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fflmfartoiiz. DRAINING PlPES.— Persons requiring DRAINING PIPES are requested to apply to CtißTis Brothebs, Nelson, as the yard is closed ] for the season. | 5649 T. Blackbtjebow. | JUST ARRIVED, at CANTON HOUSE, ex Lord Ashley, the following well assorted and FIRST CLASS GOODS, personally purchased by Mr. Langfobd :—: — 10 chests finest new season's Tea 10 half-chests „ „ 2 chests fine Twankay 4 boxes scented orange Pekoe 10 boxes sperm Candles 3 crates Earthenware, containing Ewers, and Basins, Cups and Saucers, Chamber Services, Dishes, &c., &c. ■"1 cask Tumblers, of various descriptions 7 cases Chairs, wood, cane-seated, and arm 1 case Currants 6 boxes very superior Raisins 100 drums Sultanas, very superior 1 case French Confectionery, in lib. boxes 1 case Wax Vestas, in tin boxes of 250, 500, and 1,000 in the box 1 cask Nuts 1 cask Glassware 1 case Sundries 86 bars Iron, 14 bundles ditto 7 cases Ironmongery 9 caks Sundries, 2 cases ditto 40 bundles Shovels Together with sundry cases containing — Skein Cord and Laid Twine of various sizes Patent Cork Screws, Snuffers, Brass Taps Brushes, Stove Scrubbers, &c. Chamois Leather, Combs, Soup Ladles Hair and Nail Brushes, Tea Bells Door Mats, Frying Pans, Hammers Iron Weights, Metal Dinner Plates, Hinges Table Spoons, Steelyards, Weighing Machines Dog Chains, Glue Pots, Saucepans Fishing Lines, Fire Shovels, Teapots Candlesticks, Mop Heads Oval and other Trays Arrowroot Windsor, Pic-nio, Cracknels, Victorian, and Edinburgh Biscuits, and Various other articles. Notce. — Consumers and storekeepers may rely upon a first-class article. Purchasers for cash would do well to call, as the articles will be sold at prices hitherto unknown in Nelson, B§T Note the address— Corner of Bridge and Tra-falgar-streets. 3617 WEAPONS FOR SELF DEFENCE. O.UNS, RIFLES, REVOLVING RIFLES, VX and PISTOLS on sale at JOHN SYMONS AND CO.'S STORES, Bridge-street, Nelson. 5640 TO CONNOISSEURS IN TEA. JUST received, per ANNE LONGTON— 6 chests of the finest Souchong 15 half-chests ditto ditto. On sale at the Stores of JOHN SYMONS AND CO. 5345 QO CASES of FURNITURE, now landing, £>A ex ANNE LONGTON, consisting of the best; and most useful assortment ever imported. Mahogany and Walnut Chairs, cane seated and spring stuffed Mahogany and Walnut Music Stools and Whatnots Mahogany and Walnut Dining, Loo, Card, and Fancy Tables Mahogany Cheffioniers, Sideboards, and Wardrobes Mahogany Sofas and Couches, Washstands and Commodes Mahogany and painted Chests of Drawers Easy Chairs in great variety Looking-glasses, a large assortment Iron Bedsteads of every description Kidderminster and Brussels Hassocks and Footstools &c,, &c., &c. Observe—At the Fuenitube Stobb of JOHN SYMONS AND CO., 6333 Bridge-street. SALT, SALT, SALT. NOW LANDING, ex ANNE LONGTON, 25 tons FINE and COARSE SALT. On sale at the Stores of John Symons and Co. 5332 BASSINETTS, and CLOTHES BASKETS Market and Paper Baskets Fancy Baskets, and Table Mats, in great variety. On sale at the Stores of John Simons and Co. 5331 OUTFITTING STORE. BRIDGE-STREET, NELSON. MEN'S and V O U T H S' Ready-made CLOTHING of the Best Quality of Material and Workmanship, and at the LOWEST PRICES. J. Ltjcas begs to call the attention of purchasers of Clothing to his STOCK, which he is SELLING CHEAPER than any OFFERED ELSEWHERE of the same quality ; and being a tailor, purchasers may rely on the fit of every article sold by him. Panama Hats, Caps, Shirts, Blankets, &c. Nelson Tweed made to order Sao Coats, 425. Vest and Trowsers, 38s. ffS" Observe, J. LUCAS, OUTFITTER, Bbidge-bteeet, Nelson. Next door to Symons's old Store. 3701 WINDSOE BEEWERT.— The undersigned having COMPLETED his BREWERY, will be thankful to the trade and private families for their support. As he intends to make a good article from the best Malt and Hops, he trusts to receive a share of the public patronage. Thanking his numerous friends and supporters for past favours during the long period he has carried on the Malting Business in Nelson, he is still prepared to Malt, and to supply them with that article Wnolesale and Retail, at the market prices. Fine Windsor Ale, £5 per Hogshead. „ „ „ 2s. 3d. per Gallon. Mabk Blythe, Bridge-street, near the Eel-Pond. P.S. — Highest Prices given for prime samples of Malting Barley. 5518 PAPERHANGINGS! PAPERHANGINGS!! PAPERHANGINGS!!! THE Undersigned have just received upwards of 2,000 pieces of PAPERHANGINGS, which, for quality, variety, and cheapness, cannot be equalled in the province. Prices — From 7d. per piece, and upwards. Observe the address — STALLARD AND MILLS, Plumbers, Painters, and Ornamental Paperhangers, Bridge-street, Nelson. N.B.— Sashes primed and Glazed at Bd. per foot. QUi AND COLOUR SHOP. 663S
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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIX, Issue 73, 8 September 1860, Page 1
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753Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIX, Issue 73, 8 September 1860, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XIX, Issue 73, 8 September 1860, Page 1
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