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MILITIA. FIRST OR AUCKLAND BATTALION. Extract from Battalion Orders, Feb. 2 Ist, 1861. —THE following Memorandum by Colonel Sir • James E. Alexander, Commanding the Garrison, is published for the information of the Battalion : “ In consequence of the tcmporaiy reduction of the “ Troops in Auckland, it is directed that the “ Militia and Volunteers be always on the “ alert and ready to turn out as soon as re* “ qnired at their respective alarm posts.” 2. There will be a General Parade, for all the Armed Men of the Battalion, at the Albert Barracks, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th March, at 6 o’clock, a.m. By order, F. E. CAMPBELL, Captain and Adjutant. A GREAT TREAT. JG. DENBY respectfully invites the attention of • the inhabitants of Auckland to a shipment, ex “ Zcalandia,” from London, of the finest KAISOW CONGOU TEA ever imported, and was considered the best brand in the London Market. A trial will show the genuineness of this advertisement. J. G. D. returns his sincere thanks to the generous public for the support they have so liberally bestowed on him since his commencement in business, and hopes, by prompt attention to their demands, to merit a continuance of their support. Observe the address ; 22, QUEEN-STREET, Directly opposite Wyndham-strcet. Three-bushel Corn Sacks. 10 On Sale by the Undersigned, BALES EXTRA STOUT CORN SACKS. SAMUEL BROWNING, Queen-street. For Sale’at the Stores of the Undersigned, 58 CASKS PRIME NEW ZEALAND PORK 6 Hhds. Red Clover Seed, superior sample. WM. HOBSON. Shortland-strcet, 22nd February, 1861. Timber. K BARTLEY wishes to inform the Trade and • others that his prices for Timber at the yard, are as follows : Scantling, 4x3, at 11 shillings ; and Boards at 12 shillings, per hundred feet. Cash purchasers of 600 feet and over, will have it delivered to any part of the city free of cost. Nelson-street (North), February 23rd, 1861.
Entrance to Yard, Nelson and Graham-streets. STORAGE for Light Goods at a small expense. Apply to J. ROUT, High-street. Wanted, MEN TO SPLIT PURIRI SLEEPERS fur the Waihoihoi Tramway. Apply to Mr. W. ROWE, at the Mines, or to C. ARTHUR, at the Office of the Waihoihoi Coal Company, “Limited,” Queen-street. ill To Let, » i. x . . r\ with garden afi8 1 W l lE:rcs of Land, in Kybcr Pass Road. HUGH REID, Accountant, House and Commission Agent. Feb. 22nd, 1861. To Let, TWO FURNISHED APPARTMENTS. For particulars apply to MRS. TATTERSALL, Eden Crescent, Official Bay. Feb. 22nd, 1861. £1 Reward. LOST ON TUESDAY LAST, between Ouehunga and the “ Captain Cook ” Hotel, A CLOTH COAT. Any one returning the same to this Office, will receive the above reward. Sales fcjj faction. Villa Residences in Hobson Park, Parnell. CONNELL & RIDINGS Will Lease by Auction, on FRIDAY, the Ist March, FOB A TERM OP 21 TEAES, FIFTY-ONE CHOICE BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, being subdivisions of that Splendid property in Parnell, known as HOBSON PARK. These Allotments are surrounded by the residences of Major Matson, F. D. Bell, Esq., and Charles Knight, Esq., by the New Church and grounds of St. Mary’s, and by the Government Domain. They have all been cultivated and are at present under grass. They are larger than the generality' of lots round Auckland, the size being 45 feet frontage by 150 feet in depth, allowing ample room for a large house and garden. They have the great advantage of access to the Government Domain, a new street having been laid out through the Park from the Epsom Road. The Auctioneers would respectfully request the inspection of these lots previous to the Sale, as there will not probably be another opportunity of obtaining such really beautiful allotments. Plans are ready and can be had on application. The Leases are to date from Ist April inst. The first half-year’s rent to be paid on the fall of the liammer.. NORTH AUCKLAND. CONNELL & RIDINGS Have been instructed by the Proprietor, Mr. P. Callan, to Sell by Auction, on SATURDAY, 2nd March — THE NORTH AUCKLAND HOTEL, at Stokes’ Point, together with 5 acres land adjoining. Also 22 Acres of Land at Stokes’ Point, the greater part fenced and cultivated. These valuable Properties are situated on that commanding promontory North of Auckland known as Stokes’ Point, the principal terminus of the Great North Road. For a Good Hotel there is a first-rate opening, as passengers to and from Auckland would be sure to go by this route in preference to the much longer one by the head of the Waitemata. For private residences the position is most eligible from its proximity to Auckland (to which place there is a regular ferry)—from its pure and healthy atmosphere, and from the advantage it offers of bathing, walking, and nshing. The North Auckland Hotel is a substantial bnck building, containing six rooms on the ground floor and five on the upper, one of them being a large Ball-room. A stable and outhouses, cowshed and stock-yard and a splendid well are within a convenient distance from the house. r The Ground surrounding the House is divided into a large Garden, well cultivated and stocked with Fruit Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers. A Pleasure Ground under grass surrounded with Trees and Shrubs, and a small Paddock—the whole containing nearly Fitb Acres fenced. Adjoining the above are acres which have been laid out as the Township of NORTH AUCKLAND, but which the Auctioneers are instructed to offer nr one lot, together with the Brick Yard and Pug Mill, conveniently situated on the Beach. The Auctioneers are at liberty to sell the above Properties by private contract up to the 23rd inst.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 1
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925Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1550, 23 February 1861, Page 1
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