NOTWITHSTANDING. fpHE recent heavy advances In Tea Prices, we are still able to supply our Famous Blends at the old rates. 2/-, 2/4, 2/8, 3/- per lb. 2/-, 2/4, 2/8, 3/- per lb. ADVICE:— Supply your requirements now. Our next purchase means an advance. J. L HARWOOD AND CO., [|A Card]. H. R. AKQiUHAR LICENSED SURVEYOR AND CIVIL ENGINEER. Phones; Office 5325, Private 5171. P.O. Box 298. Bank of New Zealand Building's, Palmerston North, ALL FOOT TROUBLES. Arnold ff. Undo, D.SC., M.A., D.C., M.1.E.E., P.8.1.M.5,, London (Honours Exams and Gold Medalist) QUALIFIED Chromologlst, Electrician, Chiropractor, Dlctition, Nerve Specialist and SURGEON CHIROPODIST Is successfully treating abscesses, abnormal flesh growths, bursitis, > unions, cold feet, chilblains, call', •-(ties, club-nails, diseased nails, dislocated joints, displaced toes, eczema, enlarged joints, flat feet, gangrene, gout, hard corns, hammer toes, ingrowing toe-nails, inflammation, Morton’s toe, proud flesh, rheumatics, soft corns, sprains, ulcers, ulcerated vascular growths, ulcerated corns, ulcerated bunions, verruca, weak-ankles, etc., etc., CONSULTATIONS? FREE. MODERATE CHARGES Consulting Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays 9 to noon. Other times by arrangement. 8. 9. 10 Waldegrave’s Buildings, The Square .... Palmerston North. '' .' r mzs:: lIS' fssie a o*^ m r HERE’S A BARGAIN EVENT FOR MOTHERS OF BOYS. 15 PER CENT. OFF ALL BOYS’ WEAR. f Boys’ Suits, Shorts, Underwear, Hose, Ties, Caps, Braces, Belts, Overcoats, Jerseys, Panama Hats, Boots etc. Our regular stocks and ouh usual low prices at 3/- In the £ off. FIT OUT THE YOUNG CHAPS NOW . . .WHILE PRICES ARE DOWN.. . . Boys’ Fuglette Canoe, Shirts; usual prices 6/G on size 0 to 11/6 on size 10. Special Cash Prices 5/0 on size 0 to 10/- In size 10. Boys’ Fugi Silk Tennis and Canoe Shirts: usual prices 12/6 on size 0, to 17/- on size 9 Special Cash Prices 11/- on size 0 to 14/0 on size 9. Boys’ Fox’s Navy Serge Shorts; usual prices 6/3 on size 1 to 15/9 on size 19. Special Cash Prices 5/3 on size 1 to 13/9 on size 19. Boys’ Petone Tweeds, Worsteds and Sergo Sports Suits, Tweed Overcoats and Wool Gaberdine Raincoats, Less 3/- In the £. Boys’ Panamaa Hats; usual price 10/9. Special Cash Price 6/9. Bays’ Chrome Derby School Boots, heel and toe plates. Sizes 7 to 9, 13/-; 10 to 13, 14/-; 1 and 2, 15/-; 3 to 5, 10/0; 0 and 7, 16/9. Boys’ Washing Helmets; usual price 3/11. Special Cash Price 3/0. Small Boys’ Washing Hats, white silk; usually 8/9, Special 3/3; fugi silk, usual 4/3, Special 3/9; white Pique and poplin, 2/6, 3/-, Special 2/3, 3/0. SPECIAL PRICES FOR CASH ONLY FROM JAN. 24th to FEB. 4th. Wednesday Half Holiday—Late Night Saturday. Outfitters MAIN STREET AND SQUARE. W. H .RICHARDSON, PRACTICAL MOTOR AND COACH TRIMMER. LTOODS re-covered, Loose Covers "■ made. Upholstery, etc.; new Celluloids to curtains. 101-103 Cuba Street. PALMERSTON NORTH.
Page 6 Advertisements Column 3
Manawatu Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 2590, 24 January 1925, Page 6
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