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NOTICE. /'"IEORGE HASSELL mil please call at the VJT Office of the undersigned regarding his Englislt matters. BEVERIDGE & RITCHIE, Solicitors, Wyndham Chambers. TNFORMATION WANTED of JOHN QUIN* X LAN, six feet high, dart complexioned, about 44 years of age, formerly of Ballybrat, King's County, Ireland. Emigrated to Australia about the year 1851. If he wiil write to the undersigned he wiH hear of his brother PATRICK, who is very anxious to hear from him. —W. G. Coxsollv, Governor 13rowne Hotel, Auckland. ANTED,—A Good General SERVANT.—Ap- * » ply at the Red Lion Hotel, Drake-street. tRANTED— A GENERAL SERVANT. Good ' ' references required. Apply at the TfERAT.T) Office. ifT/" ANTED—SERVANTS.—AppIy at the ReOIS- * ' Ttv Office, opposite Hodbs , , Wakefieldstreet. WANTED— A SERVANT GIRL about 15 years of age. Apply to Mrs. Doxald, Grey-street. VT ANTED KNOWN—MARRION'S OLD ENG- ■ * LISH ALE on DRAUGHT at the BRITISH HOTEL. Three years in the »ellar. ANTED—A GENERAL SERVANT.—AppIy V V to Mrs. Kir-GOUR, Newmarket. WANTED —A MAN who can drive and make himself useful; also a FEMALE COOK.— Apply at the Tleuald Office. WANTED— A COACH-PAINTER. Constant employment for a pood hand.—Apply to Cousixs, Atkix & C(}., Victoria Carriage Factory, Cook-street. " WANTED,— A MAN or STRONG LAD ace" 8 * tomed to Farm work ; must be a good Milk 0 ""* ! —Apply at the Hkiuld OHice. TTT ANTED,—An Active MAN, with business ex- » V perienee. to join another in the Management of an Established Country Business of two Stores. Satisfactory references required.—Apply by letter to Jonx Bhebnku, Ui, Queen-street. U* ANTED—A General SERVANT for a small* * ' Family Apply to Mrs. Solomon, corner of Wakelield and Symonds Streets. ... V; ANTED from £300 to £400 on Freehold Pro- * T ])erty recently purchased for £000, producing an annual rental of £80. Title—Crown Grant, stating to.ins, "A.Z.," Hekald Office. No application has been made to any one. T. H. MABIN. WANTED— A Situation as CLERK in a'Merchant's or Commission Agent's officeC- , The advertiser has a knowledge of the German and French languages.—Address "R.E.D." Post office, PamelL •tJLJ- ANTED, by the Bank of Australasia, JUNIOR ■ • CLERKS possessed of some business experience. Applications containing references,! and accompanied by testimonials, to be made by letter to the Manager. \XjT ANTE D—FURNISHED APARTMENTS, ' • Two Bedrooms and one Sitting Room, about 5 or 10 minutes' walk from the Theatre.—Appl? to Mr. J. L. Hall, Prince of Wales Theatre. Vy ANTED— Builders and others to KNOW that ' I G. HoLDSiup a>'d Co. are prepared to supply, from the Newton Sash and Door Manufactory ATTT. KINDS of SASHES, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &c, &e., at market prices. \rr ANTED for the Pacific Hotel, Grahamstown, i » two tliorough good HOUSEMAIDS. Apply at Mr. RrssiXL's Boarding House, Upper Queenstreet, on Friday, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock.—N.B. Good wages given to competent Servants. References required. TTTANTED—The Public to know that WATSON, t V SCANLAN & CO. have added largely to their Stock or PAPER HANGINGS, GLA-S, PAINTS, URUSHES, VARNISHES, &c, &c., ex 'Ballarat' and other late arrivals. Auckland Oil, Color, and Window Glass Warehouse, New Buildings, Lower Queen-street. MINING MANAGER. '; "ANTED— T?v the Pri cess Roya, 1 Gold Mining : Coin pan v, Registered, a thoroughly competent MINING MA'NAGER.—Applications to be lodged at the ollire of the Company, 24, Queen-etreet, on orbefore the liOth iustan'.. C. ALEXANDER, Legal Manager. MINING MANAGER. HALF MOON GOLD MINIVG COMPANY (TO BE REGISTERED). ' JIIIE Directors REQUIRE the SERVICES of an. I Experienced WORKING MANAGER. Applications in writing lobe left at my Office on. or before MONDAY, the 27th inst HENKY VVRIGG, C E., Legal Manager. Albert-street, Grnhamstown, 21st September, 1869. L i OOK-KEEPEK WANTED—A Firm n town. * '? require the services ol a thoroughly competent Bot>k-keei>er. To a suitable person the situation would be a permanent one.—Address Box. 16 1, P. 0., Auckland. TOST, on Friday evening, between JVe man's J Bay and the junction of Union-street, a GOLD STUD mounted with Diamonds. The finder, on. bringing the same to WILLIAM CHAPPELL, 45, Queen-street, will be handsomely rewar led. jr-ASIUONS.-The CHOICEST SELEoTIO.v of L LADIt.S' BONNE IS ever imported into Aucklau 1. —" National Mart," -. & .f. R. Vaile. EU¥CATION! EDUCAriuN ! I " TO COUNT liY SETTLERS ANDOTHEIiS. ,\r E . iIEKKY WOKTHIiNGTOi\ r (Pai-akuha School) HAS TWO VACANCIES for BOARDERS. A. Tliorough, English, Commercial Education. guurantcccl, with all the comforts of a home. Term's: —From 30 guine is per annum. TO INTENDING SURVEYORS. Euclid, Algebra, Plane an I Spherical Trigonometry, Mensuration., &:., taught nn reiisomb'e t<>"ns BAY OF ISLANDS COAli. fOR SALE, at the COMPANY'S YARD 3» CUSTOMHOUSE-STREET EAST: Best Screened 2Ss. per ton. Unscreened 265. per ton Slack Coal for steam engines, &c.. 20s. uer to» Apply to HENRY GILFILLAN, Agent. I 7 Queen-street, September, 1809,
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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 1
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771Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.