Sbales b& Ruction. Carriage Varnishes, Ac. MR. S. JONES. Has received instructions to ttell at his Mart, THIS DAY, the 16th inst., at IT o'clock, CASE CARRIAGE VARNISHES, consisting of—--7 Gallons Best Wearing Body 4 " " Hard do. 10 " « Elastic Varnish 6 " " Black Japan .1 " " " ..";. Enamel 4 " " Japan Gold Size Powdered Pumice Coarse do. To Close a Consignment. 1 Ton Prime York Hams. MR. S. JONES Has ?ecer?ed instructions to sell at his Mart, THIS DAY, the 16th inst., TON VERY PRIME FORK HAMS, to close a . Consignment. CITY OF AUCKLAm" Eligible Building Sites in the West Ward. MR. S. JONES. Has received definite instructions to bring into the market, the residue of SECTIONS 48, 49, and 51, consisting of the choicest Allotments in that portion of the City—having large frontage to "Wellington, Collingwood, Anglesca, Hepburn, and Smith Streets, and to the Ponsonby and Franklin Roads. Date of Sale, and terms, will be given in a future advertisement, when the Plans, &c, of the Property will t>e ready. CITY OF AUCKLAND. Eligible Building Sites in the West Ward. MR. S. JONES Has received definite instructions to bring into the market the residue of SECTIONS 48, 49, and 51, .consiatfeg of the O choicest Allotments in that portion of the City—having large frontages to Wellington, Collingwood, Anglesca, Hepburn and Smith-streets, and to the Ponsonby and Franklin Roads. Date of Sale, and terms, will be given in a future advertisement, when the Plans, &c, of the Property will be ready. Preliminary Notice. MR. S. JONES Has received' instructions from Messrs. Owen and GEfAH'Aaf to dispose o£ THEIR Valuable Properties m Wellington, Beresford, and Hepburn-streets, early m March next. Full particulars, terms of sale, &c, will be given in a future advertisement. FREEMAN'S BAY. BAYFIELD ALLOTMENTS. MR. S. JONES
Will sell at his Mart, positively on TUESDAY, the 19th instant, at 12 o'clock, QQ VALUABLE BUILDING ALLOTMENTS i/O at Bayfield, Ponsonby Road. They command an extensive view of the Waitemata and the ranges, within 15 minntcs' walk of Queenstreet. Terms of sale : Oue third Cash, residue 6 and 12 months. Shingles, Shingles. MR. S. JONES Will seIIfTHIS DAY.'at his Mart, at 10 o'clock, ! Pl-i AAA MILL SPLIT SHINGLES. REMUERA. rpo BE LET or SOLD—A Villa Residence, with J_ fine views of the Harbour, containing Large Drawing Room, 'Dining Room, Bed Rooms, Kitchen and Stable, with front verandah, 30 feet long, by 6 feet broad, side Verandah, 36 feet long. Vegetable Garden, and 5 acres Grass Land, frontingthe Sea. Apply to MESSRS. CRAIG & SIBBIN, Auctioneers, Lower Queen-Street The New Zealand Almanac AND DIRECTORY FOR THE PROVINCES, FOR 1861, Pni c e 5 s., CONTAINING—NauticaI Matters; Eclipses; Tide \J Table for Auckland and the Principal Ports; Coasting Directory from the new Pilot; Farming and Gardening Manual; Waste Land Regulations for the Provinces; History of the Taranaki Rebellion; Directory for the Eight Provinces; Statistics for 1858-9; Map of New Zealand; Plan of Auckland; Views of Auckland and Taranaki, &c. ggT As no Agents are appointed, all orders will be forwarded free of postage by the Publisher, GEO. T. CHAPMAN, Bookseller, Stationer, and Lithographer, Auckland. Hundred of Onehunga.
LENDERS will be received by the Wardens for . the above Hundred on the 21st February, at 7 o'clock, p.m., at their office, Redan Hotel, from a competent person, to be Ranger. Information to be obtained from the Wardens. JAMES GALLAUGHER, ) WnwW HENRY LA VERY, J waraens. Redan Hotel, 13th February, 1861. ON SALE, EX "KATE," . COMPANY'S SUGARS, of Qualities L J Fine Gougou Teas in chests and halves Best Sydney Soap. JOHN ROBERTON. As Gardener. i SINGLE MAN is desirous of obtaining a Situa- . tion as above, —understands his business in all its branches, and willing to make himself generally useful. Address A.H., office of this paper. Superior Grass Seed. CRAIG~&~SIBBIN HAVE 100 BUSHELS of Superior GRASS SEED, grown on the Wairoa, for private sale. Samples can be seen at their Office. To Let, FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE, with 3 \ acres of Land in cultivation, \\ milqs ifrom town. H. REID, Accountant, House and Commissioij Agent.
Landing ex Zealandia." ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, ' BALES 3 BUSHEL BAGS, O CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. ' On Sale by the Undersigned, . ,IRST and SECOND quality Adelaide Flour, (best j Brands,) ex " Kate." 1 ~~ C. F. PARTINGTON. Victoria Flour Mills, Feb. 14tb, 1861.