Barrack Services. Commissariat, Auckland, 15th February, 1861. TENDERS in duplicate will be received at this office until noon of SATURDAY, the 23rd Inst., for the immediate supply of the undermentioned Articles, viz, ; 100 Bed Boards 200 Wooden Trestles for Do. A pattern may be seen and any further information obiaineft rtt the Royal Engineer Office, Albert ' , ALEXANDER CLERK, Deputy Asaistaw Commissary General. Masonic ffipjjg Ara, IZ^iB.lC,,, N EMERGENCY MEETING of this Lodge will L. be held in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hotel, on TUESDAY EVENING next, the 19th instant, at hall-past 7 o'clock. Bv order of the W. M., HENRY DE BURGH ADAMS, Acting Secretary. *6th February, 1861.
J. RtJSSELL'S StictfftiMb Stkeet, Opposite side of " Union" Jfaef " OrriENTAt/' Banks, And Fronting Auckland Harbour. Private Parlours, Stabling, &c. Notice. MPOUNDED in the Public Pound, Auckland, by Peter Parker Cor trespassing (on the premises of Mr. B. C. Hayles in Princes Street. 1 Bay Horse, star on forehead, no visible brand. If not claimed within 11 days from this date, application will be made to a Justice of the PeflJce, fof an order for the sale of the above mentioned Hoffie," C,W«e«bly to the provisions of the " ImpoundEDWD. LEARY, Poundkeeper. ing Ordinance, 1856." Auckland, Feb. 15th, 1861. For Sale, OO BOXES CHAWCE'S BRITISH SHEET GLASS, 42 to 64 inch long, 16 & 21 oz. 6 Boxes Chawcc's Colored Shect, r ,Grecn, Ruby, & Blue 4 Boxes Chance's Enamelled Sheet, with and without Border 72 Doz. Rosettes, sorted patterns. THOMSON KEITH & CO., Fort-street. Lochfine Red Herrings. 1 f\ CASES RED HERRING, in 1 & 2 dozen THOMSON KEITH & CO., Fort-street. OWEN & GRAHAM Have on Sale, Ex " Zealandia," 6 CASES DRAPERY 3 Bales 20 Barrels Saltpetre 300 Bags Salt, in 1 cwt. & 2 cwt. bags 50 Cases Gin 5 Hhds. Rum 20 Cases Thumb Blue 25 " Starch 10 " Mustard 12 Chests Tea 25 Half-chests do. 100 Boxes Candles.
For Sale at Drury, IHE LEASE'of 23 Acres of Land, having seven years to run, fenced and sub-divided into four Paddocks—three of which arc in grass, together with the Stock, consisting of—--6 Cows in Milk ;j Calves, 1 Bull 2 Draught Marcs 2 Fillies Cart, Plough, Harness Dairy Utensils and Sundries. Apply to ALFRED BUCKLAND, or MR. THOS. RUNCIMAN, Drury. Superior Rye Grass. 1 Cifl BAGS Warranted PERENNIAL RYE, 1 U'J saved in the Province, at Bs. per Bushel. Paccy's Imported Rye, at 10s. per Bushel Red Clover White Clover Timothy Grass Apply at the HAYMARKET. Mill and Baking Business for Sale. IHE undersigned is prepared to let, for a term of years, cither together or separately, the MILL and BAKERY now carried on by him in Lower-Quccn-strcct, Auckland. The Purchaser may take the Stock, &c, at a valuation. For particulars, apply to 11. COOLAHAN. Febrtiary 13th, 1861. To Millers. WANTED TO PURCHASE,
BUSHELS BRAN—CASH. Apply to Mr. G. W. OWEN, Hobson-street.
HOWICK, PAKURANG A. ALL persons arc required to abstain from cutting Ti-tree Stakes, Ti-scrub, or any kind of Bush or Timber, on allotments 250 and 252, as also on allotments 220, 221, 248, 249, 251, and 253. Persons offending after this notice will be prosecuted. WEBSTER, BROTHERS, LICENSED CUSTOMS, SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, TARANAKI, NEW ZEALAND. Wanted, A TINSMITH who thoroughly understands Shop work. Liberal wages will be given. Also, — A STOUT ACTIVE LAD, about l 5 years of age, as an apprentice-Apply tO AMupHERgoN> Shortland-strcct. For Sale, IIIREE Valuable Allotments in Ilardington-strcct, L adjoining Mr. Waytc, 30 fecit by 100 feet each. Terms:—One-third, Cash; the remainder of the purchase-money may remain for two years at easy interest.—Apply to CRAIG & SIBBIN, Auctioneers and Land Agents, Lower Queen-street. STRAYED from the Run at Remuera, a Strawberry Polled COW, branded A.M. on the shoulder and rump, and a horse shoe on the thigh. Any person driving the same to Mr. EADE'S, Rcuruera Road, will be rewafitel .