr. J. L. Halt. Admission :-Dress Circle, ss; Stalls, 2s. 6d. ; Pit, Is. Scats may be reserved at Messrs. Upton's, Queen-street. WILL .SOON OPKN, BACHELDER'S GRAND HISTORIC MIRROR AND DIORAMAS OF THE AMERIC A N >V AR, TOGETHER with the great Naval Engagement i between the IvKEitsua: and Alabama, with actual ships, &e. ; and the Funeral Procession of the late President Lincoln in the City of Washington. 11. EASTWOOD, Agent. TO THK ELECTORS OF NEWTON. 4 PTISLIC MEETING <..f the ELECTORS of I\ Newton, will lie held in the Newton Hall, on THURSDAY EVENING NEXT, at half-past 7 o'clock, to take into consideration the Representation of the District in the Provincial Council. T. Ji. Hill F. H. Havnes J. Graham D. Fronde G. Uoyd G. Testa Dr. IVirce G. Hoise .1. l'ugh .T. Harkis .I..Slater E. Boucher N. 15.- -ElectDi-s are respectfully requested not to be too premature in pledging their votes. TO THE ELECTORS OF IW.RNF.LL. MAJOR HEAPHY will be happv to meet his Constituents at the Probvteriaii School room, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, at 8 o'clock. 22ml September, 18(iO. ALBERT CRICKET CLUB. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the above Club ii ivill lie held in St. Matthew's Scho(>lroo;n, on THURSDAY next, the2:ird instant, at 7.30 p.m. All members mid gentlemen wishing to join will please attend. By <-..■!• .vi'"n> Committee. Oil AS. A. TAYLOR, Hon. Sec. .ST. ANDREW'S MANSE GII'T AUCTION. t COMMITTEE has been formed for the purA pose ..f i-.ii-.ini: fund- by a'•U IIT AUCJ I'lOX,' , to make some iieees.-ary repairs, ami. if po-sible, an addition to the manse and property «'f St. Andrew's Pivsbvteriaii Clmreh. The auction will be held early in the month of October, and due notice will be given of time and place. Collcc-urs will wait upon the public for contributions durin" the ensuing "ortnight, and parties, either in (own or country, wjio mar not be waited upon, ami who arc μ-isliful to assist, will be kind euoimh t<l send their contributions to the care of Messrs. Wh tson and Co. ; Messrs. Samson, Eraser and Co. ; Mr. W. Gr.ihame ; or to Messrs. Ogilvie, Campbell & Co., .Shortlan.l-strect. HUGH CAMPBELL, Hon. Sec. September 20, ISO'). ' WAIROA.—NOTICE. rplIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Electors of ! the Wairou Highway Dislriet. will bo held in the Wairoa .Seliool-house, "on Tuesday, the. Fifth day of October proximo, at One o'clock p.m., for the purpose of clcciint; Tru tecs and 'ixing a rate iurtLe. t,,m ' U, - VOlir - A. BRKNNOR, Secretary. Wairoa, 20th Sept.. 1SG!). • i ONI'Y TO LEND, in large or small Sums, at VS 'modera'e interest, on GOOD SECURII'Y— 1 Freehold preferred. —Bkvkhidge and RiiciirE, Soleitors, Wyirlhain Clmmbers.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 1
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