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LODGE "WAITEMATA," 990, E.G. rpHE HEQULAII MONTHLY MEETING, of this I Lodge, will be held on MONDAY EVENING next, the 18th instant, at half-past »cven o'clock, in the Lodge Room, Masonic HotelVisiting Brethren arc invited. By order of the W. M. EDWARD HENItY BOWER, , ' ~ Secretary. Lodge Room, , , .. February 14th, 1861'. RAGLAN ELECTION. NOTICE. . I 'HE 801 l will be announced, and the Candidate X found to have the greatest number of votes will be dulv declared at the Hustings (Court-house. Onehunga), on WEDNESDAY next, 20th February, at noon. i JOHN JERMYN SYMONDS. Returning Officer. Onehnnga, 13th February, 1861. Presbyterian Church, Drury. ! Tim ANNUAL SO'ißEK.will behektin the above place on the Evening of THtJJtSDAcY next, the The proceeds will be , tippfieff to' the Local Building Fund. ;', .'; Tickets 2s. and 6d.j'gach y to he had of Messrs, W. Ra*tbay and'G/Tl Chapman, Auckland; Hall, Otahuhu ; Willis Pagakura ; & Miudlemas, Drury. Fcbruarv 14th, 1861.
£5 REWARD. ST. BARNABAS' SCHOOL, PARNELL rril-IE above Reward is offered to any person wlio X -will give such information us will lead to the conviction of the person or persons who entered the School Room of St. Barnabas', Parncll, between Friday evening and Monday morning last, and destroyed Books, and wantonly disfigured the Room. I.' "iSINGIIAM, } Churchwardens. Ten Shillings ReWard.OST, on Thursday afternoon, in Queen-street, a' / Sheepskin MEMOUAND UM BOOK, of no use to any one but the owner. Whoever will take it to the office of this paper and restore it, shall receive the above reward. Cheap Clocks, Ten Shillings each, ■ WARRANTED IN GOOD ORDER. riIHE largest Stock in Auckland, various shapes and JL prices, wholesale and retail. A few goon Watches, Gold Chains (Alberts and Guards), Gold Brooches, Lockets, Wedding Rings, and Keepers, Pencil Cases, Snaps, Hoops, and Ear Rings, Silver, Plated, and Gilt goods in variety. Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, and Musical Boxes, cleaned and repaired; with care and despatch at HICKS' Vulcan Lane, Queen-street, Auckland. KB.—Terms strictly Cash. N. S. T. M. Tea. Tea. Tea. ALPE AND HEMMrNGS, of Chapcl-strcet, beg to inform the public of Auckland and its vicinity that they have just received, ex Zealandia, a consignment of first class Black and Green Teas, and offer them at Colonial prices. A. and H. beg to state that the Teas are chosen from one of the greatest Commercial houses in London, and that the quality is of a very superior description, and beg to solicit the favour of a trial. Country orders will receive prompt and best attention. The greatest care will be taken to secure all packages from being damaged. A. and 11. beg to thank their friends and the public for their most liberal support since they commenced business, and hope by still maintaining the same principal of strict attention to merit further support. OBSKRVB THE ADDRESS.
AXPE AND HEMMINGS, Chapel-street, Auckland. (In si line with the Catholic Chapel, Wyhdham-strceti) CHEAP M! "KISII NATIONAL, McCulloch's, and otlicr School . Books. E. WAYTE'S, Qucen-streot. Sg§T A liberal allowance to Schools. For Sale, \f\ HHDS. MARXIAN'S No. .•} ALE )\j 100 cases Bass's Ale, Pyramid brand 50 cases Guincss's Stout 30 tons Common and Fine Salt Slates, Countesses
Roofing Felt February 1, 1861. O. R. STRICKLAND & CO., Quecn-strcet Wharf. TO BE SOLI) BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. REMUIRA. A LARGE AND newly-built Private Residence, well adapted for a private School or a large Family, consisting of nine rooms—on the ground floor, three good sitting rooms, Kitchen, Store room, and Pantry; on the upper floor three good rooms, one 23 x 17-6. There is also a good under-ground Cellar. Attached is a good Paddock and Garden, well supplied with Fruit Trees, imported direct from England; also, an unfailing well of water. This desirable residence is situate within 20 minutes' walk of Auckland. For further particulars, apply to Mr. R. W. Wyxn, Solicitor, Shortland-strect, Auckland. N.B.—A considerable portion of the purchase-money may remain on mortgage at 10 per cent, interest. EXCELLENT FARM ON THE WAIROA, 109 Acres, 2 Roods. SAMUEL COCHRANE, BROTHER, & CO. I AVE been instructed by Mr. Coutts, to dispose of his Valuable and much improved FARM, No. 26, Parish of Wairoa, containing 109 Acres, 2 Roods. This Property is admirably situated within a Mile of the Wairoa River and Wharf, the Road to which crosses the Eastern comer of the Farm, It is surrounded by the Properties of Messrs. Bacon, Cochrane, and Thorpe, and a Government Reserve intervening between it and the Properties of Messrs. Lawrence, Lord, and Blackwell. About a third of the location is cleared, a large portion fenced, and a considerable space completely stumped, together with a large Garden and Homestead. A comfortable Adobe Cottage has been erected, together with Out-houses, Stockyard, &c. A running Stream intersects the Western Division of this Property, and contributes to the many advantages of the favoured spot. For further information, &c, apply at the Office of the advertisers.
arc invited for the purchase of the Hull X of the Brig " EMMA," as she now lies on Onchungu Beach, —cither with or without the anchor and chain. Tenders to bo forwarded to the undersigned on or before TUESDAY, March sth, 1861. JOHN F. POWELL, Onehunoa. Wanted, IIFTY TONS of Sound full-grown POTATOES. Apply to WILLIAM MACKY, Baird's Wharf, Utahuliu.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
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868Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.