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Onehunga WfiarfSuperintendent's Office, Auckland, 12th Feb., ISGI. LENDERS will be received at this Office until iioon X,.ofSATUEI>AY, the 23rd instant, for the perforjilaiLce bt the .unafcfnteiitibned works; viz : 1. Cutting, Forming, anci jtibdrf froifi Princes-street, Onehnnga,' to the Wharf at Glides' Point. ' ' ■• ,2. Repairs to the Stone and Wood Work of the Onehunga Wharf. Specifications may bo seen on application at this Office. Works Nos. 1 and 2 to be tendered for separately. Tenders to be endorsed "Tender for Works at Onehunga." J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. Tenders for Perry Service. Bupuiiiueiuionis Oiiiec, Auckland, 11th Feb., 186). fTIENDERS will be received at this Office until noon JL of the 23rd inst, for the performance of A Weekly Ferry Service between Onehunga and Awitu. Particular information may be obtained on application at this Office. Tenders to be endorsed " Tender for Onehunga and Awitu Ferry Service." J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. Tenders for Works on the Great South Road. Superintendent's Office, Auckland, Bth February, 1861. TENDERS will be received until noon of FRIDAY, the 22nd February instant, for work to be done on the Great South Road, as follows: Section 1. Repairs to Metal—Between junction with Epsom' Road and Scoria Causeway. Section 3, .Repairs to Metal—Between Ann's Bridge .and Otahuhu.Bridge. , Section 4. Repairs to Metal a;:d Bridgcst-pFrom Ota,huhu Bridge to the Corner of Mr. Macky's Farm, Section 5. Reforming and Metalling—Repairs to Metal and Bridges—From the Comer of Mr. Macky's Farm to Ligar's Bush. Section 6. Reforming and Metalling; Repairs to Metal and Bridges—From Ligar's Bush to Papakura Bridge. Section 7. Forming and Metalling ; Reforming and Metalling; Repairs to Metal and Bridges—From Papakura Bridge to Papakura Village. Section 8. Repairs to Bridges and Roads between Joslin's Farm and Mr. Austin's Farm. Specifications of the works to be done on the several Sections may be seen at this Office. Each Section to be tendered for separately. The contractors will be required to maintain the Sections contracted for in a thorough state of repair until the Ist day of October next. Tenders to be endorsed " Tender for Work on the Great South Road." J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. Tenders for Beacon. Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 7th February, 1861. riIENDERS will be received at this Office until noon X of the 24th instant for supplying and erecting an Iron Beacon on a llcci' off Brown's Island. Plan and Specification of the work may be seen at the Harbour Master's Office, Queen-street Wharf. Tenders to be endorsed " Tender lor Beacon." J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. Mangatawhiri, Great South Road.
Superintendent's Office, Auckland, January 25th, 1861. r IiENDERS will be received at this Office until noon 1 of THURSDAY, the 28th of February, for work to be done in opening the Great South Road from Mr. Selby's to the Mangatawhiri Creek, Waikato. Plan and Specification may be seen on application at the Roads' Office. Tenders to be endorsed " Tender for Work on Great South Road." J. WILLIAMSON, Superintendent. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Empoweiikd iiy Acts of Parliament. Capital subscribed, exceeding £1,880,000. Accumulated Funds and Capital paid up, exceeding £1,213,000, of which £200,000 are invested in the Colonies in Government and other securities. Reserve Surplus, £250,000, With unlimited Liability of the Shakeholdeks. LIFE DEPARTMENT. HIE PREMIUMS received in this Department in 1859, amounted to £127,415. Medical Referee for Auckland : T. M. PHILS ON, ESQ., M. D. Table of Rates for Fire and Life Assurance in all its branches, and cverv information can be obtained from JOHN BUCHANAN, Agent for the Province of Auckland. Canada Buildings, February 7th, 1861. To ARRIVE W SEVILLA AND ZEALANDIA, On Sale by the Undersigned. 20 qr.-casks Sherry 20 ditto Port 5 ditto Brandy 15 ditto Campbell on Wbiskcy 75 cases Price's Candles 10 " Cavendish Tobacco 2.3 coils Europe Rope :i bales Canvas 5 " Com Sacks fi " Blankets 1 superior four-wheeled Dogcart CRIUCKSHANK, SMART & CO.
On Sale by the Undersigned, MERICAN COOKING STOVES, all sizes To Aiuuvi; i'eu Zealandia, English Cooking Stoves. CKUICKSIIANK, SMART & CO. Partnership Notice. WE HAVE THIS DAY admitted Mr. GEORGE ROXBURGH as U PARTNER in our firm in Sydney, New South Wales, and in Ipswich, Queensland. The business will in future be conducted in Sydney, under the style of RAYMOND,ROXBURGH, & CO., and in Ipswich, under that ofRAYMOND, CAMERON, & CO. Sydney, Ist January, 1861. RAYMOND & CO. Ten Shillings Reward. STRAYED, from Mount Eden, on Saturday 9th, a dark red COW, with short horns, near calvicg, branded on left rump I D. Any one giving such information as will lead to her recovery, will receive the above reward. JOHN CALDICUTT, Mount Eden.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
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754Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
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