Post Card Proof. Salisbuby, Term., April. 4, 1883. Gents :— I. . was afflicted with serious Kidney and Urinary trouble for twelve years. After trying all the doctors and patent medicines I coulld hear of, I used two bottles of Hop Bitters and am perfectly chred. B. F. BOOTH. Washington, D.0., April 3, 1883. tlie Hop Bitters Co. : Sirs : — I write this as a token of the great Appreciation 1 have for your Bitters. I was .'.iflicted with Inflammatory Eheumatism seven years, and no medicine seemed to do me any good until 1 tried three bottles of your iiop Bitters, ,a.nd to .my surprise I am as well today as ever I was. I hepe you may have great success in this great and valuable medicine. Anyone wishing to know more about my cure, can learn by addressing me. E. M. WILLIAMS, 1103 16th St. Prosecute the Swindlers. If -when you call for American Hop Bitters (see green twig of Hops on the white label and DrSoule'snaine blown in the bottle), tie' .vendor; iiarids out anything but American Hop Bitters, refuse it and shun that vendor as you would a viper ; aud if he has taken your money ior anything else indict him for the fraud and sue him for damages for the swindle, and we will pay you iberally for the conviction. Just received — A large stock of most use ful goods direct from London'ex. ' Buccleuch Calicoes, shirts aud shirting, Dress buttons and new dress stuffs. Cardigan jackets gloves, mittens, velveteens, Trillings,! &c Also, a lot of jßoslyn and jKaiapoi flannels and blankets— quality guaranteed. gome and see our fish tank ; also onr splendid atof k of glassware. — Mac Gibbon, & SONS. Gordon, Gore, and Mataura. 1 ttOUGM Otf HATS.' * Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flics, ants, bed- bug beetles, insects, skunks, jack rabbits, sparrows, gophers At chemists and- druggists.
Drapery Warehouses- v ? IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. JHE CHEAP DRAPERY CLOTHING AND BOOT STORE Opposite Bank of New Zealand, Main Street, New and Choice Ctoods, Cheaper than Ever! Notably — Dress material in all the new shades and cloths. Ladies short and long jackets in stockingette and Ottoman's- Bemaricably cheap to suit the timeß. A.LSO I.AMIES' AND CHJJ^DRLEN'S Ulsters, Holwaiis, &c, At about one half usual Pr.ce. BLA.NKETS, SHEETING, SHIRTING, &o First-Class Dressmaking On (he premises, having succeeded in securing a ■"persuii of superior attainments to take charge of this Department. I r ALSO,— 31 P. OALDBB i
Page 6 Advertisements Column 2
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 6
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