Drapery, etc- f NEW DEPARTURE j ,. L , A*P ■---. \ Beattis's 'Warehouse! ■ | HAVING watched the course ©f j events closely for the last few ; | years, I have come to the conclusion that Gore now eagerly awaits the : adoption of the CASH SYSTEM .',-.: As the speediest means of alleviating the depression caused by low prices for produce. I have therefore determined to ! adopt the CASH SYSTEM from ! date of this announcement. This is no sudden reßolve, but ! maturely considered, and after ; numerous consultations with some i of my most esteemed customers, who all seem to consider the CASH TRADE the correct thing — that is, coupled with all goods reiuced to CASH PRICES, which I will do ; ! and I hope to make this self evident, fo that each parcel that goes out under the new auspices will be my best and; MOST REPRODUCTIVE ' Advertisement. And, in conclusion, ' sion, I shall strenuously endeavor j to merit success by buying goods ! suitable to my customers at the j lowest Cash Pbices and selling ! them at the Lowest Possible Profit. BEATTIE. i Something after the following will be about the scale of my reductions :— i Grey Calicoes, formerly selling at 4d— 2id White Calicees, 32 inch, „ 3d — 2d White Calicoes, 36 inch, „ 4£d— 3£d Flannels, formerly Is 3(i, for lid Siletdas, formerly sd, now 3fd And all other lines on a like scale of reductions, at BEATTIE'S WAHEHOUSE P.S. — Until all my large and varied stock is re-marked approximating discounts will be allowed. BEATTIE. CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY. J LIMITED. | THE COMPANY Have much pleasure in drawing the'attehtion of SHAREHOLDERS and the public generally to their large and varied stock of NEW WINTER,' GO(|B.S ? , Comprising Millinery, Mantles, Travelling Ulsters, Waterproof Cloaks, Seal Jackets, FurlinedCloaks, ; Fancy Dress Goods and Ooatume Tweeds, Wool Gk»ods, Fur Boas, Winter Gloves ' and' Hosiery, Fur Trimmings and Muffs, Blankets and Flannels, Cotton and Linen Q oods, Carpets, Household Furnishings Bedsteads and fie.lding of every description. men's Youth's and Boy's Clothing, HATS AND MERCERY, Etc J Also, an Extensive stock o£ Crockery, China arid Glassware, Kitchen Utensils, Brushware, Cutlery of every description,etc, etc. All Goods at actually Wholesale Warehouse Prices. TEKMS — PROM PI- NET CASH. INSPECTION INVITED D.T. C. High aud Rattbay streets. DUNEDIN. P. LAING, Manager. B. HALLENSTEIN, Chairman of Directors. TAILORING. GIVE YOUB ORDERS FOR TAILORING TO TURNER AND GOLBRAN, Who are making up all oraers at REDUCED PRICES. nn HEY have had largo experience in _|_ Cutting, and in making up in a durable, cheap, and tradesmanlike manner, Garments for all classes, in Scotland, Cumberland, Westmoreland, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire and the Colonies. They cut by a scientific method of measure- j ment that has never appeared in print, and | which enables them to produce a properly shaped Garment for all sizes and builds of men, youths, boys, and ladies — a long-felt ; want in evf ry town. A LARGSi AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS To Select fbom Always in Stock, Suitable for every style of garment bought in the best market hy Mr D. Turner, who has had twenty years' experience in buying goodc<, to give satisfaction to the wearer, aud imported direct : j NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS. ' "Work will be held over in order to execute mourning ©rders for funerals. ""Remnants cleared out regardless of cost. Tweeds, 3s, 3s 6d, 3s 9d, 4s 6d, 5s 6d, 6s, and 7s. Coatings, Fancy Jacket and Ulster Oloths, and all Trimmings sold at Lowest Prices, Five Per cent, for Oash. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. Instructions for Self-measurement and Patterns forwarded per post. Call aud see our Price-list, and Goods marked in plf>in figures to correspond, TURNER & COLBRAN, TAILORS, (Sloaa's Buildings, Dee St.), }*\hKCAV.GILh,
Page 6 Advertisements Column 3
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 6
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