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ton SAN FRANOISCO, CALIFORNIA, for Passengers only. ffIHE Regular Trader I "CONSTANCE," k iOO tons, John Butt, Commander, Mving ,ffic>holc of her «&&* engaged; Will still ve port THIS DAY., ......„,,.■..■ ».,.., will please be on board, by 9 For parage only, apply to j - _ _ ~, i,... • HENDERSON & MACFARLANE. February 16th, 1861. FOE SYDNEYTHE CLIPPER BARQUE " KATE," * *" P. Jones, Commander, will sail for the ' above Fort with immediate despatch. For Freight or Passage, Apply to HENDERSON & MACFARLANE. February Htb, 1861. Tor Napier, HPHE Clipper Schooner 1 "DOLPHIN," will sail punctually on TUESDAY, the 19th February. She has good accommodation lor passengers. For freight and passage apply to * ° OWEN & GRAHAM, Queen-street Wharf. For Sale, -HIE Barque " MARION," with all her v 1 Apparel, Tackle, and Furniture, as she now lies at anchor. This fine vessel 1 might be fitted out for sea at a moderate expense. Apply to WILLIAM BRACEY, Solicitor, , . ~ , Shortland-strcct February 2,' iB6l. FOR LONDON. To sail about the 30th March, nPHE First Class Ship \ . • . 1. « CASTHJJAN." ...... i\2OOO tons burthen, G. H, Warrington, g£ Commander, is loading at Hokianga; a part rill be reserved for Freight to fill up here, for which earh application is necessary. This is a most favourable opportunity for passengers; spacious Cabin, Intermediate, and Steerage accommodation at low rates. Plans of Cabin on view. For Freight or Passage, apply to ° JOHN ROBERTON. Messrs. Willis, Gann, & Co's LINE OF PACKETS
LONDON AND NEW ZEALAND. HHHE following first-class Ships are intended to be continued as Regular Traders:— "Maori," "Cashmere," . "Cresswell,"... "^iaSYann,".... "Zealandia," Foster, 1200 Tons. •Egniont," Gibson, 1100 " "Caduceus," Cass, 1500 " "Clontarf," Allen, 1500 « "Maori," Petherbridge, ...1000 " "Cashmere," Pearson, 1000 " "Cresswell," Barnett 1000 " «4fa»yann," Ashby 1000 " VAarwood," Forsayth 1000 " The Undersigned, Agents for the above splendid line of Vessels, are authorised to make arrangements with settlers who may be desirous of bringing out their friends to this Colony. The Passage money can either be paid in advance, or satisfactory security will be taken for its payment upon the arrival of the vessel. BROWN & CAMPBELL TOR SALE.—The Colonial Steamer WILLIAM J THE FOURTH, of 120 tons measurement, and 40 horse-power. This vessel is well worth the attention of parties engaged in the coasting trade of this or of the neighbouring colonies, carrying a much larger cargo for her tonnage than any other steamer of more modem construction. She is in good order, and can be employed by any purchaser at once, and without any outlay. Her speed has been much increased, by the superior and powerful machinery which has been recently placed on board, by Messrs. NAPIER and CO. of this City, enabling her to maintain a rate ot 8 knots when fully loaded. Her running expenses, as regards
fuel and otherwise, are very small, while her character as a sea boat stands unrivalled. The only motive for disposing of eo useful a vessel is, that she is superseded in her trade by larger and more powerful steamers. For the Inter-Colonial trade of New Zealand, no other vessel could bo better adapted. She is fully found, and can be taken to sea at the shortest notice. For further particulars, any intending purchasers can apply to the Manager of the Illawarra Steam Navigation Company, Phcenix Wharf, Sydnev. ANNUAL CONTRACTS. Commissariat, Auckland, 30th January, 1861. ENDEES in duplicate will be received at this L Office, until noon of SATURDAY, the 23rd February next, from persons willing to contract for furnishing the undermentioned Supplies, Transport, &c, during the twelve calendar months commencing the Ist April next, viz.:— Provisions, Fuel and Light Forage for Horses Supplies for Ships of War, &<•., Hospital Supplies Land and Water Transport Water. The conditio of the several contracts arc advertised in the " Ncw-Zealandcr" newspaper of the 23rd inst. Any further information can be obtained at this office. ALEXANDER CLERK, Deputy Assistant Commissary General. Annual Contracts for Barrack Service. Commissariat, Auckland, 4th February, 1861. SPENDERS in Duplicate will be received till noon A of MONDAY, the 18th instant, from persons willing to contract for the performance of the undermentioned services for the twelve months commencing on the Ist April next, viz. ; Washing and repairing Barrack and Hospital Bedding Emptying Soil and Ash Pits Sweeping Chimnies b Supply of Whcatcn Straw for Bedding, at per 100 lbs. Forms of Tender, conditions, &c, may he obtained *t the Barrackmaster's Office, Britomart Barracks. No other form of Tender will be received. The above Contracts to terminate on the expiration of three, months notice given by cither party; such notice to be given only on the Ist of a month. ALEXANDER CLERK, Dcp.-Assistant Commissary General. TO ARRIVE f SEVILLA AND ZEALANDIA, On Sale by the Undersigned, I K nuns, dutch red clover seed lU 30 " « white ♦« « 18 " Cow Grass " " Italian and Perennial Rye Grass Scotch Ploughs and Harrows.
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New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
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793Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealander, Volume XVII, Issue 1548, 16 February 1861, Page 1
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.