CHURCH SERVICES. QT. PAUL’S METHODIST CHURCH. (Broad Street). REV M. A. RUGBY PRATT. 11 a.m.—■“ The Challenge of To-day”: 7 p.m.; “Is the Church Making Good?” Communion after Service. Ashhurst. —11 a.m.: Mr T. Bal; 7 p.m.: Mr R. Maunder. Pohahgina.—ll a.m.; Mr Maunder; 7 p.m.: Mr Bai. Hiwinui. —2.30 p.m.: Mr Maunder. Aokautorc.—2 p.m.; Rev. Rugby Pratt. QT ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN ° CHURCH. (Next Opera House). 11 a.m.—Rev. R. Inglis, M.A. 7 p.m.—Rev. R. Inglis, M.A. Tiakitahuna. —7.30 p.m.: Mr Allan. Kairanga.—7.3o p.m.: Rev. W. Ritchie PUBA ST. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. Harold T. Peat). Cuba Street. —11 a.m.: Mr J. T. Burrell; 7 p.m.: Rev. Harold T. Peat Bunnvthorpe.—ll a.m.: Rev. Harold T. Peat (H.C.) 7.15 p.m.: Mr W. S. Taylor. Longburn.—ll a.m.; Rev. Harold T. Peat; 7.15 p.m.: Mr I. K. Richard. T”l L SAIN T S’' CHURCH . Palmerston North. 7 and 8 p.m.: Holy Communion. 11 a.m. —Morning Prayer and Sermon 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Linton, Longburn, Newbury, 7.30 p.m. p MACKENZIE, M. 1., MUCH., B. CONSULTING ENGINEER AND SCHOOL OP ENGINEERING. 109 CUBA STREET. Go Througli 1925 Willi Better Sight. and our skilled service will help you. Why not have your eyes scientifically tested? We manufacture all our own lenses. J. R. Wood, Lid., MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN, CHEMIST, WALDEGKAYB’S buildings. The Square. konTORK What Kind of Glasses Do Yon Use? A simple pair of magnifying lenses will improve anyone’s sight— BUT THE EYES NEED BETTER CARE. Ready-made Clothes do not harm. READY-MADE GLASSES DO. Cheap Boots simply wear out. CHEAP GLASSES WEAR ONE’S , EYES OUT. BARRY & FREEMAN, LTD. Experts in Eyework, Testing the Sight and maknlg Glasses, guarantee absolute satisfaction with their Kontorlk and Kryptok Lenses. FOR SAFE AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE CONSULT. BARRY AND FREEMAN, OPTICAL SPECIALISTS, 2 Doors from Bank of N.Z. BROADWAY, PALMERSTON NORTH. ’Phones 6044, Box 58. KEEP MEAT FRESH! FISH, FRUIT AND DAINTIES, TOO, WITH PURE ICE. lyi ANUPACTURED from artesian water and supplied by Cool Stores Princess Street. MANAWATU MEAT AND COLD STORAGE GO. LTD., GIFFORD MOORE, ONGLEY AND TREMAINE. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. TyrONEY to Lend on approved securites at current rates. P. H. Harper] [J. L. C. Merton, LL.B. HARPER AND MERTON, (Successors to J. Bruce Beale). BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. Tl/TONEY to Lend on approved securities at current rates. 15 Rangitlkel Street, Palmerston N. Oxford Street, Levin. Tels: 5962 Palmerston. 150 Levin. JACOBS AND GRANT, BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS National Bank Buildings (upstairs) ■jWTONEY to Lend in sums to suit bor■LVi. -. o^rer p Lowest current rates. Telephone 5580. ■JLIRS McGarvey, A.P.T., Phrenolox'-*- gist. Formerly demonstrator Fowler’s Institute, Experienced practical advice from heads, hands, photos, fees 5/-. Writing at personal interviews only. Appointments daily. Opposite Devine’s Hotel, Main Street.
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Manawatu Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 2590, 24 January 1925, Page 6
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