FOR SYDNEY. _ rf-HE A.S.N. Company's Steamship i • AUCKLAND,' <t^SS^«SS- - tons, 150 horse power, Captain Bi.ick, will leave or the above THIS DAY (Wednesday), the 22nd ust., at noon. Passengers booted through to MELBOURNE, iiul nil other AUSTRALIAN PORTS visited by lie A.S.N. Co.'s line of Steamers. Return tickets issued. Freights booked through to London by Messrs. iilelirist, Watt it Co.'s first -class ships. For freight or passage apply to il. M. .TERVIS, Agent. REGULAR.MONTHLY STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN AUCKLAND, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE. m, HP HE S.S. i ' nF.RO' 5 expected here about- the end of this month, ind vill leave again for Svdnev and Melbourne five lays fter her arrival. For freight or passage applv to i CKUICKSHANK, SMART & CO., Agents. Auckland ; Or to LKDCTER A FRANCIS, Agents, Grahaiustown, Thames. Queen-street, Auckland. September 6, ISOO. FOR LONDON DIBKCT. ' ■ - fJMIE Clipper Ship 'EXCELSIOR,' J'aptain .1 ames Lef.<s, will sail for above port oil lUehar<*e of inward eargo, and will have quirk lCfl1:lU;U - L. D. NATHAN & CO. EX 'EXCELSIOR' AND OTHERS. V EAVE'S Food for Infants, Epp's Hoimeopathie 1 i Cocoa, Hoimeopathie Book Cases, Chesty, Globules, Pilules, Tinctures, &e. ; at J. Hoi-kin s Medical Hall, Queen-street Junction. MANGERE HIGHWAY DISTRICT. rPHE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of X Ratepayers of the Mangere Highway District will be held in the Criterion Hotel, OUihubu, at 3 o'clock p.m. on TUESDAY, October 5. ISft'J. J. VEKCOE. SELLING OFF AT • REDUCED PRICE!! 1 WHOLE of the RETAIL STOCK of HARDWARE, At 20 per cent. Discount, for CASH. S. HAGUE SMITH. Hank of new Zealand. is hercbv given that the IIAL1"1\ YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the Proprietors of this J? nk will be held in the Banking House, in Auckland, on WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of October next, at noon, for the purpose of receiving the Report of the Directors for the Half Vear ending 30th inst., the election of two Directors, and any for other bu.-iness that may be brought before rbc meeting. Bv order of the Board of Directors. D. L. MURDOCH, Inspector. Candidates for the Office of Directors must give liutiee in writing to the Hoard of Directors, such '.otice to be left at the Ranking llou>e. .Auckland. thirtv days ;il lea~t before the day of election. Auckland, 21st September, lSflii. TELEGRAPH PARCEL AND FREIGHT DELIVERY COMPANY. V ESSRS RYUURN & MURDOCH be- to 1 intiiii:ite that tlcy have made arrangement to receive at Auckland, and deliver at Grahanistown and Short land, with the utmost dispatch, all Parcels and Freight entrusted to their care. OflVc-i at Mr. Laurie's Store, Customhouse Street, Auckland ; and at Mr. Murdoch's Store, next the Junction Hotel, G rahamstown. Auckland, 17th Sept., 180'.). MESSENGER'S HILL GOLD MINING COMPA NY (REGISTERED). MEETING of the SHAREHOLDERS in the above Con pany will be held at the Company's Otlice, Albert-street, Grahamstown, on THURSDAY, 23rd inst., at (5 o'clock pin., to adopt Rules for management of the Company, and appoint Ac. A full attendance is requested, either personally cr bv prow. EDWI). lIONI-'S, Lejjal Manager. OPHIK COLD MINING COMPANY (UEGISTERED). VOTIC'I-:.- -An EXT RA OI! DIX ARY .MEETING L\ of SHAREHOLDERS is called for THURSDAY, the 7th day of October, ISO!), at 2 p.m., at the Registered Oilice of the Company. : To pass Kulc* :.nd elect Directors. C. E. 11 A UC. lITON, Legal Manager. N.l!.—Two Meetings having lapsed througli the non-attendance of the requisite ininiber and value, il is earnestly lvo :cstcd that the . hareholdcrs will ittend to tlii= Noi ice. Sept. ISth. ISO!). WISEMAN'S GULLY GOLD MINING COMPA.NY. > N EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of Shareholders will be held at the OHiee of the Company, on MONDAY, the -i-t 11 Oct iber, uL 7 p.m., to pa.-s Rules, elect Directors, and other busine.-s. JOSEPH LYLE, Legal Manager. Grahaliauisloun, September IS, 1809. DEEP LEAD GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). MEETING of DIRECTORS will be held at the Otlice of Messrs. Sully and WardeH, Queen-street, Auckland, oil FRIDAY, Sept. 2-lth, at 3 p.m. Business of importance. WALTER SULLY, Legal Manager.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 1
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