SPUING NOVELTIES. HAY & HONEYMAN A RE NOW OPENING into BTOCK their FIRST SHIPMENTS, consisting of all the SPECIALITIES of the Season, EX 'EX C E LSIOE,' AND * OVERLAND MAIL STEAMERS. To be followed by further importations for the Summer Trmle, PER 'RED ROVJ2K, , AXJ) ' 'P R IDE O V TIT E TII AM E S.' HAY AND HONEYMAN. 21st Septembop. NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! HIS LORDS HIP'S LARDRK, AVHAHP, IS NOW OPEN E D with ALL THE DELICACIES OF THE SEASON. COFFEE AS IN PARIS. SINGLE BEDROOMS. F. WHITLOC K, Manager. NOTICE. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Ratepayers of the Waiuku Highway District, will be held on TUESDAY, the -Mb October, ISC9, at 12 o'clock, noon. Business : To Audit the Accounts, elect Trustees, and lew a Rate for the current vcir. .1." KELEHER, Chairmiin. N O T I C E . ; N consc(|iien<e of Ihe ADA r ANCK in the PRICE - of ELOUR. the Price of my DREAD will be IM. the 2-lb. Loaf from this date. CHAS. CANNING. Scptcuibcf 20, ISfif). N O T I C E. * LL parties indebted to the late Firm of Ui;- •~\ nnSAxASTi'.wvUT arc respectfully requested' to pay their re«pi;c ive accounts to the undersigned, at his OHice, 2:) Q.iiecu-stivet, within fjiirtcen'ilava from this date, after which all accounts outstanding will be handed over to his solicitor for recovery. JOHN BUCHANAN. September 21, lSli'.l. V OTICE is hereby givon that the I-'IRST MEET- * ING■ of CRKDITOIIS oI'TIIOM AS HLACIv, held on Wednesday, the 15th imt.. at. 12 o'clock, at, thcSupiviuc Cdih-I House, w.is AD.IOURNED till WEDNESDAY, the 22ud inst., when it will \m held at the same time and place. G. T. IvEICTLEY, Solicitor for the Hankrtipi. THE LATE EIRE IN ELLIOT STREET. f \"o Mi , , ('oinmissioncr Naiighton, the Police, Eire i lii-igadc, and other Gentlemen who so kindly lent (heir assistance in the removal of Gooils, &e., from our premises during the fire yesterday, we beg to return on:-sincere thanks. As soon us all rubbish, Sir., is clciirril away, we purpose calling ("or lemlcre for the re-building of the premises. C. G. <iUICK'& CO. Sept. 21, 1809. N OTIC 1C . r HE undersigned hereby i;ive Notice that they will PROsKOUTIC jinv pel-sons Cutting Flix on the undcrnicntioiicd i)nipci-tics without their permission : — J^' , -£ ] Parish of Taniiikeri. Lot. 71. N.E. portion ,s a , lks . Collnlv>Wu ikato. Lot 7", N.E. iiortion / (!EO. P PIERCE, SHIRLEY HILL. OIIDKR OP JUUGIC. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, NORTHERN DISTRICT. UPON rcadin" the Aflid.ivits of AURAHAM IiOARDMAN, and .TOUN MORRISON, I do order (bat ABRAHAM IiOARDMAN, a Curator of Ihe Estates of Deceased l'crsons, shall l>.? Administrator of all am! singular Din goods, chattels and credits of Aximicw Cfltltli:, dcccvisi-d and that this Rule be be publis "-d in the Ni;w Zk.u.ani. 11i:h\i.i>, and Soul firm Cross newspapers as the "'inc Intestate Estate Act, I.SGS, " direr s. Dated September 21st, ISCII. George alfred ar\e\, Belfast"dining rooms. TnESE Well-known Dining Rooms, conveniently , I situated next. Hank of New Zealand have been RE-OPENED. Side Entrance. Good, Clean Ueds.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 1
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