.;. Ironworkers,, LARGELY AT WOP.X .IS. . . . NEW 'ZEALAND, NEW SOUTH WALES AM QUEENSLAND. TH^sMff'SEJisWiLL Do| All that Double Baggers will do, '. asd are, MUCH LESS COMPLICATED. REID & GRAY'S PATENT QIUFFCUTTERS & . BAGGERS \ Single or Double. TESTIMONIAL. " Mosgiel, 16th December, 1886. The Chaffcutter "(Reid & Gray's) that you turned into a Bagger for me is workiDg splendidly, and I am highly satisfied with it It is a great improvement over the common chaffcutter— the sieving and riddling makes* a grand sample. . It is only a matter of time when nothing else will take the market. (Signed) Samukl McTaggabt." CHAFFCUTTERS (hand and horse-power), all sizes .. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Hoise-Powers at reduced prices— over 1000 made DOUBLE AND TREBLE PLOUGHS Light, Medium, and Heavy (NEARLY 8000 MADE.) Zig-Zag Harrows, in Steel. or best Iron. The best general purpose Harrow in the market Grain Drills for all kinds of seeds — Invaluable Disc Harrows (greatly improved for tha season) Disc Harrows mounted as Grain Seedsowers make an efficient and easily managed Sower , Broadcast Force Feed Sowers. Universally admitted to be perfect (Send for Testimonials). . Winnowing 1 Machines. No. 1 Boyal Farm Mill, 24in. wide, £7 OaOd carriage paid No. 2 Koyal Farm Mill, 30in wide, £8 10s Od carriage paid Cambridge Rollers — all sizes, Tripod Harrowß,lron Bark Swingletrees, Chain Harrows, Corn Bruisers, Farm Drays, Fencing Wire ; Fencing Standards, Acme and Excelsior Strainers, Walker's Patent Strainers,, 6d each. Carriage paid to any Station on main line between Christchurch and Invercargill and freight to any main port in terms as stated in Catalogue. Agents for Claytou & Skuttle-wortli's ; Portable Engines and Tnrftshers. , : . . THE GOBE COACH & CARRIAGE FACTORY AND GENEBAL SHOEING FOBGE, : IKWELL STEEET, Near the Club Hotel. SAMUEL COLLETT ... Proprietor. T^GINEERING in all its branches and ifV Gp-neral Smith, Work executed with promptness. Guns, Sewing Machines, Locks and Keys made and repaired upon the shortest notice, . Tip Drays, Farmers' Drays, Spring Carts' Double and Single Buggies made* to ordei on the Premises. Chaeges Strictly Modebate, WALtLEH & McEWAW, ENGINEEES. MILLWBIGHTS, : WHEELWRIGHTS, SHOEING & IGENEBAL SMITHS, Obdsal street, Gobe, SPBING CAKTS, Drays, improved Winnower with bagger attached, and Boilers made to order on the shortest notice at reasonable rates. Agents for Stott's double furrow stump tnd Stone-jump Plough, also Cossens and aud Black's Horse Power, which have j proved themselves to be tbe cheapest and j most durable in the market. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1 Dealers in Rabbit SkinsRABBIT SKINS I RABBITSKINS ! THE Undersigned are CASH PURCHASEBS of Rabbit Skins in any quantity. CARS WELL, -WHITE & CO., k136 Invercargill. HabbitSliins! Kabbit Skins ! XT^E are CASH PURCHASERS of » ' Rabbit Skius in large aid small quantities. Highest market prices given, and prompt returns. WILSON, TATNB & CO., k1 26 Auctioneers, Invercargill iuportaivt! ' gABB iT SKINS. ROBERT OLELAND and CO., j. Bond and Ceawpoed Streets, Dunedin Give HIGHEST CASH PRICE for all kinds of RABBITSKINS, SHEEPSKINS, HORSEHAIR, &c. We want Two Millions of Rabbitskins this season, and must get them. £, €. TOXHILLJ CASH Purchaser of GRAIN, GRASS SEEDS, RABBIT SKINS, HIDES, &c. Indents and Shipping Effected. Fowl Feed on Sale. Agent for P. and D. Duncan's Implements „ „ Ryal Bush Bacon Factory „ „ South British Insurance Co, OFFICES— Esk street, Invercargill. kll
Page 6 Advertisements Column 4
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 6
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