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Saws vg autfttn. Elegant Furniture and Household Fittings, AT AUCTION, AT THE RESIDENCE OF O. B. STRICKLAND, XMU SYJJONDB-STREET. SAMUEL COCHRANE, BROTHER & CO. Have been honoured with instructions from O. R.. Strickland, Esq., to sell by Auction, at bis residence, Symonds-street, on MOMDAY, 2Sth instant, , THE whole of his New and Elegant Furniture, Ac.* of which particulars will be given in future adver* tisement. The Furniture hag been selected with great care, and; is of the richest and most elegant description, The well-known taste and ample opportunities for choicepossessed by the proprietor, are sufficient guarantee of the excellence of the valuable Moveables and Fittings, now to be sold off. ■.*■<, 50 Cases Tobacco at Auction on Monday* 18th inst,, at 10 o'clock SAMUEL COCHRANE,'BROTHER & CO. Will sell by Auction, at the Stores of. Messrs. Hex--derson & McFablake, after the Sale of Teas, K A CASES TOBACCO, Ex * BREADALBANE," 01/ £lb Cakes. Furniture and Leather Grindery. POSITIVE SALE, TO CLOSE CONSIGNMENTS, On Wednesday next, 20th instant, AT I© O'CLOCK. SAMUEL COCHRANE. BROTHER & CO. Have been instructed by the Consignee to Sell, at their Stores, WITHOUT ANT RESERVE, »/\ CANE-SEATED CHAIRS, imitation roset»OU wood and maple, all set up and screwed together. Also 2 cases Assorted Leather and Grindery. Household Effects.
SAMUEL COCHRANE, BROTHER & CO. Will Sell at their Stores on WEDNESDAY next, . i 20th instant,
QUANTITY OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS . Handsome French Bedstead, Top, Curtains, &c., complete A Large American Stove, with fittings, &c. Cushioned Chairs &c, &c., &c. Forty-eight and a half Acres within four and a half miles of Otahuhu, Adjoining the Farm now occupied by Mr. Johk Wallace. SAMUEL COCHRANE, BROTHER, & CO. Have been instructed by Mr. John Reh>, tosellhy Public Auction, on a day hereafter to be named, A DESIRABLE and well situated portion of Land in the district of Otahuhu, and about A J miles distant from that village. It adjoins the property of one of our most enterprising and skilful agriculturists, to which there is an exccllent road. About one-half is open fern land, and the remainder good useful bush, nbje to afford a supply of fencing stuff and building timber, sufficient for the wants of the immediate neighbourhood. It is likewise well watered. One half of the purchase money may remain 01% the property at 10 per cent. For farther particulars apply at the office of the Auctioneers. Desirable Suburban Dairy Farm, AND DAIRY BUSINESS. SAMUEL COCHRANE, BROTHER, & CO. Have been instructed by Mr. George Easton to dispose of his property on Cabbage Tree Road, now occupied as a Dairy Farm, doing a fair business. "IHIS valuable little farm is within a mile of the City, being quite adjacent to the property and house of Mr. George McElwain. Twenty and a-half acres are the admitted contents, but the productive surface is very much greater. The soil is scoria and retentive though volcanic 11t is prolific «t feed throughout the year, owing to its The improvements, wtocn are considerable, have been all made of the most permanent description, and consist of— Good Five Roomed House Spacious Dairy : Large Cowshed Stone-built Stockyard Two Stall Stable Well cultivated and, productive Garden Liberal arrangements can be made, so that even a half of the purchase money may remain on the property at 10 per cent, per annum. p.S.—The Stock of Eight Milch Cows may be taken at a valuation, For further particulars, apply as above. Best Tamaki Potatoes. SAMUEL COCHRANE, BROTHER & CO. Have been instructed by the Producer to sell by auction, or otherwise arrange for the disposal of about UVO HUNDRED TONS FINEST POTATOES now ready for delivery, and part on hand, at their stores, Lower Queen-street. W. MARSDEN & CO. Will Sell by, at their Mart, at 11 o'clock, TONS PRIME HOBART TOWN POTATOES 2 casks Beef 2 „ Pork 30 Cheeses 10 cwt. prime Bacon 3 casks Butter 4 boxes Sydney Candles Drapery, Clothing Furniture, &c, &c.
Auckland Horticultural Society. HE AUTUMN EXHIBITION of Fruits, PUntf, _L Flowers, Vegetables, Roots, Grain, Grass Seed* Wines, Preserves, Poultry, and Manufactured Cabinet Work, will be held in the Large Marquee of the Society on THURSDAY, March 21st. Intending Exhibitors and others interested in promoting Horticultural pursuits are reminded that the Rules of the Society, with schedule of articles for which competition is invited, are now being printed, and can do obtained upon application to the Secretary or any Member of Committee. „.._, ... receipts in future will be devoted towards awarding Prizes to successful exhibitors. vrurn EDW. KINGr, Hon. Sec. Auckland, Feb. 15th, 1861. ' WANTED,— By a respectable young man, employment, can keep a garden in order, would make himself in other respects useful. The highest reference is at his disposal. „,,„«, Address by letter 324," New Zealander" office. f ANTED—A Married Couple, without incnm- , T brance, for tho Country: the man as Ploughman, the woman as Housekeeper. Apply at the Office of this paper. WANTED,— A House in the vicinity oij the Barracks. To contain Five Rooms ana Kitchen. _ Apply by Letter to N. J„ office oftbjs paper* A^vlo ~
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Bibliographic details
New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
Word Count
834Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.