OPENING announcement T HAVE pleasure In Intimating to the general public and particularly the motoring world, that I have resumed business as a Motor Mechanic and General Engineer, in premises situated at rear of new A.M.P. Buildings. Broadway. All Classes of motor and engineering work will be undertaken, and with many years’ experience, backed up by expert workmanship. Reasonable charges and strict attention to business, I hope to merit a fair share of your patronage. T H J)AVrDSON, CERTIFICATED ENGINEER. Private 'Phone 6013. FEILDING A. AND P. SHOW RAM fair TTALUABLE CASH PRIZES AND • V numerous trophies are OFFERED FOR AEL SECTIONS OF STOCK iAND HOME INDUSTRIES. -Prize Lists for the Show and Hairy Fprms and Conditions of Ram Fair will be forwarded on application to the Secretary. E. H. FISHER. Box 98, Feilding. THOS. GRIGGS AND SON, UNDERTAKERS, 803 MAIN STREET, near Post Office Telephone 8552. Between. 6 p.m. and 9 a.m, ring 5911 (private number).* Private Residence: 15 Queen Street. DIAL 5253. —FOR TOUR—DYEING AND CLEANING. TTTE call and deliver Inside the Bor- ' ough, KEHjSEN'S DYEING & CLEANING WORKS. 297 MAIN STREET. Opp. Public Trust. DON’T BLAME THE JUICE ALWAYS. "DENZINE won’t do the work alone. -*-* The mechanical construction of your car must be right each unit must work in harmony.. Its my job to put your car on the high road to perfect running. CARL NEILSEN, ELECTRICAL AND MOTOR ENGINEER, George Street (next Soldiers’ Club). J. A. HOFMANN AND SON, UNDERTAKERS, Phone 108, FOXTON. ARTIFICIAL WREATHS, ETC., SUPPLIED. All funerals attended with motor hearse. f 0. J. GILL AND SON, SCALE SPECIALISTS, LOCKSMITHS AND GENERAL REPAIRERS. J AWN Mowers and Saws Sharpened and Repaired. K ■ HOPWOPD’S BUILDINGS, 'Phones: Workshop 6438. Private 6361. 1925 NOW SART YOUR ACCOUNTANCY STUDIES AT ONCE. Procrastination is the enemy of progress. The sooner you start preparing for the accountancy Examinations the greater will be your chance of success. Give yourself time to go through the Course thoroughly and without undue haste and place yourself under the tutelage of the foremost accountancy specialists in Australasia. HEMINGWAY’S CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS were the pioneers of Correspondence Tuition for the Accountancy .examinations. Over 27 years specialised experience backs up their Accountancy Course. Our free book. “Accountancy/ - is cram full of invaluable information to the Accountancy student. Get it today! HEMINGWAY’S CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS P.O. Box 516, AUCKLAND Pukemiro Collieries, Lid. SOLE PRODUCERS. PUKE COAL /“OBTAINABLE from all Merchants or from our own depot. 445 MAIN STREET (’Phone 5248). A. BLOOMFIELD, Depot Manager.
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Manawatu Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 2590, 24 January 1925, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1
Manawatu Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 2590, 24 January 1925, Page 6
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