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Water, at per 100 gallons. The water to be of the best description, and to be delivered at either of the Barracks, as directions may be given to the Contractor. Contract at Onehunga. Fresh Beef Mixed Vegetables to be delivered in such quantities, and at such times and places in Onehunga, or in the Manukau Harbour, as may be directed by the Naval Authorities. The Fresh Beef to be of the best quality, and to be subject to approval in the manner directed by the regulations for Her Majesty’s Navy. If any portion should l>e rejected after its delivery on board any of Her Majesty’s Ships, the Contractor will be required immediately to replace it, failing which, the power to purchase at his expense to rest with the Paymaster of the Ship. Payments will be made monthly, cither by the Paymaster of each ship, or, on the production of proper documents, by this Department. The Fresh Bread and Meat to be tendered for together, and delivered daily (if required) at the Block House. The Firewood may be landed above high-water mark on the beach, at the nearest point to the Block House. 1. All the Articles to be of the best marketable quality of their several kinds. 2. Each tender to be accompanied by a statement signed by two approved persons becoming Securities for the due preformance of the Contract, should the Tender be accepted. The penalty in each case will be the estimated amount of three months contract. 3. It shall be in the power of either party to limit the duration of the Contract by giving (in writing) a notice of three calendar months to the opposite party, and to end the Contract at the expiration of that period. Such notice to be given only on the first day of a month, and within the period for which the Contract is made or agreed to be made. 4. No transfer of a Contract will be permitted without the previous consent of the undersigned, or his successor in office. 5. In the event of a Contractor failing to have his supplies ready for inspection and issue at the time and place appointed, the Commissariat Officer on duty to have the power of immediately purchasing the articles required at his expense, and in the event of such failure occurring or any portion of his supplies being rejected three times during any one calendar month or twelve times during the continuance of the Contract, it shall be optional with the undersigned, or his successor in office, to end the Contract at once, and to enforce the penalty of the bond. 6. Each Contractor will be required to have a Store in Town, from which Officers and other individuals entitled to Rations, may draw their allowances, and where each article shall, if required, be open to the inspection of the Commissariat Officer the day previous to its issue. Bread Potatoes WHAU BLOCK HOUSE. Firewood, @ <jf*' 100 lbs. GENERAL CONDITIONS.
7. Contractors must be prepared to supply whatever may be demanded by the Commissariat, without reference to the service for which the supplies may be required. 8. The Contractor to prepare his own account, monthly, according to the prescribed form, and on producing the same, with the requisite vouchers, in a complete state at this Office, he will receive payment by means of a Bill upon the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury, at par, when the amount due exceeds £so—when under that amount, payment will be made in cash. 9. All carts employed by Contractors in delivering tegFflrallfif TWnf4:c - must pass Each Tender to be in Duplicate, scaled in one Envelope, and endorsed “ Tender for ,” as the case mav be. A Tender once sent in cannot be withdrawn or altered. Notice of the Acceptance of a Tender will be given as soon as practicable, and the Bond must then be completed without delay. Printed Forms of Tenders, and any further information that may be required, will be afforded on application at this Office. No Tender will be accepted unless upon the printed form. ALEXANDER CLERK, Deputy Assistant Commissaiy-Gcneral. Receiving Houses in Auckland. NOTICE. Post Office, Auckland, 18th February, 1861. The LETTER BOXES at Somerville’s Upper Queen-street, near Wakcfield-strcet, Chapman’s Lower Queen-street, near Shortland-strect, Philips’ comer of Shortland-strect and Lower Queen-street, will henceforth be cleared three times a day, (SUNDAYS excepted,) at 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m. W. CORBETT, Postmaster. Auckland Horticultural Society. THE AUTUMN EXHIBITION of Fruits, Plants, Flowers, Vegetables, Roots, Grain, Grass Seeds, Wines, Preserves, Poultry, and Manufactured Cabinet Work, will be held in the Large Marquee of the Society on THURSDAY, March 21st. Intending Exhibitors and others interested in promoting Horticultural pursuits are reminded that the Rulcs'of the Society, with schedule of articles for which com])ctitioii is invited, are now being printed, and can be obtained upon application to the Secretary or any ember of Committee. The Society now being unencumbered by debt, the receipts in future will be devoted towards awarding Prizes to successful exhibitors. EDW. KING, Hon. Sec. Auckland, Feb. 15th, 1861. To Builders and Contractors. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until WEDNESDAY, 27th inst., for the erection of a Gentleman’s residence in the Suburbs. Plans and Specifications can be seen at the office of RICHD. REALS, Practical Architect, Victoria-street. Not bound to accept the lowest tender. J. RUSSELL’S PRIVATE BOARD AND RESIDENCE, Shortland Street, Opposite side of “ Union” and “ Oriental” Banks, And Fronting Auckland Harbour. Private Parlours, Stabling, &c. For Sale, QQ BOXES CHAWCE’S BRITISH SHEET jLiO GLASS, 42 to 64 inch long, 16 &21 oz. 6 Boxes Chawcc’s Colored Sheet, Green, Ruby, & Blue 4 Boxes Chance’s Enamelled Sheet, with and without Border 72 Doz. Rosettes, sorted patterns. THOMSON KEITH & CO., Fort-street. Lochfine Red Herrings.
10 CASES RED HERRING, in 1 & 2 dozen tins. THOMSON KEITH & CO., Fort-street. For Sale. (Subject to the permission of the Authorities,) A FIRST-CLASS Double-barrel Belt or Holster PISTOL, with swivel ramrod and stops, bullet mould, nipple wrench, cleaning stick, &c., complete. f TV 1— ~~ • 1
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 1
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1,008Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 1
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