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On Sale, at the Examiner Office, A FUNERAL SERMON, delivered at St. Mary's Church, New Plymouth, Taranaki," on the death of Hugh Coebtn Haebis. By the Reverend H. N. WOLLASTON. The proceeds of the Sale to be given to the sißters of the deceased. 5650 SADDLERY and HARNESS of every description, ox CONSTANTINE :— Peat's Saddles, complete, cash . . £7 10 Best second-class Saddles, complete, cash 6 6 Ditto ditto 5 5 Driving Whips, 7s. 6d.; Riding Whips, 7s. 6d.j Ladies' Whips, 6s. 6d. (Sir The Trade supplied with best English Leather and Saddlers' Ironmongery. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A liberal allowance made to dealers. Peat and Thoenton, Bridge-street. 5641 PAPER HANGINGS.— Just received, from Sydney and Melbourne, a large and CHOICE SELECTION of PAPER-HANGINGS, ranging from 9d. to Bs. per piece. This affords an excellent opportunity for purchasers, as the stock includes every kind of good, useful, and ornamental papers. T. B. Louisson, Bridge-street. 5581 JAMES LUCAS, Military Tailor and Outjittee, Bridge-street, Nelson. J. L. having been for thirteen years Master Tailor to the 6th Dragoon Guards, is prepared to give estimates and contract for Volunteer Uniforms, &c. 6091 MATS. MATS. MATS.— Every description of Mats made, from 2s. each, by Petee Patching, Shipwrights' Arms. Orders punctually attended to. 5622 TUST RECEIVED, a fresh and large supCl ply — Lea and Perrin's tasteless Seidlitz, Quinine, and other Tooth Powders, Keating's Insect Powder, Lozenges, &c. ; Rowland's Oil, Odonto, and Kalydor ; Hair Brushes for Infants, &c, &c. Peichaed, Chemist, Trafalgar-street. 4439 BOOKS ! BOOKS ! !— NEW CATALOGUE, NOW READY, 168 pages. Price, Is. 6d., or sent by post on receipt of 2s. 6d. Geoboe Robebtson. 5598 383, George-street, Sydney. rpo arrive per CONSTANTINE— 5 Quarter-casks U.V. Company's Brandy 45 Cases (1 dozen each) Port Wine 50 Cases „ Pale Sherry 9 Cases „ Pale Sherry 15 Cases „ Manzanilla Sherry 20 Cases „ Claret 1 Caße Ladies' Mantles, &o. 1 Parcel Music 2 Howard's Improved Horse Rakes, with steel teeth 2 „ Horse Hoes, with twowheels, harrows, and grubbers 1 Howard's Improved 7-Coulter Scarifier 1 „ 9-Coulter Scarifier 6 „ patent P Ploughs 4 „ patent PP Ploughs 2 „ patent PPP Ploughs 3 Ransome's Y.F.L. Ploughs 3 Ransome's Y.F.S. Ploughs 1 Case assorted Twines 1 Case Fancy Tobacco Pipes 2 Casks Burnett's Vinegar 1 Cask Brushware 2 Cases Brußhware 4 Bales Coal Sacks 6 Cases Score's Washing Crystal. 5324 Cuetis BBOTHEBS. TAMES LEECH, Wheelwbight, Bridge£l street (opposite Weight's Royal Hotel), returns his thanks to his numerous supporters since his commencement in business, and trusts, by moderate charges and despatch in the execution of hi 3 orders, to merit a continuance of the same. Spring Carts and Drays made to order. 5536 BENTLEY'S celebrated LIQUEURS, CORDIALS, and AERATED WATERS. Agent for Wairau— J. M. Hutchison. 4002 rpO ARRIVE per WILLIAM ALFRED, JL from Sydney, now daily expected, and for SALE at the Stores of the undersigned : — 10 tons Company's Pieces, No. 2. 3 „ Mauritius Crystals 2 „ Manilla Sugar 1 „ Snowdrop 1 „ finest Plantation Coffee 5 chests ~\ 30 half-chests [ finest Gongou Teas 50 boxes ) 70 boxes Sperm Candles 10 „ Mould ditto 2 tons best N.S.W Soap 3 quarter-casks Martell'a Brandy 2 „ superior Sherry 3 „ „ Port 1 case Havannah Manilla Cigars 1 „ Hunter's Axes 1 „ Shingling Hammers 2 trunks Men's Bluchers 1 trunk Women's Cloth Boots 1 „ Children's ditto 1 case Mustard, in tins 10 casks Cabin Biscuit 3 cases Confectionery 1 bale three- bushel Bags 2 bales Tea and Sugar Paper, &c., &o. 20 packages seasonable Goods, consisting of Men's Moleskin, Colonial Tweed, and Bedford Cord Trousers, Reefing Jackets, Scotch Twill Shirts, Crimean Shirts, Men's, Women's, and Children's Hose, Brown Holland, Grey Calico, Blue Blankets, Table Cloths, Huckaback, &c., &0., &c. D. Mooee. Trafalgar-street, 20th July, 1860. 5435 ART STALLION for SALE — G O L I A H, a compact, powerful Horse; bred in the colony; beautiful temper ; staunch in harness ; has been worked this season in plough and harrows ; perfectly sound, and a fine walker. H. AUGABDE, 5328 Quail Valley, Wairaea-south. CAUTION. T ETCHFORD'S WAX VESTAS. The Proprietors guarantee their Matches will light in any Climate, even tb dipped in water. Customers, therefore, when ordering Wax Matches, should be particular in requesting "Letohfobd's Make," as others are often substituted. OLD MONTAGUE-STREET, WHITECHAPEL, 6486 LONDON.
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Bibliographic details
Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIX, Issue 73, 8 September 1860, Page 1
Word Count
698Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIX, Issue 73, 8 September 1860, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIX, Issue 73, 8 September 1860, Page 1
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