' DANISH BEAUTY,' FROM LIVERPOOL. » SIGHT ENTRY will be passed to ' clear the above-named vessel THIS yyr?*- V* DAY (Wednesdav), at 12 o'clock. ■ESC?*"- OWEN & G RAIT Air, Agents. THIS DAY (WEDNESDAY), AT TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON. STEAM TO THE THAMES. j «a ' ~ r HE Fast-sailing Powerful Paddle . , stcan,er '■ ROYAL ALFRED,' : ::om auckland to shortland, .; RETURNING THE SAME DAT. TIME TABLE. From Wharf, ArcKtASD : Wednesday, P>"]'t. 22, 12 o'clock noon Thursday, Sept - 23, 12.30 o'clock afternoon Friday, September 24, 1 o'clock aftcrno.in Saturday, September 25, I o'clock afternoon Frox Grahamstowx : "Wednesday, Sept. 22, 5 o'clock afternoon Thursday, Sept. 23, 5.30 o'clock afternoon. .Friday, September 24, 6 o'clock afternoon Saturday, September 25, G o'clock afternoon Fares: Saloon. Ts. 6d. ; Steerage, -Is. Return tickets issued at reduced rates for one week, «nd available for the p.s. ' Duke of Edinburgh.' Superior accommodation is ailorded in the Steamer to all classes of Passengers. Separate Cabins for Ladies, fote and aft, with r..'lilies' Stewardess. Tiu:c of leaving will be punctually adb. red to. S. HAGUE SMITH. THE PIONEER BOAT FOR SHORTLAND, (Calling at Grahamstown and going up the Creek.) „ HE favorite p.s. ' EIfTERPRISE - S "°- 2 '* Captain Seox, leaves for Shortland as under: — Wednesday, at 11 o'clock night. Friday, at 11 o'clock night. Cargo received for Grahamstown as well as for Shortland. Shippers are particularly requested to send down Cargo for the above boat before 5 o'clock p.m. H. B. MORTON, Custom-house-street East, Agent. September, 20 1569. STEAM TO COROMANDEL. i TIME TABLE » rj'HES.S. 'GO-AHEAD.' FKOM GRAHAMSTOWX TO COHOMASDEL Wednesday, September 22, 9 o'clock morning Thursday, September 23, 9 o'clock morning Friday, September 24, 9 o'clock morning (Returning in the afternoon of each day.) Saturday, September 25, 9 o'clock morning (Leaving Coromandel for Auckland at 4 o'clock afternoon.) All cargo and luggage to be taken from along•<Ude the steamer at consignees' risk and expense. S. HAGUE SMITH. STEAM TO WAIUKU. '"PIT. '.I TABLE of paddle-stearner 1 ' W ATPA,' ior the Week endir._ September 25th, ISC9. Thursday, 23rd, Onehunga to Waiuku. 5.20 p m. Friday, 21th, Waiuku to Onehunga, 11.45 p.m. Parcels Booked at Mr. Hakdisgton's OiTUe will be duly forwarded. Applv to E. GIBBONS & CO. ; or to A. BARNES, A ger.t. FOR TAURANGA AND POVERTY BAY. „ . HE s. s. 'TAURANGA, Captain Ceiloi, will leave for above on FRIDAY, 24th inst.. at noon. For Freight or Pa.-sai»u ai'plv to l T. MACK Y, Agent. REGULAR FOI.'TNIGHTLY C'OMMCNTCATION BETWEEN MANUKAU AND WEST COAST. rr-HR F'ii-t and Favourite S.S. 1 'JOHN PENN,' v.--11. C.UiFY, Commander, will leave Oncliuusra for WHANGANUI, NELSON, WESTPORT, OREVWOUTH, and (if practicable) UOKITIKA, on or about the 14th of ea<*h For Freight or Pa.-saj.--' • to J. -. JIACFARLANE, . Auckland, Sept-ember 9, ISG9. FOR COROMANDEL. r. nE Cutter - ' WANDEJIER' Will leave the Wharf at 10 „k Till-; DAY. J.M. NICCOL, Agent. Customhouse-street, September 22nd, ISGU. ~ FOR FIJI DIRECT. — HE Clipper Brigaiitiu; ' 'FLIRT,' 100 tons, will leave for the above about FnVay Best, the 2-lt 1 in taut. For Freight or Passage apply to Messrs. CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. September IG, ISO 9. FOR WAIKAIO. HE Schooner 211*15; "" 'FAIRY' "Will leave tlio Munukuu on or about TUESDAY next, 21bt instant. Freight GOs. per ton measurement to nil parts of ttia river. Apply to E. GIBBONS & CO., Onehunga.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1776, 22 September 1869, Page 1
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