NONPAREIL GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED.) v N Extraordinary General MEETING on imr\ portant business of Shareholders in the above Company will be held at Mr. Burrull's oflice, Grnhutnstonii, THIS DAY (Wednesday), the 22nd inst, lit 4 p.m. Business —To increase the capital of the Company by the issue of new shares. W. ROWH, Legal Manager. FULL MOON GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED), TAPU. nPIIJC ANNUAL MEETING of the above Com- ! pany will be held THIS DAY (Wednesday), the 22ml September, ISGO, at 3 p.m., at the Cempanv'p Office, Queen-etrret. BiLUITBL J. EDMONDS, Mnnager. VENUS GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED. t N EXTRAORDINARY MEETING of the A Shareholders of the above Company will be held at the George Hotel, Gnili'imstown, on THURSDAY, the 23rd instant, at 7 o'clock p.tji. Business : To confirm the election of Directors, and other important business. W. S. LYELL. PROSPECTORS' GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED), VURIRI. ,t N EXTRAORDINARY MEETING of Slmre- •■•> holders of the above Company will be held at Mr. Beetkuu's oflice, Pollen-street", Shortland, on TUESDAY, 2Sth instnut, at. 3 o'clock p.m. llusiness —To consider an iimstlgamatiMu with the Alliance Gold Mining Company. P. E. CHEAL, Manager. Short hind, September 0, 1S(JO. MULTUII IX PARVO GOLD MINING COMPANY. % GENERAL MEETING of SHAREHOLDERS in the above Company will be held in Mr. Scbat's British Hotel, Queen-street, on THURSDAY next, at 2 o'clock p.m. A full mpctiii" is desired. HENRY CHAPMAN. Legal Manngcr. GLADSTONE GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). AN EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of Shareholders in the above Company will he held at the ollicc of the undersigned, on TUESDAY, the 2Sth September, ISO!), at 7 o'clock p.m. Business —To pass Rides, sign Deed of Association, and elect Directors. N. W. MASSEY, Legal Manager. Brown-street, Grahamstown, 13th September, ISGO. GLEN TILT GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). i N EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEET- •' ING of the SHAREHOLDERS of the Com- j panv will be held at the Office, 24 Queen-street, j Auckland, on FRIDAY, Ist Oct., at 3 o'clock. Business: To appoint Directors and Legal Manager, and to sign Rules and Regulations of the Company. A majority of numbers and value must be present. C. ALEXANDER, Legal Manager pro tern. LITTLE REPUBLIC GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). t N EXTRAORDINARY General MEETING * of the .Shareholders will be held at thr Office of the Company, 21 Qmvn-street, Auckland, on FRIDAY, Ist October, .it half-past t o'clock. IJusiness : To sii;n rules and regulations of the Company, and other important matters. A majority in number mid value must be present. C. ALEXANDER, Letfil Manager. AUSTRALASIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY V RICGISTERKD.) VN Extraordinary General MEETING of Shareholders will b- held at the office of Mi". .1. li. l!rs<i:i.L, Shut-Hand Crocent. Auckland, <m SATURDAY, 2nd Oct.-iber prux., at 11..'clock a.m., t.. consider the advisability of amalgamating with the Australasian Quart/. Crushing and Gold Mining Company. liy order. N. W. MASS ICY, Lej;al Manager. ROYAL STANDARD GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED), KARAKA. 4 N EXTRAORDIXARY MEETING of SharejA. holders in the above Company will be held on TUESDAY, the Sth day of October, ISO!), at 2 o'clock p.m., at the Ollicc of Mr. H. S. Mcvcr-. Quce:i-sti-cct. Auckland. Business -To appoint. Directors, adopt Rules and confirm the appointment, c.f Legal Man;i"or. THOMAS HUNTER, Manager. GOLDEN CROWN EXTENDED GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). NOTICE is hereby given that the oi-dinnry QUARTERLY' MEETING ~f Shareholders in the above mentioned Company will be held at. Copland's Thtime, Ilot.l. Queen-street, Auckland, on TJIURSI'AY, the :<Oth day of September, at 7 p.m. By order of the Directors. EDWARD PRATT, -Manager. •1!) Quecn-streef, AuekhuM, September 2', ISO!). ALL NATIONS GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED.) ■i N EXTRAORDIXARY GENERAL MEET- '. ING of S'lmrchnldcis iii I lie iilxivc-nuined Company will be held at the Company's Office, Shortland-strccl, on Tuesday morning tnc sth day of October, proximo, at Eleven o'clock. ' Hnsinc.-s. To Inc-re:ite. the Capital of ihc Company by the issue nf New Shares for the purpose of pui-chuhing adjuining ground. CHARLES TOTHILL, Legal Manager. Auckland, September 22nil, LS(ii). CALIFORNIA ROUTE GOLD MINING COMPANY (TO ISE REGISTERED). AN Exli-aordiiiiiry General MEETING of the Shareholders of the iiliove Company will bi> held at the Governor Bowcn Motel, Grahami-town, ' on THURSDAY, the 7lb Octobi-r. j Business: To appoint Directors and AudiloiN, ! adopt rules, and transact any other business which ' may be brought, before it. ' J A full meeting is requested. WILLIAM JESSER COOPE, J Legal Manager. ' P|A , AO TO LKXn on Freehold Security, Jj 'U. 'V/«' at Eight per cent.—Apply to W. Aitkkn', Land Agent.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 1
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