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Mttf%mtoist. T>UD DINGS AT HALF-PRICE!!! The valuable and economical properties of HARPER TWELVETREES' BAKING and PASTRY POWDER exceed all belief! The great saving of flour astonishes all who have used it ! ! and the size of the Puddings will be increased NEARLY ONEHALF ! J Try a single Packet, and be convinced. PURE, WHOLESOME, AND DIGESTIBLE BREAD may also be made WITHOUT YEAST ; and Cakes, Bung, and Plum Puddings without Eggs or Butter ! ! A Penny Packet is equal to nine eggs ! ! Don't be put off with inferior imitations. Patentee— HAßPEß TWELVETREES. " The Works," Bromley London. Sold by Mr. Peichaed, Nelson, and all Grocers and Druggists. Wholesale Agent for Australia, Edwaed Whitby, 25, Flindera'-lane East, Melbourne. 4963 LEA AND PERRINS' celebrated WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, pronounced byi connoisseurs to be the only good sauce, and applicable to every variety of dish. Extract of a letter from a medical gentleman at Madras, to his brother at Worcester, May, 1851. "Tell Lea and Pebeins that their sauce is highly esteemed in India, and is, in my opinion, the most palatable as well as the most wholesome sauce that is made." EXTENSIVE FRAUDS. Lea and Pebbins having discovered that several of the foreign markets have been supplied with spurious imitations of their "Worcestershire Sauce," the labels of which closely resemble those of the genuine sauce, and in one or more instances with the names of L. & P. forged, they have deemed it their duty to caution the public, and request purchasers to see that the names of Lea and Pebbins are upon the wrapper, label, stopper, and bottle. L. & P. further give notice, that they will proceed against any one\who may infringe upon their right, either by manufacturing or vending such imitations, and have instructed their correspondents in the various parts of the world to advise them of Buch infringements. Wholesale and for exportation by the proprietors, Lea and Pebbins, Worcester, England ; Cbosse & BlackwelLj and other oilmen and merchants, London. Wholesale Agent for Nelson, Mr. Pbichabd. 4146 ELEY»S AMMUNITION Compriges every description of Sporting and Military Ammunition. DOUBLE WATERPROOF CENTRAL FIRE PERCUSSION CAPS, as originall3 invented by them, are particularly adapted for use in India, where the caps are often allowed to remain a long tune on the nipples of rifles and fowling-pieces, the ignition being at all times safe and certain, whilst in humid weather the discharge is as instantaneous as with ordinary caps on the driest day. For testimonials as to their value for shooting in India, see Col. Jacob 1 * work on " Bifles and Projectiles." PATENT WIRE CARTRIDGES For killing game at long distances ; also, the GREEN CARTRIDGE, made with the largest drop shot and mould shot, will be found very effective at large game where the sportsman has not a rifle in tHe field. Also, chemically prepared Cloth and Felt GunWaddings, to prevent the leading of guns. Cartridge Cases for breech-loading shot guns, and Ball Cartridges for Prince's and other breech-loading Rifles, Muskets, Pistols, &c. ELEY BROTHERS, Sole Contbactobs to the Wab Depabtment for Waterproof Military Caps, Cartridges and Caps for Colt's, Adams', and other Revolvers, Jacob's Rifle Shell Tubes, &c. Gbax's Inn-boad, London (wholesale only). 5105 KEATING'S PERSIAN INSECT POWDER, Unrivalled in exterminating Mosquitoes, Fleas.Bugs, Flies, Beetles, Cockroaches, and every description of Insect infesting Animals and Poultry, protects Clothes, &c., from Moths. Only injitbioits to insect life. See that the name of Thomas Keating-, 79, St. Paul's Churchyard, is on every Packet. Sold by all Agents for Keating's Cough Lozenges. 5363 On Sale, at the Examiner Office, BIBLES, PRAYERS, and CHURCH SERVICES, BIBLES, with Scotch Psalms TESTAMENTS, with Scotch Psalms, in large • type. In great variety of size and style of binding. 3962 C. and J. Elliott. CURE FOR "BAD TEMPERS." HARPER TWELVETREES' SOAP POWDER is the Cheapest, Easiest, and most Efficacious Washing Preparation ever invented. A penny packet is equal to ten pennyworth of soap, and a Week's wash may be done in a few hours ! ! ! It saves at least fifty per cent, in its use, besides all the wear and tear from the usual method of handrubbing and brushing ; and is less injurious to the fabric than the best soap. You may use it for washing Anything and Everything. Sold by Mr. Pbichabd, Nelson, and by most Grocers and Druggists. Wholesale Agent for Australia, Edw. Whitby, 25, Flinders-lane East, Melbourne ; Patentee, HARPER TWELVETREES, Bromley-by-Bow, London. 4964 TO MERCHANTS AND SHIPPERS. MOREWOOD AND CO., late Morewood and Rogers, beg to give notice that they manufacture and supply direct from their own Works, at greatly reduced prices, the GALVANIZED TINNED IRON, so well known as "Mobewood and Ro&ebs' Galvanized Tinned Ibon." All sheets of Mobewood and Co.'s manufacture continue to be marked with the name as hitherto. Dowgate Dock, Upper Thames Street, London, and Baskerville Works, Birmingham. 5437 ~I7"EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Judged by the immense demand, this Univebsal Remedy now stands the first in public favour and confidence ; this result has been acquired by the test of fifty years' experience. These Lozenges may be found on sale in every British Colony, and throughout India and China. They have been highly esteemed wherever introduced. For Coughs, Asthma, and all affections of the Throat and Chest, they are the most agreeable and efficacious remedy. Prepared and sold in Boxes and Tins of various sizes by THOMAS KEATING, Chemist, &c., 79, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Sold Retail by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Vendors in the World. N.B. — To prevent spurious imitations, please to bserve that the words "KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES" are engraven on the Government Stamp of each Box, without which none are genuine. l£^° Agent for Nelson—Mr. Pbiohabd. 5361 POSTAGE STAMPS are now on SALE at tua Esomrm Office. 8665
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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIX, Issue 73, 8 September 1860, Page 1
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946Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIX, Issue 73, 8 September 1860, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIX, Issue 73, 8 September 1860, Page 1
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